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Kevin Rudd

Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Good pick up Julia - Why doesn't the media run with this , are they so clueless that they just haven't picked it up ?

Why would he paint himself into a corner. Rudd is very very far from the first politician or PM that wanders around answering a question, so the asnwer is not rammed down his throat a few weeks later when something happens to make his previous statement/position false or untenable.

Why would Rudd make a guarantee that would by nature be very dependent on how any bank failure occurred. If it was clear that only one bank was going to die due to bad lending/investing practices I very much doubt the gov't would intervene - however if the malaise was more widespread I very much expect the gov't would intervene to ensure the operation of our economy and financial system. The expectation to give a simple answer to what is a very complex problem (not conveyed at all in the question) is a little silly imo.

Also, if he says they would step-in, than people would jump down his throat for saying our banks are safe - to say he wouldn't intervene in a major failure would be idiotic...
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Julia, I never thought I would say this, but on Mr Swan's comment I would give him an A. Turnbull and Bishop both C and as for our Kev, another fail ( for not answering the question).
I completely agree, Calliope. Sorry if I didn't make that clear in my earlier post. And Mr Rudd repeated the point, I think today or maybe it was in the 7.30 Report interview last night. Labor are absolutely right on this and Turnbull/Bishop have reduced their credibility considerably by trying for a cheap populist point.

Nashez: I wasn't necessarily suggesting the government should guarantee bank deposits (though it would be nice). Rather that Mr Rudd allowed himself to be painted into a corner by the rather clever Ms Moore.

Score on this issue: Labor 10, Libs zero.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Why would Rudd make a guarantee that would by nature be very dependent on how any bank failure occurred.

No one asked him the guarantee anything just to state the situation as it now stands, guarantee or no guarantee and he couldn't answer.
This issue is important to millions of Australians so avoiding the question just loses him even more respect ........and votes.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Satisfied the majority of the people in the country who wanted it to happen and voted him in expecting him to.

Nashezz - if that is why people voted in Rudd, then we as a country are in deep doggie doo doo. Can we all really be that shallow???

Rudd has done very little other than populist clap trap. He is still playing the PR game thinking he is running a public service department. Nothing significant has happened regarding the large issues he campaigned on - look at the poor attempt to rollback work choices and union issues that are brewing. He is still playing a blame game and I don't think the public is anywhere near as happy now as they thought they were going to be.

He is very lucky (for now) to have Gillard as the deputy, she seems to be the man in the partnership!!
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Well there is no doubt some of you (easily seen in this thread) think he has done nothing but populist claptrap, although the polls seem to suggest that most are still happy enough with him, as fickle as they are.

I would say that it isn't shallow to vote someone in based on policy and commitments, which I would say Rudd was voted in on. So far he has kept his commitments/promises to a large degree (we'll ignore computers in schools for the moment) and I think that this is just expected, and rightly so, from the public - to turn around and call it grandstanding/populist crap/nothing useful down the track makes no sense to me. He said he would do it on his election platform - we voted him in - he did it....

As far as policy/legislation, or what some of you see as the only worthwhile part - I think it is way too early to be crying 'he does nothing'. To my mind he has started committees because he is looking at the best way to develop legislation by getting a number of people to work on it, and formulate what should be than, well thought out policy that takes into account the complex repercussions.

He has only been in ten months, I think he has plenty of time to do 'something'. I also believe, whatever the outcome, that policy constructed thoughtfully has to be better than policy whipped up on an ideal overnight.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

I don't think politicans have much sway on the economy. I think most of them are completely out of touch and out of depth with it including Rudd.

I did not like Howard for Workchoices, GST, and a number of other things. In fact I would of been happier if Howard did nothing. Maybe then I would of voted him in.

Wow now that I have a leader that does nothing I'm extremely happy. No one really wants change; they just want to go on with their lives. I'm no exception. The less a politican screws up my life the better as they really don't know how to make it better most of the time (I'm a young male, bascially a non-important voter in the grand scheme of things compared to single mothers, businesses, the aging population, home occupiers with their negative gearing - any change theoritically looking at the majority of people voting should be to my detriment).
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

no im not I have never been happier after years and years of deliberate lies from the previous pm (remember children overboard ) it is refreshing to have honesty it is unlikely to last of course, they all compromiuse in the end . Turnbull is already compromised because of his merchant banker background a profession that is being likened by people losing their houses to a used car salesman and they are not to well thought of. So we have to sit and wait for the next opposition leader as the libs leadership will inevitablty go through what seems to be the lot of all oppositions in Australia of playing pass the poisoned parcel
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

(remember children overboard )

Yes I remember the Libs attempts to keep Australia safe from queue jumpers from who knows where coming here to do who knows what. While Labor latte' sucking sycophants were welcoming them into their homes, good thing that didn't get out or Australia would be swimming in Al Queda.

I also remember Bob Hawke
no child will be living in poverty

What a weak and worthless tosser, no Hawke will be living in poverty that's for sure, amazing how he is a multi millionaire on a PM's salary.

Now Labor will oversee the destruction of the Australian economy and leave the mess for the Libs to fix AS USUAL.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

I'm happy with the way Rudd is perf.... Sorry wrong thread.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

I'm happy with the way Rudd is perf.... Sorry wrong thread.

Yes... the originator and contributors to that thread should be taken away and boiled in oil .........while we can still afford it.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

I could crush him like an ant. But it would be too easy. No, revenge is a dish best served cold. I'll bide my time until ... Oh, what the hell. I'll just crush him like an ant.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Even though turnbull does constantly display a front of complete arrogance, if I had the chance to vote him into power I would do it in a heart beat. Rudd may be clever but with the recent economic turmoil happening in the world I just don't trust Labour to look after us all.

Hell, turnbull even offered to help Rud sort it out! Mean while Rud, with his brilliant agenda to stop climate change, is jet setting around the world with an entire entourage.... isn't that a bit contradictory? He wants to stop climate change, but thinks it's fine to fly his luxury jet, burning thousands of gallons of fuel to go have "chats" about what to do?

I work in the IT industry, the answer (as SUN has already found, recently saving +30% in travel costs) is tele/video conference!!!

It's time to stop the blame game Mr Rud, get your head out your a$$ and try help our country to grow and prosper into what we deserve to be.

If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

t.. o.. m have you forgotten that malcolm is a merchant banker and they got us into this mess..Just as well his obvious desperate move to get some publicity was turned down or we would go down the tubes with the usa. With the offer rejected he can concentrate on rearrainging the deck chairs on the titanic that is the lib party he could get some lessons on this from that other political titanic the nsw labour party
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Ho hum Burns. While you sucked up the RW rhetoric about asylum seekers the fact is most of them were found to be legitimate refugees - ie running away from a place because they feared for their lives - and we were obligated to take them as we are signatories to the International Agreement about them. All the other nonsense like 'illegal immigrants', 'queue jumpers' and the like was just to keep the scared little people like yourself scared and thankful that Lord Howard was doing something.

If you are completely ignorant of the way the economy works, don't comment on it. Interest rates rose entirely under a Liberal gov't, and it is high interest rates that, excluding the financial sector issues atm, would have the greatest effect on retarding growth in Australia. You cannot say that it is a global effect as many other countries had low interest rates (such as the US), nor can you blame the past gov't because the Liberal party were in for 12 years. Now, the Labour gov't has an economy that was hampered by Liberal gov't policy in it's last term or two and by a global problem in the finance sector. Now if the economy is in ruins in 3 years when it is election time again, no doubt you will just blame Labour, but can you tell me which policy of theirs caused it?

LOL - good post pacestick. Forest for trees.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

the fact is most of them were found to be legitimate refugees - ie running away from a place because they feared for their lives

Oh Nashezz you are an unpleasant Labor suckup aren't you.

Most of them were running away out of fear so therefore only a few of them were potential terrorists, oh ..... thats ok so how do you tell one from the other, Thats right leave that to someone else to work out Nashezz while you and others like you do nothing, just find the fault and no solution.

Interest rates moved up to reasonable levels after a prolonged period of being very low. If people cant handle higher interest rates they shouldn't have borrowed the money in the first place, where in the mortgage does it say the rate shall remain fixed for the life of the loan ?

I don't believe the rate rises effected business to any great degree they are used to fluctuating interest rates like the 18% under Keating for instance.

And yes the economy will go down the tubes and Labor who are as impotent as the people who support them wont be able to cope. At least we'll have a PM who speaks Chinese that'll be handy when they take over.

And of course we've got Wayne Swan to lead us through the greatest economic challenge for 100 years and the Libs will have to pick up his mess.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?


We go to war with a country/ countries because their leadership is so despotic, making it intolerable for their citizens to live there, and in the process of making war, make it harder for said people to live in said country.

Yet we reject those whose side we are on? Is that the conclusion?

The logic is absolutely astounding.

I hate those bloody jewish terrorists as well! Go back to Germany and Eastern Europe where you belong!
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Some quotes from asio web site. It appears the Libs were looking in the wrong place

2006-07, ASIO completed 53 387 visa security assessments and issued adverse assessments in relation to seven individuals seeking entry to Australia. This advice was based on rigorous assessments of the potential threat to Australia's security of allowing these individuals entry. Asio home page

Faheem Khalid Lodhi - a highly educated professional who was well established in the community - was convicted in June 2006 for planning a terrorist attack on Australian soil.
Lodhi's plans to attack the electricity supply system may have been directed at causing damage to property but would probably also have resulted in the death or injury of innocent civilians.
And, as noted by Justice Wheatley, such attacks would 'instil terror into members of the public so that they could never again feel free from the threat
director general asio speech
Terroists do not arrive in leaky boats which have a chance of sinking or being detected they arrive at international airports with the best false identities money can buy
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

In the interests of a healthy debate could we do research and not rely on the standard vague lib statements such as a reasonable interest rate what is a reasonable interest rate to me as a mortgage holder its as low as possible to my father as an interest rate reciever retiree its as high as possible
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

.......only a few of them were potential terrorists,.......

I don't believe the rate rises effected business to any great degree they are used to fluctuating interest rates like the 18% under Keating for instance.

Terrorists do not arrive in leaky boats which have a chance of sinking or being detected they arrive at international airports with the best false identities money can buy

You are a nong Burns. Read pacesticks quote about terrorists - you will have to accept that you were completely duped by some of the more zealous members of RW journalism. Oh well, plenty of time for you to learn I guess.

You are the first economist I have ever heard state that higher interest rates do not impinge on both business and consumer growth and investment. Funny.
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