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Join the Search for Flight MH370

The crash site of MH370 is more than likely known.

If the CIA can blow the bejaysus out of some smelly Al Qaida commander sitting in a Nissan Cedric in Waziristan, they sure as hell, must know of the approximate location of this aircraft.


Yes, the CIA/NSA or US Air-Force might have ( = more than likely) tracked the (all aircraft world-wide) aircraft (like they did with KA007 back in '83 and didn't come forward with critical information), doesn't mean that they will tell the Malaysian authorities.
Missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370: Malaysian prime minister admits lost plane WAS tracked by military radar
Missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370: Malaysian prime minister admits lost plane WAS tracked by military radar

These Malaysians are unbelievable! The damage to this country's reputation is a million times worse than the lost plane itself.
MH370: Australian officials 'increasingly confident' Indian Ocean debris is from missing plane​

How long can the cockpit recorders stay intact for?
Would the sea water have eaten through the casing by now and destroyed the tapes?
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