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John McCain

I'd better not count those chickens b4 they hatch lol
(Like the moral of Aunty Sharon - here it is again in case you've forgotten) :-

Good one lol.

Seriously though what factors might work in McCains favour to snatch victory from apparent looming defeat.

I think racism might affect the result, latinos and poor whites may vote McCain, at the same time as they tell the pollsters they are voting for Obama.

I also think that many Obama voters may decide that their guy is so far ahead that there is no need to vote.

and no bloody youtubes , I want your opinion not some hairy legged feminist from public TV in Kallerforneea.

Fair enough, me thinks, Doris, Julia and 2020 may not like to see a women in the Vice-Presidential position, who knows. We saw how they hammered another lady, on their own team as well.

Noirua, I thought you had more sense than to say something so utterly silly.
I would dearly love to see a woman in the VP or President's position if that woman displayed the appropriate qualities and experience.

In the early days of the primaries, I hoped Hillary would get the nomination.
But then she displayed her tenuous relationship with the truth in describing her arrival under fire in Bosnia (or somewhere in that part of the world) which was a complete fabrication. So, strike Hillary out.

I don't care one bit what gender either the President or the Vice President is.
Simply has nothing to do with it. My objection to Ms Palin is for many other reasons which I have previously made clear.

Julia I have yet to see women from the educated classes embrace any women who run for a conservative party. Its odd. It seems as if only left wing women are acceptable to the 'doctors wives" for want of a better expression. I hope you are not a doctor's wife and if you are I apologise, and no offence meant if you are.


Obama's basic premise has been to remove lobbyists and PACs from owning politicians.

Most leaders do not achieve their purported policies because of the strings on their puppetry.

Obama chose his running mate for sound, intelligent reasons.
Bushman, your poignant point is that McCain did not!

Oh come on!
What about Maggie Thatcher??

What you should say is that women from the educated classes would have trouble embracing an uneducated bozo from the backwoods like Sarah Palin.
It seems as if only left wing women are acceptable to the 'doctors wives" for want of a better expression. I hope you are not a doctor's wife and if you are I apologise, and no offence meant if you

Doctor's are women too, some are in Gay relationships with women and relationships with men. Where BOTH can be Doctors.

I doubt you know what a doctor's wife / partner does in real life. You deserve the highest award for pathetic sterotyping. The hours and pressure on Doctors to perform at their highest level is help by a nuturing partner.

Deadly Disease Number 1: Heart Disease
Inflammation of the artery is "oxidized" LDL cholesterol, homocysteine, along with excessive free radicals caused by hypertension, diabetes, cigarette smoking, fatty meals, and elevated insulin levels.

Deadly Disease Number 2: Cancer prostate cancer - now that is nasty! the Dr will have to put his well gloved finger up your anus to check on the gland.

Deadly Disease Number 3: Stroke
Stroke occurs suddenly and usually without warning. elevated homocysteine, a by-product of protein metabolism that is elevated in individuals who have low levels of folic acid and vitamins B6 and B12.

Deadly Disease Number 4: Diabetes
The overwhelming new cases of diabetes in the world today are the result of insulin resistance.

Deadly Disease Number 5: Alzheimer'sAlzheimer's dementia has been shown to be caused by oxidative stress. Development of these neurodegenerative diseases is by taking highly potent nutritional supplements.

Deadly Disease Number 6: Obesity
One of the main causes of obesity is insulin resistance. Eating foods which spike your blood sugar, lack of exercise, and lack nutritional supplements all promote insulin sensitivity.

Deadly Disease Number 7: Unprotected Sex
Viral infections pass from one person to another by skin-to-skin contact during intercourse. The virus lives on the skin of the vagina, penis, and anus.

Herpes, hepatitis, genital warts, and AIDS are cause by viruses.

Some Viral sexually transmitted diseases {AIDS, hepatitis B and C, human papilloma virus (HPV)} are link to cancer, making them fatal sexually transmitted diseases if left untreated.

Should a Doctor have to save your life he has taken an oath developed by Hippocrates (460-377 BC), a Greek physician, is traditionally acknowledged as the “Father of Medicine”. The Hippocratic Oath was formulated in the 4th century BC, at the time when Hippocrates was establishing medicine. It has been up dated but they recite the oath.

Now before the Doctor attempts to save your life - tell him of your belief in "Doctor's Wives" the poor Doctor will probably want to let you die as you have proved to be an ethical challenge.

I hope your death is fast so you don't waste the unique talent and commitment of Doctors and their committed partners.
Heated third debate between McCain, Obama

CBS poll: 53 % of viewers believed Obama to be the winner, compared to just 22 % for McCain.

The one who stays calm is the winner in any conflict as his opposition's adrenaline surges and cuts off non-essential activities... like thinking. Fight or Flight? I really thought McCain's suppressed anger cut off the blood supply to his pre-frontal lobes and his reptilian brain took over, when he uttered outlandish drivel and Obama laughed. He'd retrace to memory and regurgitate - doing what he and Palin do best - avoid the question - vomit out what is stump rote.

"Mr. Ayers is not involved in my campaign. He has never been involved in this campaign," Obama said.

"You launched your political campaign in Mr. Ayers' living room," McCain responded.

"That is absolutely not true," Obama retorted.

McCain's 'advertised' attempt to separate his image from GWB didn't work.

Calm, in control... a smile... disarming the erratic.
I had to smile when Barack nodded happily when accused by the moderator of labels he'd used on McCain.
He seemed pleased that the viewers were being reminded of them!
McCain put on his choir boy face and denied having been negative in his campaign!
Someone find his memory for him!
I wonder if anyone noticed that McCain spent 30 seconds of his five minutes in saying why Palin was a good choice.

The rest of this time was spent trying to show fault with Biden as Obama's choice! Refuted by media already!

Obama ended his five minutes of details with his confidence of Biden being a good president if needed.

I really waited for McCain to say something similar about Palin. But he didn't dare go there! Why?
The mud McCain's been throwing hasn't been sticking, making McCain look grubby.

Fact checking on the debate today:

1. McCAIN: said that 100 percent of his ads weren't negative.

THE FACTS: University of Wisconsin Advertising Project: 100 % of McCain's ads have been negative.
McCain is only running 11,471 positive ads compared to nearly 60,000 negative ads.
Comparatively, Obama is running 48,729 positive ads and more than 80,000 negative ads.

2. McCAIN: "We have to stop sending $700 billion a year to countries that don't like us very much."

THE FACTS: This U.S. spending on oil imports figure is highly inflated and misleading.
The US spent $246 billion in 2007 for all imported crude oil, a majority from friendly nations including Canada and Mexico. $82 billion was spent importing refined petroleum products eg gasoline, diesel and fuel oil. A majority from refineries in friendly countries - the Netherlands, Canada, the United Kingdom, Trinidad-Tobago, the Virgin Islands.

3. McCAIN: Said that Obama is opposed to off-shore drilling.

THE FACTS: Obama said in August he would be willing to open Florida's coast for more oil drilling if it meant winning approval for broad energy changes... carefully circumscribed to avoid significant environmental damage.
McCain once opposed offshore drilling, too.

4. McCAIN: "We can eliminate our dependence on foreign oil by building 45 nuclear power plants right away."

THE FACTS: This would require a massive shift to electric or hybrid-electric cars, with nuclear power providing the electricity. 15 utilities have filed applications to build 24 new reactors, but none is expected to be built before 2015 at the earliest. Turmoil in the credit markets could force cancellation of some of the projects now planned, much less spur construction of 45 new reactors, as reactor costs have soared to about $9 billion apiece.

5. McCAIN: "Now, we have allocated $750 billion. Let's take 300 of that and go in and buy those home loan mortgages and negotiate with those people in their homes, 11 million homes or more, so that they can afford to pay the mortgage, stay in their home."

THE FACTS: Experts are skeptical and say the plan McCain is promoting is unlikely to solve the housing crisis that's pushing the economy toward recession. The vast majority of the toxic home loans have been repackaged into complex investments that the government would be hard-pressed to unravel and buy. And the government could end up paying far more than they would ever be worth. That could primarily help banks and lenders with taxpayer money.

6. McCAIN: Sen. Joe Biden: "He had this cockamamie idea of dividing Iraq into three countries."

THE FACTS: Biden actually proposed dividing Iraq into three semiautonomous regions, not separate countries.
He was a prime sponsor of a nonbinding Senate resolution that called for Iraq to have federal regions under the control of Kurds, Shiites and Sunnis in a power-sharing agreement similar to the one that ended the 1990s war in Bosnia.
(The Associated Press)

The source of McCain's Joe The Plumber:
Oh come on!
What about Maggie Thatcher??

What you should say is that women from the educated classes would have trouble embracing an uneducated bozo from the backwoods like Sarah Palin.
Exactly. This reinforces my remarks above where I said I'd love to see a capable woman in charge, either in the US or here for that matter. Sarah Palin, sadly, does not fit this description.

GG, I'm laughing at your comment because - curiously enough - I was in fact a doctor's wife! But I acknowledge that it's a common expression meant to represent reasonably affluent, educated, intelligent women, rather than specifically women who are actually married to doctors. The expression could equally have been "lawyers' wives".

So, Green, I don't think you need to worry that GG was having a go at doctors.

Thanks Julia,

Green08 is either not Australian or woeful uninformed if he/she, (actually a linguist girlfriend of mine reckons she's a he, though probably Austraian) is not aware of the pejorative expression "doctors wives".

I do find though that educated often barren women are frightened by the matriarchal power of fertile ones, and the left women have a distinct distaste of right women.

Green08 is either not Australian or woeful uninformed if he/she, (actually a linguist girlfriend of mine reckons she's a he, though probably Austraian)...

gg - and therefore I reckon your linguist friend is probably really a bloke lol -
or alternatively

you and/or she haven't read the posts green made about her autistic son.

as for the rest .... for chryssake please don't be so rude to women posters . thank yu. 2020
Just to change direction here from gg's insults...

I hear that the Republicans are considering a late change in the ticket. ..


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John McCain's performance did seem to put the blue collar workers importance to the forefront. If little else this may show a gradual support in the coming weeks.
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