Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Is there a GOD?

Do you believe in GOD?

  • Absolutely no question--I know

    Votes: 150 25.6%
  • I cannot know for sure--but strongly believe in the existance of god

    Votes: 71 12.1%
  • I am very uncertain but inclined to believe in god

    Votes: 35 6.0%
  • God's existance is equally probable and improbable

    Votes: 51 8.7%
  • I dont think the existance of god is probable

    Votes: 112 19.1%
  • I know there is no GOD we are a random quirk of nature

    Votes: 167 28.5%

  • Total voters

To suggest that deep ecology equates with being an ultra greenie or something like that is to oversimplify the philosophy.

ABC Radio National has for some years run a programme called "New Dimensions" which few people hear because it is broadcast at 1am on I think a weekend. In the last couple of years the focus has become more broad but for many years before that it was specifically described as a programme about deep ecology. Some of it was interesting and some of it was imo pure b/s.

If you are interested in accessing some of the deep ecology back issues you could contact the programme's producers via the following link:
You mean faith.
"The most potent element of human existance is faith". Can't remeber where i heard that.
I, 100% agree, conservation is much more refined than the other. I wish it seemed logical to everyone.
No I don't mean faith all.

The word "faith" has a number of connotations that are unacceptable to me.
My God didnt say that, humans did ;)
So you reject the bible as the word of God? If so, by what compass do you suggest "Obsessive Greenies" find God?

I find there is extreme dissonance in you arguments. This is why you obviously feel you must accuse others of smoking hash and use pejorative labels.

I suggest you go back to the drawing board and figure out what your philosophy on life actually is.

yep, and I can CONFIDENTLY say that the answer on this matter of "faith" lies somewhere between these two quotes :- ;)

1. Understanding is the reward of faith . Therefore seek not to understand that thou mayest believe, but believe that thou mayest understand" - Saint Augustine 354 - 430

2. Say what you will about the sweet miracle of unquestioning faith, I consider a capacity for it terrifying and absolutely vile !
Kurt Vonnegut Jr ..... - 2007

Another of Vonnegut's quotes ... lol
Those who believe in telekinetics, raise my hand
Kurt Vonnegut
PS I lost ... a lot of money today ,,, so excuse me please, I'm just trying to cheer myself up lol
Humor is an almost physiological response to fear.
Further to that quote by Chief Seattle ... (back there)..
1492. As children we were taught to memorize this year with pride and joy as the year people began living full and imaginative lives on the continent of North America. Actually, people had been living full and imaginative lives on the continent of North America for hundreds of years before that. 1492 was simply the year sea pirates began to rob, cheat, and kill them.
"When the white man came, we had the land and they had the Bible.
Now they have the land, and we have the Bible" (chief what's-his-name) :(
Being spiritual is not just about being religious.

Faith is not just restricted to religion.

Having a philosophy of life that is your own is more important than what screwy bloke in the sky you follow.
Being spiritual is not just about being religious.

Faith is not just restricted to religion.

Having a philosophy of life that is your own is more important than what screwy bloke in the sky you follow.
"with my conscience for a compass
I set off into the unknown
confidently advancing
in the direction of my dreams"
- must have been pissed when I wrote that lol

"God does not want you to be Moses - he wants you to be yourself!. On the Day of Judgment, he'll want your excuses for not achieving this " - anon (forgot to record the author of this one - ahh ok - I find I plagiarised / adapted that from Walter Kaufmann :2twocents)
I see harnessing the mind as `the greatest obstacle` for humans to overcome.This will not happen any time soon .Why?No one has an understanding of how the mind works.Worse than that is as the `problem children` (the ones with destructive thoughts) grow up ,that is the cycle perpetuating.
Hey Wys, does this quote of Vonnegut's fit your philosophy praps ? ;)
There is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution, and I don't know what can be done to fix it. This is it: Only nut cases want to be president.
Ladies, Gentlemen, religious zealots, aetheists and everyone in between, please take a deep breath. Arguments will never ever be resolved online. You will never be able to convince anyone of anything they don't believe. You are not your arguments and you are not any less of a person if others don't agree with you. There is nothing to be gained by attempting to convince anyone of anything. There is no endgame in this thread aside from it being closed.

Some people in thread have just received warnings and infractions and to those people, please take this opportunity to step back from the thread and reconsider your approach and tone. To everyone else please see this as a warning to tone it down a tad. State your ideas, support them and dissect that of others. At no point is swearing or making personal attacks welcome or appropriate here at ASF.

We have a great community and I think the fact a thread like this can go on as long as it has without mod intervention is evidence of that. Lets see the mature conversation continue.
Being spiritual is not just about being religious.

Faith is not just restricted to religion.

Having a philosophy of life that is your own is more important than what screwy bloke in the sky you follow.
I'm undecided whether being spiritual can be anything but a type of religion. Depends on your definition of religion maybe? Is being spiritual believing in a higher unseen power in another dimension? Or, is it being in touch with your true deeper self? So, depends which angle you take perhaps...

I agree there are different types of faith, but I'm not too sure that the concept of faith we are talking about in this thread can be related to anything but religion. Faith in your football team winning might fit into the Essendon Supporter Support thread, but it's a different type of faith. Faith in the current context is still a belief in something without reason.
I'm undecided whether being spiritual can be anything but a type of religion. Depends on your definition of religion maybe? Is being spiritual believing in a higher unseen power in another dimension? Or, is it being in touch with your true deeper self? So, depends which angle you take perhaps...
The answer I think you can find in the etymology of the word "spirit". But here's a clue, it might have something to do with pneumonia. ;)

I'm undecided whether being spiritual can be anything but a type of religion. Depends on your definition of religion maybe? Is being spiritual believing in a higher unseen power in another dimension? Or, is it being in touch with your true deeper self? So, depends which angle you take perhaps...
spir·it·u·al /ˈspɪrɪtʃuəl/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[spir-i-choo-uhl] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. of, pertaining to, or consisting of spirit; incorporeal.
2. of or pertaining to the spirit or soul, as distinguished from the physical nature: a spiritual approach to life.
3. closely akin in interests, attitude, outlook, etc.: the professor's spiritual heir in linguistics.
4. of or pertaining to spirits or to spiritualists; supernatural or spiritualistic.
5. characterized by or suggesting predominance of the spirit; ethereal or delicately refined: She is more of a spiritual type than her rowdy brother.
6. of or pertaining to the spirit as the seat of the moral or religious nature.
7. of or pertaining to sacred things or matters; religious; devotional; sacred.
8. of or belonging to the church; ecclesiastical: lords spiritual and temporal.
9. of or relating to the mind or intellect.
10. a spiritual or religious song: authentic folk spirituals.
11. spirituals, affairs of the church.
12. a spiritual thing or matter.

The word has a pretty broad meaning going by the above dictionary definition.

fwiw, I know people who "I" consider to be spiritual, even if they don't believe themselves to be, or even believe in God at all. So my use of the word could be a little more abstract than the above definition. So you're right, meaning subject to angle.

I agree there are different types of faith, but I'm not too sure that the concept of faith we are talking about in this thread can be related to anything but religion. Faith in your football team winning might fit into the Essendon Supporter Support thread, but it's a different type of faith. Faith in the current context is still a belief in something without reason.
Agree. But I wouldn't say they believe without reason, just that the reason may not be experiential or logical. For instance, " I believe because The (fill in favourite scriptural text) said so.
Agree. But I wouldn't say they believe without reason, just that the reason may not be experiential or logical. For instance, " I believe because The (fill in favourite scriptural text) said so.
Yep. I think Wiki sums it up pretty well:

Faith is based upon the interpretation of the intangible (feelings, emotions, etc.) instead of the physically tangible
The answer I think you can find in the etymology of the word "spirit". But here's a clue, it might have something to do with pneumonia. ;)


c.1250, "animating or vital principle in man and animals," from O.Fr. espirit, from L. spiritus "soul, courage, vigor, breath," related to spirare "to breathe," from PIE *(s)peis- "to blow" (cf. O.C.S. pisto "to play on the flute"). Original usage in Eng. mainly from passages in Vulgate, where the L. word translates Gk. pneuma and Heb. ruah. Distinction between "soul" and "spirit" (as "seat of emotions") became current in Christian terminology (e.g. Gk. psykhe vs. pneuma, L. anima vs. spiritus) but "is without significance for earlier periods" [Buck]. L. spiritus, usually in classical L. "breath," replaces animus in the sense "spirit" in the imperial period and appears in Christian writings as the usual equivalent of Gk. pneuma. Meaning "supernatural being" is attested from c.1300 (see ghost); that of "essential principle of something" (in a non-theological sense, e.g. Spirit of St. Louis) is attested from 1690, common after 1800. Plural form spirits "volatile substance" is an alchemical idea, first attested 1610; sense narrowed to "strong alcoholic liquor" by 1678. This also is the sense in spirit level (1768).
I see someone removed my post (perhaps my hobby seemed uncalled for).

Anywayz Wayne to put it a nice way im not here to tell you otherwise, or in fact telling anyone that they need a god. The net is a place where one person can say something and another 1 takes its completely the wrong way.

Im a huge believer in conservation and do my part to help,

It was simply a tongue in cheek comment before to see if it would stir anyone up.

The main important factor is "be happy" its only cyber chat ;)

p.s Thanks Julia for the heads up :)
I think this is similar to / along the same lines as (but still different from) one previously posted by Mofra as follows...

He was born of a virgin on December 25th
His birth was announced by a Star.
His earthly father was named Joseph.
He was of Royal descent.
At age 12 he was a child teacher in a temple.
At age 30 he was baptised after disappearing for 18 years.
He was baptized in the river Eridanus or Iarutana. His baptiser was later decapitated.
He had 12 disciples, two were named John.
He performed miracles.
He walked on water.
He was called the 'Holy Child'.
He delivered a 'sermon on the mount'.
He was crucified, entombed for three days, then resurrected.
He was known as: The Light, The Way, The Truth, The Lamb of God.
He was 'The Fisher'.
He came to fulfil the 'Law'
He was known as 'The KRST'

Who was this figure? Hint - I am not Jesus, my legend predates him.

There are a stack of these posts... I found em interesting anyways - so much from the bible was around in the days of the Egypians it isn't funny. :eek: :2twocents
The Truth About The Jesus Myth Part 1 (or 6)
Jordan Maxwell tells the Naked Truth about religion, the bible and the zodiac
a lot of interesting origins of quotes and sayings in the bible.
"A Men" from the Egyptian "Amen Ra" (= the sun) - as said in Egyptian temples.

the single eye
the lamb of god ("talk about an old concept ! - virtually all the ancient religions had a lamb of god that took away the sins of the world)
Dalai Lama based on the lamb (?)
Horus of Egypt = Jesus of Nazareth
(both baptised by water, many many other comparisons / similar stories )
Set = Satan
etc etc for 10 minutes ;)
I haven`t researched this toob pic. for facts yet but it does remind me of when I was in primary school and the teacher wanted to demonstrate the changes made with (interpretation) of a simple sentence.With about 30 kids in the room the first was told the sentence and then passed to the next etc. and then to the final kid.

I suppose the outcome is obvious to all that have experienced this.

p.s. wonder why the Egyptian gods didn`t take off.Too many horror glyphics prolly.Or too many gods full stop.
I just went to the city library (lol) and found this story about `ol mate horace.Poor fella , looks like he may have had a spit with the locals and come out on top.Now a legend after taking out the locals `ol mate horace sought the head of uncle Set (now that is dead Set).

The worship of Horus was brought from the outside by neighboring tribes who invaded and then settled into Egypt. He was their god of war, but was quickly absorbed into the state religion, first as a son of Ra, then changing to become the son of Osiris. He was the protector and guide to the pharaoh and later pharaohs were believed to be his avatar on earth. Horus was also the patron of young men and the ideal of the dutiful son who grows up to become a just man.

The most popular story of Horus is the one in which he grows to manhood to avenge the death of his father Osiris by battling against his cruel uncle Set. In many writings, he is said to continue to battle Set daily to ensure the safety of the world.

So the moral of the story is don`t mess with Horace because he is easily up Set.
I just went to the city library (lol) and found this story about `ol mate horace.
lol, - library - forgotten what / where that is.;)
wikipedia has a few as well
depending which website you believe, "Horus" seems to be a catch-all , and several gods can all use his "trading name"
also this bloke :- Ra-Harakhte A combined god of Horus and Ra, he was the god of the sun and took it on its daily path across the sky. He is represented as a falcon or a falcon-headed man wearing the solar disk and the double crown. Sometimes he is pictured wearing the atef crown and the uraeus
you wonder if "god of the sun" evolved into - in time "son of god" maybe a bit of dyslexia creeping in . (stranger things have happened ) :eek:
DNA - national dyslexic association, as they say.