Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Is there a GOD?

Do you believe in GOD?

  • Absolutely no question--I know

    Votes: 150 25.6%
  • I cannot know for sure--but strongly believe in the existance of god

    Votes: 71 12.1%
  • I am very uncertain but inclined to believe in god

    Votes: 35 6.0%
  • God's existance is equally probable and improbable

    Votes: 51 8.7%
  • I dont think the existance of god is probable

    Votes: 112 19.1%
  • I know there is no GOD we are a random quirk of nature

    Votes: 167 28.5%

  • Total voters
Here is another Dawkins interview... with William Crawley this time

These couple of videos show him to be an entirely reasonable person if dealing with reasonable opposition. I've only seen him being unreasonable, but I have to say, it has been in response to unreasonableness.

Though with my average intellect, I dare to disagree with some of his beliefs, I quite like a lot of what he has to say.

Good interview anyway.
Could be right Snake - At least it's more difficult to imagine WWIII starting over something like that - the Mozartians vs the Beethovenians. ;)
Just taking this theory to the logical next step :-
rather than have the IRA vs the UDR
or the Sunnis vs the Shi-ites
Wouldn't it be nice if the biggest cause of unrest and disagreement between peoples of the world - and the biggest threat to world peace - was at the level of the differences between the
technical ana-Listz's and the fundamental-Listz's. ;)

btw, here's Hovind on the plot of world population since "creation" 6000 years ago. Note the significant "correction" at the time of Noah's flood. - nearly as bad as 1989 /87 whatever.

I mean, world human population 1 billion 2500 yrs ago,
then presumably after 40 days and 40 nights of rain, population 2. !!
Gee he must have had a hassle burying the other 999,999,998.

One thing's for sure, Noah seems to have "weathered" the correction better than his neighbours.

Speaking of corrections (and ugly graphs) :-,21985,21722341-664,00.html "stock market may make correction this week " albeit positive outlook longterm etc . (I'm starting to think that the only way my bank balance would mimic that graph - is to keep working till I'm 4000 years.)
who said all this was off thread ;)


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WHAT ENLIGHTEMENT are you talking about????? oops the **** meter. sorry Waynel;)
Enlightening to hear a bishop accept euthanasia.

And some tolerance towards gays after hearing the likes of Fred Nile quote from the Bible why they won't go to heaven etc. (whatta loada ...)
I heard that it's just as difficult for a gay to go straight, as for a sraight to become gay. (comforting thought for non-gays ;))

The problem with Haggard - (see "videos that send a message" thread) ,and his being exposed as being gay - is the absolute hypocrisy compared to his acidic "teachings" while he masquerades under some self-styled halo.:eek: -especially preaching to kids at one of those Jesus camps - those people should be put on trial for perverting young minds.

BTW, Moses, in that Bishop of Oxford post - he downplays the virgin birth bigtime - for whatever reason, whether he has doubts - or that he wants to emphasise the resurrection instead whatever. I realise that Catholics treat the virgin birth as very important of course, but again, we are getting off thread I guess.
After God had created Adam he noticed that he looked very lonely. He decided to help.

He said "Adam, I've decided to make you a woman. She'll love you, cook for you, be sweet to you, and understand you."

Adam said "Great! How much will she cost me?"

The answer came back, "An arm and a leg."

"Well," said Adam "what can I get for a rib?"
Get up and walk Waynle, your sins are forgiven :)
I think you're trying to play mind games. Unfortunately for you, it is having an effect I'm sure you would rather it not. On forums, sins are never forgiven. ;)
No but the Crusades did I think ;)
Question is what will potentially trigger WWIII ?

OIL! If you say any different, you are less intelligent than what i have previously given you credit for ;)

be interesting to research how many wars were truly started in the name of GOD!
especially some of the more recent ones... 19th, 20th and 21st century.
haha, nice one 2020

i think oil, water, resources in general are going to be the battle ground of the next century...

after all, unless we find a new colony to exploit (and it may be the moon...) to continue at our current rate of growth, somethings gotta give.

and as for global warming, studies are already showing that possibly up to 1billion people might be displaced... (another potential flash point)... with the main resource in question being land, water, food!
Guess I'm just being pessimistic - as Einstein said
"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."

Is religion a factor in war? Again it depends on how we define our terms doesn't it. I mean I would have thought that this thread includes all Gods - including the God that is referred to when some extremist calls out "God is Great" - then we are in the middle of such a religious war as we speak. "Jihad" means holy war does it not. Then you get the extremists on the Christian side - plenty on those Jesus squad videos - where kids are ji-ed up to be prepared to die for Jesus.

So some questions spring to mind :-
are we saying that the god we invented for ourselves is so much better than the god they invented for themselves?
if everyone became more religious, is that likely to help?
what about if everyone became less so ?
I know my answers. :eek: :2twocents
But true Rafa - could be wars over food even , fishing rights - carbon rights I guess ;) Great show on SBS tonight - George Bush going to the election with a promise to legislate carbon reductions (to "out green" Gore) - only to do a complete back flip after the election - now there is one who is morally bankrupt if ever there was one. :(
George Carlin on the ten commandments:

(It's a p!sstake so don't watch if likely to be offended :eek: )

Is religion a factor in war?

Yes, God is certainly used as a motivating factor during war... just as racism (aryans vs jews), nationalism (numerous examples), ideology (capitalism vs communism), cultural/ethnicity (one black african tribe vs another), etc, etc

So some questions spring to mind :-
are we saying that the god we invented for ourselves is so much better than the god they invented for themselves?

Yes... only becuase unfortunately we all like to think the God has the set of beliefs that we have... and since our beleifs are the best, our God is the best. In actual fact, we got no idea what God is, or what his beliefs are, and indeed why things happen... hence, when something bad happens, we all go around crying... "why is this happening, how can God let this happen, blah blah blah :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: "

I beleive (as i've said this before)... everything happens for a reason, but i'd be buggered if in know what the reasons are... but God does.

if everyone became more religious, is that likely to help?

Yes, but only if the main virtues of the religions we follow are aligned. In my opinion, how can you go wrong with the religious virtues i outlined my post on the beatitudes. But others, naturally will have different opinions.

what about if everyone became less so ?

Yes, if everyone has no purpose in life whatsover except to follow MONEY... Capitalism and greed is good.... Alternatively, if everyone became a socialist, communist, white with blue eyes, etc, etc... it removes one potential motivating tool.

But I have no doubt a smart leader will find another ;)