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Kevin Rudd

Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

thats hilarious!!!!!!!!
- maybe he should collect his ear wax and sell little pots of it on ebay for 50 bucks each, when he becomes PM. Could be a nice little earner.!!!!!!!
Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

So is this a wax smearing campain by the Liberals or did somebody in the public just happen to record this years ago...
Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

So is this a wax smearing campain by the Liberals or did somebody in the public just happen to record this years ago...

Would it make it less disgusting???
Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

Maybe he's not a Reptilian like Howard but a Catilian...

Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

Mint Man.

Are you a spam bot?

Are you actually a member of a political party?
Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

I wonder if it will really have any consequences on the election.
I doubt it.... After all thats what us Aussie blokes do, isnt it? Definitly some sort of weired fetish going on here.....can just see Rudd in the strip club now, saying 'pick my ear and feed it to me':eek3:
And knowing full well that the cameras are rolling.....Dough head!
I know.... can't even try to make an excuse for that.
Mint man, you don't work in Tony Abbot's office do you.
Even more scary is the color of Julia Gillard's hair!
I agree that the hair is scary... but scarier than Rudds actions, I think not. haha.
So is this a wax smearing campain by the Liberals or did somebody in the public just happen to record this years ago...
You can watch question time when its on a 2pm, its well and truly in the public. There are tons of this type of political stuff on youtube, not like this though. I doubt the Liberals did it.
Are you actually a member of a political party?
Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

Well here is the spin machine has been working overtime. Here is speach from Kevin on the ear wax eating

Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

He seemed to quite enjoy the taste, too
Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

I know he actually has a good ol' chew!!

Can you please answer my question about being a member of a political party.

I think this nonsense has gone far enough. There aren't individual threads for each of Howard's slip ups.
Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

Can you please answer my question about being a member of a political party.

I think this nonsense has gone far enough. There aren't individual threads for each of Howard's slip ups.
Firstly, Answered your question already.
Slip up? well I think your idea of a slip up is very different to most peoples. I think your on your own here.... I dont think this is a slip up, a slip up is when you cant name one tax bracket or an interest rate (make you happy?).

He picked his ear and ate it! thats sick and strangely funny at the same time, it deserves its own thread. I tell you what, you find something as funny/embarrassing as that about howard and I'll post it myself. Ill even take the piss if it makes you happy?
Truth be told, I heared about this on a radio station.

Grow up!
Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

Can you please answer my question about being a member of a political party.

I think this nonsense has gone far enough. There aren't individual threads for each of Howard's slip ups.
Agree, the occasional satirical dig or passing reference to a faux pas is par for the course, funny even, but taking it too far becomes childish IMO.
Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

What a rediculous waste of forum space!

Mint Man, you have either WAY too much time on your hands OR you are just pushing your own political barrow here.

There must be another forum where useless rubbish like this belongs.If there isn't..why don't you start one? That will occupy your sense of the trivial and give you space to vent your political agenda.

Chers Ya'll
Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

I hardly think it is a waste of time nor space. If you feel so strongly that it is a waste, why did you bother to read all the way down and why did you bother to post a reply? It's humour. It would be funny if it was Howard, Bush, Rudd, the Pope, any person in the spotlight.

Rudd picked his ear and ate the wax. It's gross. If you do something gross, and someone points it out, well that's too bad. Don't do gross things and then you won't be ridiculed for doing gross things.
Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

OK, I've gathered myself now... fuewww.
I think the question should be.

'Is the minister concerned that Kevin Rudd picks his ears and eats the wax'


Good on ya Mint Man. Does Kevvie eat worms as well ???

Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

What is with all the angst? It is in general chat, the heading describes the content exactly, and heck, there have been plenty of 'bushisms' on this forum! And no-one has stopped anyone doing a Howard thread.

I can only surmise that Rudd is a no-go zone then?
Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

i think its more of the fact mint man started the thread..
he has started more anti labor threads than anyone else on these boards

he must really love the liberals...
Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

i think its more of the fact mint man started the thread..
he has started more anti labor threads than anyone else on these boards...

Goes to show how many straight political posts I read then, doesn't it!:
Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

here here.
Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

Sure it's something he wished he didn't do on camera.
Bit like the rugby players who get an itchy crotch just as the camera swings to them.
Or the cricketers poor bugas lol - invariably picking their nose on TV.

btw - If it IS wax - it's something he finds in the periphery of his earlobe (see the way his finger hooks it out of that peripheral bit of his "shell-like"). I don't think he went into his ear for instance.

what a shame Johnny H didn't stay on the periphery of Iraq

btw also - even if it were earwax - I could forgive it.
But going into Iraq I find pretty unforgiveable.


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