Alright maybe I'm a little slow then and you can humor me.I am quoting his actual WORDS from U tube !! I give up.
His source ... he is skeptical clearly on the right, DENIAL SIDE fact TOTAL denial side of the equation. I shared, SHARED the world leader in Arctic Ice and permafrost and he is a professor at Cambridge University with 3 PHD's I believe and 50 years on the topic and YOU state. despite him clearly denying it, quoting drivel, quoting a drivel source .... he is in same way NOT denying it ?
Golly .. gee ...
The citation for 117 is the sydney morning herald. Click on it.
I'm curious where it has actually come from. Not if its someone else interpretation of what they think he said.
Firstly eat a pile for making me watch so much peterson.I don't know why I bother, Here is the dismissive Peterson at his best.
Holland generates 40% or is it 60% from renewable and Peterson's view ... hid words ... D+GOOD LUCK with renewable s. He dismisses TOTALLY the world is warming, right at the start and I cant watch the whole lot because, HE MAKES ME WANT TO VOMIT ...
Seriously. Claims to have read 400 books on the topic ?
Gee 18 0f the warmest ever recorded years on record occurred in the last 20 and this toss pots like most idiots denying even that.
WATCH and write down what he claims and go from there. Worse drivel than Donald Trump on a bad day. HE calls the political science guy a ... Skeptical environmentalist WITHOUT A SINGLE SCIENTIFIC qualification Lombard. NONE ,.. and its Peterson source ?
At about 5 mins 50 seconds if you haven't vomited by then in this U tube.
If I quoted some person denying the link between cancer and tobacco it would be MORE valid !!
He is like Trump ... a DRONGO.
Higgins presented two or three models, each with several possible scenarios, one of which was almost apocalyptic, *none* of which played out in the end.Huh? When was Oma modelled to wipe out Brissy? It was predicted to turn North West towards Bundy etc not hit Brissy? I kept a very close eye it the whole time.
Back on topic: I'll stick to @Skate 's Dump it here thread for my source of wisdom rather than Jordan Petersen
Just another pick...Holland generates 40% or is it 60% from renewable .
His source ... he is skeptical clearly on the right, DENIAL SIDE fact TOTAL denial side of the equation.
Golly .. gee ...
I beleive in climate issues, CHANGE and man made ones. It is NOT as Peterson makes out anti capitalist. Green power costs LESS than coal or carbon fired stuff. LESS .... creates MORE jobs.
Peterson in the above videos, his own words, is dismissive of ocean acidification ... when the ocean acid level has risen 30% in 34 years to be exact. He is sceptical and dismissive of temprature change, again his words and he puts it DOWN to normal changes. His go to source is a political sceintist. I read his bio, his CV and even his own Wikipedia page and find NO evidence anywhere of any work in the field, yet he somehow claims whilst being a full time professor of Psychology for 20 years, running a full time [practice till 2017 seeing 20 patients a week, whilst teaching as well some KNOWLEDGE or work in the field including a 2 year period at the UN ? I cant seem to find any ... of this.
When, like Trump, who dismisses it all, and Trump claims MORE ice and you see the NASA last 20 years of Arctic ice coupled with a bloody Canadian ice breaker during summer sailing at 13 knots, full steam basically in very thin ice to the NORTH POLE during summer in 2018, its NOT a debate about something being wrong.
It is NOT a choice, one or the other, green energy can compete with carbon emitting things. Suggesting they DON'T work is idiotic ... as this ******** Peterson does. ONE gas fired plant and a mix of solar and wind and other forms, and he is suggesting, with some claim to any expertise in the area, that if solar and wind which cover 80% of the needs all the time in the EU region, they are NOT changing how much CO2 emitting power is used when the plant that emits CO2 is turned off until needed is a Koch Brothers line.
It is clear, Peterson, has some delusion as to his own conclusions. Maybe seeing mentally ill people for so long he has got paranoid delusions. Maybe he had them all along !! Quite clearly, in his own words, he claims some political science person as his go to guy .... he claims NOT to be a climate denier, but despite this dismissive of any and all scientific FACTS.
On the temperature change side, their are 19 global totally independent bodies who are measuring this event. ALL come out with similar if not identical findings. ALL OF them. We are talking about satellites that since 1980 have measured the temperature every 30 mins in 500,000 locations around the globe and show beyond even a reasonable doubt things are changing. That an icebreaker can sail to the North pole, an absurd thing to say in 1960, yet in 2018 a reality, makes this CLOWN and he is a clown, a delusional clown .... who CLAIMS some experience in the field, yet clearly is lying, delusional and pathological.
Ice cores, if this guy has read anything, Ice cores go back around a million years, so we KNOW what the CO2 level was and CH4 level over that period. Fossils and other records again make the levels without doubt, NO doubt whatsoever to have been 240-260 PPM CO2 for MILLIONS of years. MILLIONS ... here today up at 410 plus, the last time it took 200,000 years to get from 250 to 2,000 and temperatures to eventually rise by 8 degrees ... we already are at 1 degree, trying to stop it at 1.5 or 2, which is absurd due to efforts of Koch Brothers, fossil fuel interests and idiots like Peterson .... so its 4 which leads to cascading effects LIKE the frozen permafrost being heated, and thawing and rotting and emitting 1.8 trillion tons or so of crap, and hey presto ... we are at 1,500 PPM ...
Peterson, disturbed me for his views PRIOR to having a really close look. Now, having looked, I suspect he is some form of delusion and god complex if not NPD mixed into the crap that he spews out. That I would not stand a chance against him ina debate is a forgone conclusion. Much like TRUMP and he clearly is NPD, dealing with pathological liars and sociopaths they switch from attack to I love you, to I hate you and dismiss you, then want to marry you and in the process of being gaslight to death, the whole context is lost.
Is the world warming, unnaturally ? Is the CO2 level outside its range for 60 million years ? Is the ICE that has been there for the same period GONE or going ?. Is the OCEAN becoming more acidic and likely not to be able to sustain life as we know it within 100 years ? I am NOT anti capitalist, as I said green energy is CHEAPER ... provides MORE JOBS and its not a choice between one or the other, its a matter of simply stop giving breaks and subsidies for carbon emitting crap. As to averting what is about to occur.
The Coal reefs are dead, Nothing can be done. Most life in the ocean is likely forfeit at this stage. Temperature rise is likely well above 4 degrees which is diabolical by 2100 and more likely in the 6 plus if not 8 region and the biggest rises Arctic followed by Antarctic with rises above the 10 degree level as the landscape goes from being reflective white, to brown.
What humanity does, or does NOT do, debates, even the UN highly politicized paper gave 2030 as a stop CO2 or else, not reduce, BUT stop it all .... ignored. As such, crop failures and global ones a norm post 2050 and mass starvation events the NORM ... on and on it goes. All I might add backed by PEOPLE who actually, ACTUALLY work with and for the UN on this climate issue, and MR Peterson ... will be long gone by then. When 50,000 scientists, NOT some political scientist or a shrink as Peterson is .. but climatologists, volcanologists, geologists and ones in the field, even my types MATHS geeks and predicative AI model builders and even demographers and at times even economists have places in this discussion. BUT despite 50 odd fields, there is NO PLACE .... NONE for a political science person or a psychologist to have any input to any issue on climate change. NONE ....
Neither has any valid input of any value to the topic. Whilst YES maybe as an observer of it, and it impacts, but Peterson claiming his views are based upon someone who has NO VALID qualifications is TRUMP and his delusions all over again. DRIVEL quoting drivel for drivel and FOX news actually dictating policy via remote as Trump sits glued to the FOX drivel between golf games and stuffing his face.
If someone cannot even rationally accept the FIRST issue of temperature change, its pointless to go on. Peterson clearly CANT and in fact denies hard empirical, unquestionable scientifically verified findings in not just one area, temperature, but in fact is dismissive in all of them. ALL of them, CO2 is good .... he actually said that ... it is .. till it comes back down dissolves the carbon in the shells and corals and then the chemical reaction causes acid oceans.
Debating such a god like .... brilliant mind .. never ever to be wrong, effortlessly switching between push and pull and love and hate, all hallmarks of the pathological mind, Peterson is a dangerous fish and he doesn't care, of course he doesn't, no compassion or empathy are hallmarks of his sociopath type.
Trump merely lies or has a hunch its all not true on climate issues, this person, far more dangerous, because much like God emperor Trump, Peterson seems to invest facts, invent work histories that CANNOT be true in an unbroken CV and 20 years of treating people clinically till 2017, he worked for the UN ? OOH did I miss something ... why would a shrink be working on climate change ? When, in his spare time ? Treating 20 [patients a week till 2018 whilst being a full time professor ? Oh please.
This guy, slimy as they come. I doubt anyone could pin him down .... ever ... as a fraud. He clearly however is on this topic and his claims, OOOH I am not anti climate change ... but immediately dismisses it all ... NO NO I know better than the ICE ... or 3,000 climatologists in 19 global organizations ... NO we are NOT getting warmer ....
But it falls down when it comes to storage. Hydro seems to be the only mass storage option right now and not all countries have that luxury. So building all these renewables that last 25 years and used 12.5 years even less really with solar more like 8 years. Its not an option that seems based on reality that you can run just on renewables for a lot of countries right now.Fossil fuel steam averages around $0.05 cents/kWh and small scale natural gas can go as low as $0.03 cents/kWh. It’s no wonder that the world was shocked in 2016 when a major commercial solar installation bid the lowest price for PV to date at $0.029 cents per kWh – effectively leveling the playing field between solar and fossil fuels’ cheapest offerings.
I beleive in climate issues, CHANGE and man made ones. It is NOT as Peterson makes out anti capitalist. Green power costs LESS than coal or carbon fired stuff. LESS .... creates MORE jobs.
Peterson in the above videos, his own words, is dismissive of ocean acidification ... when the ocean acid level has risen 30% in 34 years to be exact. He is sceptical and dismissive of temprature change, again his words and he puts it DOWN to normal changes. His go to source is a political sceintist. I read his bio, his CV and even his own Wikipedia page and find NO evidence anywhere of any work in the field, yet he somehow claims whilst being a full time professor of Psychology for 20 years, running a full time [practice till 2017 seeing 20 patients a week, whilst teaching as well some KNOWLEDGE or work in the field including a 2 year period at the UN ? I cant seem to find any ... of this.
When, like Trump, who dismisses it all, and Trump claims MORE ice and you see the NASA last 20 years of Arctic ice coupled with a bloody Canadian ice breaker during summer sailing at 13 knots, full steam basically in very thin ice to the NORTH POLE during summer in 2018, its NOT a debate about something being wrong.
It is NOT a choice, one or the other, green energy can compete with carbon emitting things. Suggesting they DON'T work is idiotic ... as this ******** Peterson does. ONE gas fired plant and a mix of solar and wind and other forms, and he is suggesting, with some claim to any expertise in the area, that if solar and wind which cover 80% of the needs all the time in the EU region, they are NOT changing how much CO2 emitting power is used when the plant that emits CO2 is turned off until needed is a Koch Brothers line.
It is clear, Peterson, has some delusion as to his own conclusions. Maybe seeing mentally ill people for so long he has got paranoid delusions. Maybe he had them all along !! Quite clearly, in his own words, he claims some political science person as his go to guy .... he claims NOT to be a climate denier, but despite this dismissive of any and all scientific FACTS.
On the temperature change side, their are 19 global totally independent bodies who are measuring this event. ALL come out with similar if not identical findings. ALL OF them. We are talking about satellites that since 1980 have measured the temperature every 30 mins in 500,000 locations around the globe and show beyond even a reasonable doubt things are changing. That an icebreaker can sail to the North pole, an absurd thing to say in 1960, yet in 2018 a reality, makes this CLOWN and he is a clown, a delusional clown .... who CLAIMS some experience in the field, yet clearly is lying, delusional and pathological.
Ice cores, if this guy has read anything, Ice cores go back around a million years, so we KNOW what the CO2 level was and CH4 level over that period. Fossils and other records again make the levels without doubt, NO doubt whatsoever to have been 240-260 PPM CO2 for MILLIONS of years. MILLIONS ... here today up at 410 plus, the last time it took 200,000 years to get from 250 to 2,000 and temperatures to eventually rise by 8 degrees ... we already are at 1 degree, trying to stop it at 1.5 or 2, which is absurd due to efforts of Koch Brothers, fossil fuel interests and idiots like Peterson .... so its 4 which leads to cascading effects LIKE the frozen permafrost being heated, and thawing and rotting and emitting 1.8 trillion tons or so of crap, and hey presto ... we are at 1,500 PPM ...
Peterson, disturbed me for his views PRIOR to having a really close look. Now, having looked, I suspect he is some form of delusion and god complex if not NPD mixed into the crap that he spews out. That I would not stand a chance against him ina debate is a forgone conclusion. Much like TRUMP and he clearly is NPD, dealing with pathological liars and sociopaths they switch from attack to I love you, to I hate you and dismiss you, then want to marry you and in the process of being gaslight to death, the whole context is lost.
Is the world warming, unnaturally ? Is the CO2 level outside its range for 60 million years ? Is the ICE that has been there for the same period GONE or going ?. Is the OCEAN becoming more acidic and likely not to be able to sustain life as we know it within 100 years ? I am NOT anti capitalist, as I said green energy is CHEAPER ... provides MORE JOBS and its not a choice between one or the other, its a matter of simply stop giving breaks and subsidies for carbon emitting crap. As to averting what is about to occur.
The Coal reefs are dead, Nothing can be done. Most life in the ocean is likely forfeit at this stage. Temperature rise is likely well above 4 degrees which is diabolical by 2100 and more likely in the 6 plus if not 8 region and the biggest rises Arctic followed by Antarctic with rises above the 10 degree level as the landscape goes from being reflective white, to brown.
What humanity does, or does NOT do, debates, even the UN highly politicized paper gave 2030 as a stop CO2 or else, not reduce, BUT stop it all .... ignored. As such, crop failures and global ones a norm post 2050 and mass starvation events the NORM ... on and on it goes. All I might add backed by PEOPLE who actually, ACTUALLY work with and for the UN on this climate issue, and MR Peterson ... will be long gone by then. When 50,000 scientists, NOT some political scientist or a shrink as Peterson is .. but climatologists, volcanologists, geologists and ones in the field, even my types MATHS geeks and predicative AI model builders and even demographers and at times even economists have places in this discussion. BUT despite 50 odd fields, there is NO PLACE .... NONE for a political science person or a psychologist to have any input to any issue on climate change. NONE ....
Neither has any valid input of any value to the topic. Whilst YES maybe as an observer of it, and it impacts, but Peterson claiming his views are based upon someone who has NO VALID qualifications is TRUMP and his delusions all over again. DRIVEL quoting drivel for drivel and FOX news actually dictating policy via remote as Trump sits glued to the FOX drivel between golf games and stuffing his face.
If someone cannot even rationally accept the FIRST issue of temperature change, its pointless to go on. Peterson clearly CANT and in fact denies hard empirical, unquestionable scientifically verified findings in not just one area, temperature, but in fact is dismissive in all of them. ALL of them, CO2 is good .... he actually said that ... it is .. till it comes back down dissolves the carbon in the shells and corals and then the chemical reaction causes acid oceans.
Debating such a god like .... brilliant mind .. never ever to be wrong, effortlessly switching between push and pull and love and hate, all hallmarks of the pathological mind, Peterson is a dangerous fish and he doesn't care, of course he doesn't, no compassion or empathy are hallmarks of his sociopath type.
Trump merely lies or has a hunch its all not true on climate issues, this person, far more dangerous, because much like God emperor Trump, Peterson seems to invest facts, invent work histories that CANNOT be true in an unbroken CV and 20 years of treating people clinically till 2017, he worked for the UN ? OOH did I miss something ... why would a shrink be working on climate change ? When, in his spare time ? Treating 20 [patients a week till 2018 whilst being a full time professor ? Oh please.
This guy, slimy as they come. I doubt anyone could pin him down .... ever ... as a fraud. He clearly however is on this topic and his claims, OOOH I am not anti climate change ... but immediately dismisses it all ... NO NO I know better than the ICE ... or 3,000 climatologists in 19 global organizations ... NO we are NOT getting warmer ....
Jordan Peterson Calls Out The "Pseudo-moralistic Stances" Of Activists
Jordan got that right.
I invite all of you to watch that part:Jordan Peterson Calls Out The "Pseudo-moralistic Stances" Of Activists
Jordan got that right.
One either puts up, shuts up ... or does something.
This person, upon examination, fair examination, is a fraud, a delinquent and yet another who couches denial of even impossible to question empirical data for self gain. It is ok to have differing views, opinions or beliefs. It is however not ok to lie and browbeat whilst claiming NOT to be something when words, actions and dialogue, in this case the persons own spoken words CONTRADICT and clearly contradict what is known to be easily verifiable facts.
Even entering into discussion with these types who start as this thing, and Peterson is a thing, not a person, a thing, he goes, I don't have a view on climate change and when the interviewer goes but global temperatures are rising, a fact, a sad one, he rolls his eyes and dismisses it. It is the RATE of change, the associated other issues, melting ice, rising CO2 that these trolls seem to think is NOT an issue. Being able to sail to the North pole in an icebreaker at 13 knots as occurred in 2018, would have sent anyone inot the nuthouse if they mentioned it in 1970 !! What lies beneath the ICE in the ARCTIC as I shared is something MISSING from all climate models except people like ME, and oh about 2,000 others including the guy from Cambridge a head of department and world respected ARCTIC ice person that annoy the hell out of me.
Humanity MAY make it beyond 2200. We are ingenious with invention, Planting even trees on every part of unused part of earth, will remove less than 10% of CO2 we now emit. Its a simple math exercise. IF as I suspect, along with many others, world leaders and me just being a nobody from no where .... IF some is release as permafrost thaws, and this is a given and its whether by 2100 its 10% or 20% which is bad enough, the post 2100 period, a release of 1.8 trillion tons of CO2, a lot of it Methane initially, which is 26 times more damaging than even CO2, the post 2100 period, is going to be interesting.
Over the years, it has been my humbling experience, at times to find out who or whom I have been discussing various parts of AI and predictive stuff along with demographics and other topics from green energy to macro economics. When Stephen, who not a climate expert, but one of the most brilliant minds of our time passed away recently, his thought was that the planet eventually resembles Venus with 250 degree acid rains and is not a habitable planet. Stephen as in Hawking. Whist to my horror I disagreed with his view, not about the eventual outcome, but the how and why, its a very common trait for scientists, labelled as radicals or with some agenda to be depressed, clinically depressed due to their ability and knowledge and knowing, having conducted the same experiment time and time and time again, add CO2 to sea water and it eats calcium deposits and forms lovely acid, their only conclusion is that its going on again. It would be stupid, illogical and in fact as Einstein said, insanity to conduct an experiment 100 times with the same result and expect a different outcome.
There is of course LIKELY a solution. Not an easy one. Not a cheap one. But far cheaper than the current subsidies and tax breaks given to fossil fuel companies. CHEAPER .... basically no cost ... that we as people will see and then maybe, maybe we go about NOT emitting CO2 that was captured last CO2 event or the prior one by burning the very thing that created life. Cost is likely WELL UNDER 1% of global GDP or less than 1 trillion. LESS .... that 1% !! Politically removing tax breaks, making it more expensive one form verses another, overall NO move in the overall cost is POSSIBLE and in action today.
As for Mr Peterson, his ilk, like Trump, like the COch brothers, like tax evasion and avoidance because they can, eventually the world will find balance, or it will not. Sadly, Coral reefs, and many things we take for granted are gone no matter what action we take today. The damage is DONE, its just how far it goes before we do take action. Peterson would deny and debate as he dismisses ocean acidification and rolls his eyes about global warming. We just had a heat wave, yep they occur, this one broke in most places in Australia the high temp record not on just one day but on 3,4,5 days ... average temps for January in many places broke well kept records for over 100 years, unquestionable ones for the last 50 years, NOT by one degree .... but averages for January in over 200 locations were 3,4,5 ABOVE even the highest average.
Nope roll your eyes and peacefully protest against this self promoting wombat !!
I think you have misread Peterson there.Peterson comes across as an unhappy guy who props up his self-esteem using his intellect.
There's definitely unhappiness and bitterness there. I can't guess the source of that, but maybe trying to communicate with dullard interviewers and PC clones will bring it out. That's an extremely tiring and frustrating exercise.I think you have misread Peterson there.
Peterson had a happy childhood and has a great relationship with his father with whom he did many masculine outdoor activities.
A good relationship with your father does not, of course, guarantee you a happy disposition but it certainly gives you a good base to build from.
Peterson often has people come up to him and thank him for helping to change there lives for the better. He gets very emotional when he talks about this. Many of these people are males and who just need encouragement. Peterson has stated how little encouragement is required to inspire these men.
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