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Kevin Rudd

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?


For all those that saying Rudd cost ya money on stocks because of the "supertax" please consult some charts (world indexes/currencysetc) and consult world media reports around that time of initial rundown.

You will see rudds supertax didnt come into play until later on in the rundown .....but hey never let the truth get in the way of a good whinge.

I have said this previously elswhere but i dare say it wont mean much to you this time either
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

After re-consulting the charts, I would offer you Eastern Star Gas, ESG, but I cant be bothered posting the details, as the evidence is so overwhelming, and this isnt the right thread.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

After re-consulting the charts, I would offer you Eastern Star Gas, ESG, but I cant be bothered posting the details, as the evidence is so overwhelming, and this isnt the right thread.

I looked at ESG and its high was ALSO in mid april and fell from there
WAY before any rudd supertax news .

The first trading day after the news leak thing was the 3/5/10 and overall not much movement down on that actual day

The highs were in mid april tho, i thought i would repeat that.

not to worry .
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Oh god, I hope we don't go through all this again. It is, however, pretty likely if the Greens achieve the balance of power in the Senate. Rudd will give them what they want on an ETS or carbon tax in order to get their backing for some of his other crap.
The return of Turnbull to the Libs will do them no favours in this regard either.

I can just see it unfolding: Labor win the election, with a reduced majority, the Greens getting balance of power in the Senate. The Libs toss Tony Abbott out in anger, and elect Turnbull, as there is simply no one else even remotely capable. Turnbull revives his support for an ETS, and bingo, off we go with this in addition to the mining tax and all the other Rudd inspired legislation.

I can only hope for climate change to actually become a fact, so that New Zealand will get warm enough for me to return to live there.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I can only hope for climate change to actually become a fact, so that New Zealand will get warm enough for me to return to live there.

That's a great line Julia!!
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

AAAAAAAaaaahhhh YES the market was on the backslide globally. BUT but but but ....... How much was the correction if it had NOT been for the RSPT and Kruddys unfortunate timing on this policy? (for Australias point of view) Like you I also have posted that it would be better to do NOTHING in certain circumstances then run the red flag up the pole...............?? *whinge*
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

He appeared a bit "tetchy" in Parliament today.

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Yes he does inspire confidence if you like doing backflips on policy/decision/actions all the time.

Wonder how he would go in private industry. I personally would invest everything and then leverage up everything I had to invest in a company run by Backflip KRUDD. It would be a sure thing, surely!

It is that silver hair that get me going.

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

It is that silver hair that get me going.

I think you're supposed to describe it as blonde, satanoperca. If the Dear Leader thinks he's perceived to have silver hair, we will probably see some artificial help applied to the Prime Ministerial locks soon.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

It is, however, pretty likely if the Greens achieve the balance of power in the Senate. Rudd will give them what they want on an ETS or carbon tax in order to get their backing for some of his other crap.

Yes and as same sex marriage is a plank in the Green's platform, it will not only be legalized, it will probably become compulsory.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I think it took a while to digest how the proposal may impact on individual companies.

On the 2nd trading day it went from over 90c to mid 70s,

In my portfolio, those mining stocks that were offshore held steadier than Oz revenue-based, we will just have to agree to disagree on the degree of impact.

I am not saying it was the only thing or even the biggest thing trend wise, but I personally am in the camp that reckons the rspt has had an adverse impact on percieved future prospects of certain projects.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Yes and as same sex marriage is a plank in the Green's platform, it will not only be legalized, it will probably become compulsory.

Oh dear. I'm booking in for a colostomy bag and butt closure surgery now.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Herr Rudd was on the Today show this morning and did indeed seem "tetchy" when Mel asked him a question about does he feel "responsible" for the backlash from the mining companies in regards to the RSPT. Completely avoided the question and blamed the mining companies for misinformation and how they are not paying enough tax for the "working families" and "afterall they are mining minerals that belong to ALL Australians" .... repeated this line 3 times in the one interview. Mel asked the question again. Through clenched teeth the response was "working families" blah blah blah ...... zzzzzzzzz
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

This part just S*#ts me to tears, Rudd in delibrate attempt to get his working families to side with him by telling them its there minerals he wants people to feel anger at mining companies, no mention that mining companys would pay some type of lease to state governments for the rights to mine or the number of jobs it creates and flow on effects.
Some time ago when all this wreckless Krudd spending began I knew a tax of some type would come along to help pay for it never did I think he would go about it the way he has.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Learn the Communist mantra
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

All too familiar ...... I am living in a George Orwell novel. Sound familiar?

Old Major, the old boar on the Manor Farm, calls the animals on the farm for a meeting, where he compares the humans to parasites and teaches the animals a revolutionary song, "Beasts of England."

When Major dies three days later, two young pigs, Snowball and Napoleon, assume command and turn his dream into a philosophy. The animals revolt and drive the drunken and irresponsible Mr. Jones from the farm, renaming it "Animal Farm."

The Seven Commandments of Animalism are written on the wall of a barn. The most important is the seventh, "All animals are equal." All the animals work, but the workhorse, Boxer, does more than others and adopts the maxim ”” "I will work harder."

Snowball attempts to teach the animals reading and writing; food is plentiful; and the farm runs smoothly. The pigs elevate themselves to positions of leadership and set aside special food items ostensibly for their personal health. Napoleon takes the pups from the farm dogs and trains them privately. When Mr. Jones tries retaking the farm, the animals defeat him at what they call the "Battle of the Cowshed." Napoleon and Snowball struggle for leadership. When Snowball announces his idea for a windmill, Napoleon opposes it. Snowball makes a speech in favour of the windmill, whereupon Napoleon has his dogs chase Snowball away. In Snowball's absence, Napoleon declares himself leader and makes changes. Meetings will no longer be held and instead a committee of pigs will run the farm.

Using a young pig named Squealer as a mouthpiece, Napoleon announces that Snowball stole the idea for the windmill from him. The animals work harder with the promise of easier lives with the windmill. After a violent storm, the animals find the windmill annihilated. Napoleon and Squealer convince the animals that Snowball destroyed the windmill, although the scorn of the neighbouring farmers suggests the windmill's walls were too thin. Once Snowball becomes a scapegoat, Napoleon begins purging the farm, killing animals he accuses of consorting with Snowball. Meanwhile, Boxer takes up a second maxim: "Napoleon is always right."
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

All through this week Rudd has denounced the mining companies, in particular Clive Palmer, and has stated on numeruos occassions, the 40% RSPT stays and no negotiations will be entered into.
Enter Anna Bligh, and today Rudd talks about consultations with the miners, not negotaitions, which could take weeks if not mionths. What is the difference between negotiations and consultation?
IMHO Rudd is ready for a back down. That's our Prime Minister!
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