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Is Sydney Morning Herald a good newspaper to subscribe for stock investors?

3 February 2016
I am keen to invest more into the Australian stock market. I am looking for newspapers to read to keep myself informed of opportunities and risks. Looking around, it seems Sydney Morning Herald(SMH) is a good choice. I would like to ask the experienced folks here if they agree with my choice. Are there alternatives to SMH? Which newspapers do you read assuming you are an Australian stock investor?
Which newspapers do you read assuming you are an Australian stock investor?

Probably not the answer you are looking for, but no newspaper in Australia adds anything to my research and analysis for investing in the ASX.

I would invert the question and ask you, how do you think reading what any newspaper reports will inform you of opportunities and risks as a share investor?

Note - quite a lot of what appears in the SMH as financial journalism is actually spam from advertisers like Motley Fools, Fairfax deliberatley mislead readers with these 'infommercials'.
Are there alternatives to SMH? Which newspapers do you read assuming you are an Australian stock investor?

If I was to nominate one single source, then The Financial Review is probably the best one. SMH is probably a distance second.
Doesnt work for AFR though and all the Fairfax rags can be bypassed just by opening a private browsing window in any browser.
Oh well dont use it then , some may find it useful and thats all that matters , ease is a good thing , click and read .. anyway thanks for that
Agreed, I was simply giving some extra info about the limited use of the extension and pointing out an easier option for Fairfax sites. The more info the better, surely?
Doesnt work for AFR though and all the Fairfax rags can be bypassed just by opening a private browsing window in any browser.

This sounds useful even though I don't actually get it Got a very brief guide for dummies and time to do so please g?
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