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Kevin Rudd

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

So how much do the grubby unions give to Labor even though a lot of unionist are not Labor supporters?

What the unions that were going to ruin the mining industry with the scrapping of individual contracts,you clowns believed that one too.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

What the unions that were going to ruin the mining industry with the scrapping of individual contracts,you clowns believed that one too.

That is me on the very end on the right. No wait ........ that is me in the backrow on the left ..... no wait ....


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Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Keep digging Kevin!!!
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Expect there would be no difference to now where the senate blocks everything.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

It won't be long now, Krudd will be history, maybe before the election, if not soon after.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Expect there would be no difference to now where the senate blocks everything.
You may be right but I have visions of Labor being so desperate to get legislation through that they will accept some nonsensical demands from the Greens.
But thinking about the ETS, they rejected what the Greens put up. I suspect by that time they'd woken up to the cooling in the electorate toward an ETS, in addition to the global swing away from enthusiasm for anthropogenic climate change.

One day there just might be a political party which will act for the good of Australia, rather than its own political survival.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

LOLOL .... gee thanks todster ! It must have been at the drycleaners that day along with the Armani suits ?

Those Hugo Boss pants suck if you are taller than the average fella! Over 5'10" forget Hugo, go the Zegna and fill it out like Keating. Not like this pretender Rudd. Shhh! He's not attracted to women. Shhh! Nice marketing campaign in a NY strip club however.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Pierre Cardin for pants IMO if you are over 5'10". I like Monza when it comes to leather jackets as well. Krudd looks like he buys his suits from K Mart. He should go for the one button Australian wool suit and support the sheep farmers of this country! Maybe mix it up with some Giorgio Forelli to appeal to the younger set.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Labor and the Greens rarely do deals not likely to change plenty of hate to go around from old wars but we could see a Senate hung like Tassie House of reps the way the polls are running
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

This Old Tool has recently been reintroduced in Canberra by Kevin Rudd.

Are you starting to feel it yet?


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Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?


And neither does Paul Howes.

He should rejoin Resistance with his lentil burger eating Trotskyite friends and get a High School diploma. And also resign his Directorship from AustralianSuper for betraying Australia's workers and those educated enough to realize what this super tax will really do to jobs and investment in this country.


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Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Something that does annoy me about Rudd.

He trys to come across as this mild-mannered reasonable guy, when it now emerges he is a foul-mouthed, bad tempered bully boy and possibly even chronic liar.

He reminds me quite a lot of some bosses I had in the public service.

I quite admire Keating, he did not bother with this goody-too shoes act.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Well I just hate Rudd just listening to the guy makes me want to puke, the incompetence displayed over the mining tax grab really got me boiling, after all the other problems created you would think they be alittle careful nope, all I can say is I have zero percent confidence in Krudd and labour.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

KR's remarkable ability to bring havoc to whatever he touches...
bears an uncanny resembles to this chap ....Anthony Fremont ...

It 's a Good Life - The Twilight Zone

It's a bit eerie ....

And what's really creepy.... the Labor Party's like the scared parents.

Just in case, remember to duck, if KR points a finger in your direction!! And always have happy thoughts!


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Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Me to, cost me plenty on a couple of local gas co plays, gapped my stop, have come back a bit since then

KR's remarkable ability to bring havoc to whatever he touches

Used to work with a dude, we Nicknamed him Passion Fingers

F#@#$d everything he touched
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