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Is Global Warming becoming unstoppable?

And the clones who regurgitate tall tales to validate their trenchant end of days beliefs?
If they are lying then people shouldn't listen to them.

My fourth policy might be a Royal Commission into bias in the Media. Last week Jones and Hadley were "full throttle" trying to get the Libs over the line in the Longman by-election. This morning Jones has been as bitter as Vinegar due to the loss, it's vicious. He keeps saying "we" when referring to the Liberals, constantly.
I now have the ABC back on, for a bit.

I suppose that there is some entertainment value in listening to them choke on their vitriol.

You posting in correct thread or worried about the threat to vinegar due to global warming.
Polar winds are causing some havoc with fires and drought conditions in Northern Hemisphere. Must be a big change in plasma generation to cause the easterlies to move so far south.
"But the potential link between the climate change, the polar vortex and mid-latitude weather is a complicated, uncertain and – at times – contentious one."

Is that supposed to undermine the reality of world wide climate change?

Or should we just wait until it is absolutely certain we are destablishing our benign climate before considering any action. ?

No one is stopping anyone from planting their own runner beans, but when you decide to plant them in someone else's back yard you better have a rock solid reason.
Or should we just wait until it is absolutely certain
I'll simply note that there is no business decision ever made by anyone that involved absolute certainty as to the outcome.

Even a governent owned monopoly will have some risk somewhere and at the other end uncertainty is the very nature of any privately owned business operating in a competitive market (and that's most businesses).

Climate change is uncertain but it's considerably more certain than the basis of a great many other decisions.

For a business to last successfully for more than five years, there's a fairly high importance of risk assessment, experience and a rather low gamble factor. It's when an organisation spreads its decision making process to please the mono task rank and file that hard to kill camels get born.

A lot of gobbly gook there Tisme !?

Smurf is pointing out that the risks CC poses to the whole economic/environmenal system are significant enough to warrant decisive action. I'll go back to the simple day to day example - does a business/organisation wilfully ignore flood warnings or cyclone warnings because they might not amount to much ?

Who needs to take the action ? I suppose only the people and countries who are going to be affected ...
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For a business to last successfully for more than five years, there's a fairly high importance of risk assessment, experience and a rather low gamble factor.

Apply standard business risk management approaches to CO2 and it's hard to find a way that doesn't trigger the "senior management must be immediately informed" clause that's in most risk assessments somewhere for that moment when someone realises they and/or the company really are in very serious trouble.

Thankfully I've only ever needed to follow that policy once in my working life thus far, and I wasn't the cause simply the one who first observed the situation, but most businesses have it somewhere.

CO2 would fall into that category due to consequence alone, there being no need to accurately determine probability in order to reach that conclusion since if consequence is drastic enough then even a relatively low probability still puts it in the red zone.
A lot of gobbly gook there Tisme !?


Mate don't talk about something you have no idea about. To run a business successfully long term you need a lot of smarts. There is no overarching endless pit of money from taxpayer purses to pay wages, expand, invest, train, etc like you would be all too familiar with being a public servant all your working life.

Many of us private enterprisers don't become leaders because we stepped through personal development training sessions, use three letter acronyms and cliche meta speak, earned public service medals and got rewarded with pay grade increases for studying useless adjunct degrees that have no bearing on the work proclivities .

When taking down someone, you need to confine yourself to things you know about and I'm willing to lend you sixpence to buy a clue if that helps.

One of my lines of business is engineering to accommodate the various continual changes, one aspect being in synch with climatic pecadillos.

I already posted an ASHRAE weatherbin data set in response to a sensationalist piece about surviving in a South American jungle inferring it as a metric to the future world in general and of course the poster chose silence in favour or fact. These are higher learning indices that are used to manufacture, develop, innovate, etc twenty to fifty years into the future. The mathematics alone, employed in that sphere is high level stuff, far exceeding high school calculus, S&P, etc.

With CO, NO, CO2, VOCs and vociferous compounds in general the methods of test, the mitigation, the containment, et al are all high importance to manufacturers already. Australia has not been a laggard when it comes to setting frontier standards for imported and locally produced energy consuming equipment e.g. MEPS, which have impacted on production houses in places like Thailand, China, Japan.

We tend to take a cynical almost chicken little Henny Penny view in this country that all is doom unless we start doing things, but we ignore the fact we have been doing and that profit is not the only driver for innovation, infact , not withstanding heirarchial needs, the driver for innovation is an innate desire by dominant competitive cultures to do things better for the triumph and recognition of the society's skills and mind. It's because deep down we are skeptical that ungalvanising our society into sectarian interest groups that we carry the fear and rage that a fix is out of our reach and panic is knocking at our door. We want the good old days, but screw ourselves over with apologies for our past behaviours.
Does anyone else have a clue what Tisme is sprouting ? If I thought his first business observations were goobly gook this latest spiel is " goobly gook squared".

So I understand Tisme is saying that businesses (his perhaps ?) are leaders in "setting standards" for energy efficiency in electronic equipment.

Great. That is at least a .5% contribution to the overall problem of drastically reducing emissions. But if anyone thinks that is any more than a tiny part of what needs to be done they are in denial. And it doesn't even touch the issues of dealing with the consequences of CC now and into the near term future.

Unfortunately I think climate change is now feeding on itself.

The fires around the world as a result of CC are now releasing tonnes more CO2, which creates more warming, which creates more fires etc.

So really if that cycle continues I think we are stuffed. I don't really see a way out. Planting more trees would be counter productive if they too catch fire and create more CO2.

So my answer to the topic heading, I'm sorry to say is YES.

Wait til the northern winter when some idiot US senator will bring a snow ball into the chamber to show there's no warming. And if he says it with a snowball on his desk, it must be true.
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