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Is Global Warming becoming unstoppable?

Its really funny with discussions like this, they polaris people, neither side can prove the other side wrong.
The only winners are the ones that capitalise on the emotions, in doing so they have 50% of the people onside. Therefore they can bring about change before the theory is proven wrong or right. If it is proven right oh well thats good, if its proven wrong oh well suck it up.
Looks like Canada is pulling out of Kyoto... Canada to pull out of Kyoto Protocol next month

and yet Gillard is throwing our tax payers funds around seemingly like confetti:

Read more about our international handouts in which the Aussie voters have had no say by way of referendum or election:
Looks like Canada is pulling out of Kyoto... Canada to pull out of Kyoto Protocol next month

Did you actually read the story or was the headline enough for ya?

Kent is the (Conservative Govt) Canadian Environment Minister

So he's pulling of of a now pretty much defunct treaty (because the targets are unachievable) and negotiation a new deal..playing hard ball lol.


Delegates from 190 countries meeting in deniers, just pollies playing hard ball.

That's so they aren't dis-invited from the junket.
So he's pulling of of a now pretty much defunct treaty (because the targets are unachievable) and negotiation a new deal..playing hard ball lol.
Precisely the point that many have been making. The targets will not be met and there is no point pretending otherwise.

The next round of targets won't be met either unless by accident.
It is just a joke, other than for so cynical and Knobby, who want to believe us losing jobs, industries and sending electricity prices through the roof. Is some sort of cleansing process we have to go through.

The best part is.

The US, which never ratified the Kyoto Protocol, says it won't agree to a binding accord unless all emitters are included. China and India, which had no commitments under Kyoto, have become two of the world's three top polluters since the pact was approved in 1997

What is going on there! Obama said, Julia is very Bold introducing the carbon tax. Probably sounds better than saying she is an absolute D!!ck H##d.LOL
It will just be another stuff up in 12 months.
Also quite funny we won't burn coal, but we will sell it to anybody that does want to burn it. What The.
Doesn't sound like we really want to save the planet, no sounds more like we want to tax someone. LOL
There was a follow up to this on ABC Radio News and PM this evening.
Mr Kent said participating in Kyoto was one of Canada's major blunders.
He went on to say there was no way they would be engaging in anything remotely similar unless it was part of a completely global strategy, especially involving the US, China and India.

Better now, So cynical?
More and more the msm is reporting the truth

Garbage in, warming out

Perhaps some of the alarmist in this forum can provide some honest comments on this latest release of climategate emails?

There have been dozens if not hundreds of postings in this forum by alarmists that have directly referenced some of the climategate authors and their work - which shows corruption, falsifying data, using misleading data and deleting data to avoid foi requests, to name a few...

Is this disturbing to you? Or do you agree it's ok for the "cause"?

Read for yourself

I'm assuming the lack of posts so far by Alarmists indicate it's not disturbing to them. If you are disturbed by this corruption - what is your position on the AGW scare?
I'm assuming the lack of posts so far by Alarmists indicate it's not disturbing to them. If you are disturbed by this corruption - what is your position on the AGW scare?

The lack of posts is due to the pointless situation of attempting to change your mind. There is a great article on it in New Scientist recently about how people form fixed view points and are unable to see the total picture. Your view is that all scientists are corrupt and the money pushing the opposite is all sweet smelling. There is no point trying to change your views.

Amen. Or even attempting the discuss the issue intelligently.
How about this?

New NASA Data Blow Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism

Link here....

Unlike the alarmist spokesmen on this thread, Tim Flannery now claims he is not an alarmist. His religious zeal is missing.

Sorry Dannyboy but that is just another lying piece of dribble created by Mr Taylor on behalf of GW deniers Inc.

The true story about the Spencer and Boswell peer reviewed paper ? It was a badly researched paper with some tentative conclusions that were then exploded into a grotesque unreality courtesy of the usual suspects.

The paper was so bad the Editor of the Journal resigned over the failure of the peer review process.

But of course you won't hear anything of this from Pielke, Spencer and co. And naturally the other umpteen thousand scientific papers that recognise the effects of extra greenhouse gases and the increased temperatures they are causing are just flamed off the table. We saw another typical example with the article Wayne quoted again from the lying Mr Taylor.

As Knobby points out discussion on this topic in ASF forums is pointless given the determination of many members to ignore the vast majority of the scientific communities work on this topic and then accept quite specious stories that confirm their desire to think it will all be alright.

The whole Real Climate post and comments are worth reading for anyone interested in the truth of the matter.
The responses from Basilio and Knobby imply that they're ok with the corruption from a key select group of so called scientist, and assert the real issue all along is about changing people's minds on AGW, which incidentally isn't an issue after-all and needs support from corrupt activities and methods to have the gullible alarmists believe it actually is a major issue.

Basilio, Knobby, do you think your deliberate failure to recognize such fundamental problems in the "science" and how the funding has influenced this "climate religion" is causing others here to question your motives, assertions, content and credibility? Hence it becomes obvious why nobody wants anyone pushing AGW in charge of anything.

If you both honestly think this is a game about changing people's minds, then perhaps take a lesson from MacCracken and think of a backup plan. Your approaches with Plan A are sunk.

MacCracken suggests that Phil Jones start working on a “backup” in case Jones’ prediction of warming is wrong

Ohhhh... the irony!
Yea, yea, my eyes have been blinded. All the scientists are in on it in a giant conspiracy and I have lost touch with reality (yawn).
Not all, just those left after those that do not conform to "the cause" are ostracized.

Not all, just those left after those that do not conform to "the cause" are ostracized.


Point to an instance, then I will give you a Republican senator who was ostracised for having the "wrong" view.
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