John McCain's performance did seem to put the blue collar workers importance to the forefront. If little else this may show a gradual support in the coming weeks.
gg - and therefore I reckon your linguist friend is probably really a bloke lol -
or alternatively
you and/or she haven't read the posts green made about her autistic son.
as for the rest .... for chryssake please don't be so rude to women posters . thank yu. 2020
What utter bloody rubbish!I do find though that educated often barren women are frightened by the matriarchal power of fertile ones, and the left women have a distinct distaste of right women.
What utter bloody rubbish!
2020 I apologise if I've hurt you or anyone else on the forum with my comments.
godbothering and politics always gets folk worked up.
so again, apologies.
Hi GG,
I'm a little confused. Perhaps you could enlighten me. We share a similar disdain for religious extremism and the godbothering fraternity who deem it appropriate to force their views on anyone they can. I pointed out that the Republicans had harnessed these people as their own in the US and that they formed a significant part of their support base. You responded by posting that to attract votes from whatever source was acceptable if it were for the greater good, or words to that effect. Fair enough. More recently, as a card carrying member of the Palin brigade, you seem to have taken a quantum leap into believing that an evangelical religious extremist (ie.ram it down anyone's throat you can) , is a really good person to have their finger on the big N button, no doubt 'with God on her side'. This is also a person that believes that twirling in circles and speaking in tongues is a useful avenue to personal development, and who also believes dinasours were running around the place a few thousand years ago. So, in your opinion, do you go for the religious extremist or the leftie?
Just as a foot note, you also posted that this is a stocks forum, and berated someone (Green, by memory) for not posting beyond the political threads. For some time I've also posted diddley squat on various stocks. I pulled the vast majority of my money out August/07 and have been waiting on the sidelines. In hindsight, a good decision, even though I missed the late 07 rally. Perhaps there are a few like minded souls, and these threads aid in whiling away the empty hours before re-entering. I expect that to change shortly, but hopefully I'll never grow tired of pub politics.
Fair comments skint, but there are some folk on these threads who seem to be obsessed with one thing, left wing politics.
They don't post on any stocks and for the life of me I don't know why they come to a forum called Aussie Stock Forums to vent their anticapitalist spleen.
By the way , its your shout, and they are pots in Queensland, mines a VB.
etc"McCain, in a radio talk-show appearance last week condemned disclosures of his family's ties to Keating as "irresponsible journalism." The Arizona Republic - October 17, 1989
" . . . both in telephone conversations with reporters and on a live radio talk show, the Republican senator was far from calm. He was agitated. Angry. And the way he dealt with unpleasant questions was to bully the questioners . . . 'You're a liar,' McCain snapped Sept. 29 when an Arizona Republic reporter asked him about business ties between his wife, Cindy McCain, and Keating . . . 'That's the spouse's involvement, you idiot,' McCain sneered later in the same conversation. 'You do understand English, don't you?' ". . . Not content with just bullying reporters, McCain tried belittling them: 'It's up to you to find that out, kids.' . . . McCain wasn't talking to liars. He wasn't talking to juveniles. The senator was talking to two reporters." The Arizona Republic - October 17, 1989
"Employees at Hensley & Co., a $100 million Anheuser-Busch distribution firm, also say that during McCain's first campaign for Congress, some workers were pressured into going door-to-door in neighborhoods to hand out McCain election pamphlets . . . Hensley employees say they must take the checks to work, where they are collected by supervisors. I asked one person if employees were assured that all contributions were voluntary . . . 'no way,' I was told. 'And my (spouse) and I aren't even registered (to vote). That's what makes us so mad." The Arizona Republic - November 1, 1989
"Reporters also 'discovered' that the senator's wife and father-in-law invested $359,100.00 in one of Mr. Keating's projects in 1986 . . ." The Phoenix Gazette - November 13, 1989
"The liquor case is particularly intriguing as it resulted in criminal charges against Marley's subordinates, James and Eugene Hensley. If the last name sounds familiar, it's because James is papa to Cindy McCain, who is wife of Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., who is infamous lately as a member of the Keating Five . . . Marley also has been a shadow figure in the 1976 slaying of Republic reporter Don Bolles.
Bolles wrote extensively about Marley's lucky past. And about how the Hensleys (Marley's managers) bought Ruidso Downs racing track in New Mexico. He wrote about Eugene Hensley spending five years in federal prison for a skimming scam. And about the Hensleys selling their track to a buyer linked with Emprise Corp. And about Marley's liquor ties with Emprise . . . one of Bolles' final dispatches appeared as Marley was about to become a member of the Arizona Racing Commission - the agency that regulates racetracks, including those run at the time by Emprise . . . the story dispatched Marley's appointment. Two months later, a car bomb killed Bolles." The Phoenix Gazette - January 4, 1990
For months, Obama has been running a campaign arguing that a McCain presidency would just be a continuation of the failed policies of the Bush administration. Now that sounds pretty bad, but what if it's actually worse than that? It's nearly impossible to imagine, I agree. How could we sink any lower than where we are right now? Well, things could always be worse, and simply by looking at the facts it's clear that there's a great possibility that our current commander in chief, our CEO president, the now infamous George W. Bush, is actually more intelligent than John McCain. Let's look at the facts:
America probably needs an administration that is able to stand back more as the dollar recovers and sends commodity prices down.
Not the time to start spending, just an occasional tinker with the steering and softly on the accelerator.
John McCain seems the more likely candidate to do this.
Hey Joe baby - think of it this way - like we do in Aus,John's brother calls 911 to complain about traffic jams on a bridge!
John's brother calls 911 to complain about traffic jams on a bridge!
He has now quit his brother's campaign
We none of us can be responsible for relatives. Wasn't it President Bill Clinton's brother who caused him plenty of embarrassment, he just lived with it, not his problem really.
FIONA REYNOLDS: It was the Prime Minister who proudly announced that the cash-strapped National Textiles' workers would receive their full entitlements. It was the Prime Minister who said they would be the first to recover wages, leave and a redundancy payout under a new National scheme and it was the Prime Minister who urged the creditors to accept a Deed of Arrangement so that the $6 million in State and Federal funds would flow.
Today the Australian newspaper claimed that acceptance of the scheme would prevent an inquiry into National Textiles' management and Directors, of which Mr Howard's brother, Stan, is one. The editorial was scathing, raising questions about the government's probity and calling the taxpayer funded bail-out improper, and policy on the run.
UNIDENTIFIED: It would be a poor use of $6 million in public funds even if the Prime Minister's brother were not involved, but he is involved and this must raise the issue of favouritism, if not corruption, despite Mr Howard's deserved reputation as a decent and honest man. etc
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