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John McCain

John McCain's performance did seem to put the blue collar workers importance to the forefront. If little else this may show a gradual support in the coming weeks.

Just in case details matter...

Joe Plumber expected to earn $250-280k next year and he wondered how Obama's tax plan affected him. Only the amount over $250k would incur more tax but this could be offset by 50% rebate on health benefits paid to workers, capital gains tax credit for small business...

McCain was not giving anything for Joe Plumber. He spouted innuendo - would blue-collars check his plans?

2020 I apologise if I've hurt you or anyone else on the forum with my comments.

godbothering and politics always gets folk worked up.

so again, apologies.


ps how do you know they are women posters.


and is it ok to be rude to men posters.


and how do you know they are men.

What utter bloody rubbish!

but Julia, that is why some godbothered Islamist mother is more powerful than a Western female intellectual who has no issue, but papers galore on some vague site.

populate or perish , educate or immolate, are the issues facing the vast majority of poor women worldwide forgotten by the feminists.

Sarah Palin would sort it out.

move with the times

2020 I apologise if I've hurt you or anyone else on the forum with my comments.

godbothering and politics always gets folk worked up.

so again, apologies.


Hi GG,
I'm a little confused. Perhaps you could enlighten me. We share a similar disdain for religious extremism and the godbothering fraternity who deem it appropriate to force their views on anyone they can. I pointed out that the Republicans had harnessed these people as their own in the US and that they formed a significant part of their support base. You responded by posting that to attract votes from whatever source was acceptable if it were for the greater good, or words to that effect. Fair enough. More recently, as a card carrying member of the Palin brigade, you seem to have taken a quantum leap into believing that an evangelical religious extremist (ie.ram it down anyone's throat you can) , is a really good person to have their finger on the big N button, no doubt 'with God on her side'. This is also a person that believes that twirling in circles and speaking in tongues is a useful avenue to personal development, and who also believes dinasours were running around the place a few thousand years ago. So, in your opinion, do you go for the religious extremist or the leftie?

Just as a foot note, you also posted that this is a stocks forum, and berated someone (Green, by memory) for not posting beyond the political threads. For some time I've also posted diddley squat on various stocks. I pulled the vast majority of my money out August/07 and have been waiting on the sidelines. In hindsight, a good decision, even though I missed the late 07 rally. Perhaps there are a few like minded souls, and these threads aid in whiling away the empty hours before re-entering. I expect that to change shortly, but hopefully I'll never grow tired of pub politics.


Fair comments skint, but there are some folk on these threads who seem to be obsessed with one thing, left wing politics. They don't post on any stocks and for the life of me I don't know why they come to a forum called Aussie Stock Forums to vent their anticapitalist spleen.

By the way , its your shout, and they are pots in Queensland, mines a VB.

Fair comments skint, but there are some folk on these threads who seem to be obsessed with one thing, left wing politics.

You for got tree hugging, whale saving...........Commo's

They don't post on any stocks and for the life of me I don't know why they come to a forum called Aussie Stock Forums to vent their anticapitalist spleen.

Just getting ready for the revolution

By the way , its your shout, and they are pots in Queensland, mines a VB.

Full strength beer now there is common ground
gee that Keating stuff gets messy
John McCain / Cindy McCain / James Hensley etc

Now here is a thought
America probably needs an administration that is able to stand back more as the dollar recovers and sends commodity prices down.
Not the time to start spending, just an occasional tinker with the steering and softly on the accelerator.
John McCain seems the more likely candidate to do this.
John McCain may be seriously hoping that most voters will hesitate on election day and just not quite make it for Obama .

Agree with you noiru. John McCain would sit on his hands just like the Republicans did in the depression.

Didn't work then, won't work now.
John's brother calls 911 to complain about traffic jams on a bridge!
Hey Joe baby - think of it this way - like we do in Aus,
you see..
being in traffic is like being in love Joe,
yeah you heard me right Joe
.. if you think you're in.. "click"
We none of us can be responsible for relatives. Wasn't it President Bill Clinton's brother who caused him plenty of embarrassment, he just lived with it, not his problem really.

:topic Even Johnny Howard's brother Stan - except that Stan's company seemed to get different treatment compared to the average company - a $6million "taxpayer funded bailout" as the editorial in the Australian called it at the time (2000)
PM Archive - Thursday, 10 February 2000

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