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Is Global Warming becoming unstoppable?

Left and right,
postmodern the frequency,
there is a wall,
can we see,
from which side,
do we want to?

Uh oh,, getting hard, might lose so throw in some mud as confusion deters and usually wins.

Always happy to debate, sans mud plod, if you are
And there is another thread for that discussion isn't there ?
Good luck
Not really mate, not while there is the leftist propensity to smear, rather than debate.
What does ..."sans mud plod"... mean wayne ?
Sans means "without". So what i am saying is that if everyone is happy to stick to the facts and not resort to smears, we can have a productive discussion.
Anyway, just plodding along.

Inquiry says climate warming is greatest threat to security


Contributed by Ben Wilson
The Senate inquiry into the implications of climate change for Australia’s national securityhas come to the conclusion that the warming of the climate poses a greater risk to Australia’s security than anything else.

On top of the list is the threat to food and water security. As well as the obvious impacts on Australian society, it raises the risk of regional and global conflict over these precious resources.

The report highlighted that that global warming is not just a possible risk, but a reality right now, which has the potential to imperil life on Earth. Australia and the region around us is being affected. The Asia-Pacific is the “most vulnerable” to the security and humanitarian impacts.

Australia is threatened with a heightening of the severity of natural hazards, increasing the spread of infectious diseases, increasing water insecurity and the impact on agriculture.

According to the Climate Council, which made a submission to the inquiry, climate warming is “already contributing to increases in the forced migration of people within and between nations, as well as playing a role in heightening social and political tensions, flowing onto conflict and violence.”

Given this, and the prior recognition of the Australian government of the threat, in the seventh national communication on climate change presented to the United Nations in December, which says “already experiencing the impacts of a changing climate, particularly changes associated with increases in temperature, the frequency and intensity of extreme heat events, extreme fire weather and drought,” why is there so little action?

The report noted that Australia does not have a strategy to deal with the threat.

Research Director for Breakthrough National Centre for Climate Restoration David Spratt, said there was a disconnect between the evidence presented to the inquiry and the recommendations that emerged from it.

Vested interests have been blocking effective action. When the fossil fuel and associated industries are major political donors and have power in the economy, governments resist any movement, and this has been more pronounced in Australia than most other countries.

A consequence is that Australia lags on every front, from embracing alternative energy sources, to investing in the building of a sustainable manufacturing base and overall economy.

But this is not just a problem of the fossil fuel industry. The largest part of it is owned by the banks and other financial institutions, the most prominent of which are major multinational corporations, to a significant extent, operating through the big four in Australia.

Effective action on climate warming involves the will to take on these interests and ensuring that investment is directed to where it is needed.

The problem is so serious that it in addition, it needs to be treated as a national emergency, involving the whole of society, mobilising and taking part in a national effort to make a change.

In the absense of national leadership, this is not happening."
And along:-
"April 2018 was the 400th “consecutive month with above-average temperatures” on Earth, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). To clarify, that means December 1984 was the last month the planet had below-average temperatures. It also means we’re headed towards a climate change of 2 degrees Celsius, a number that will have devastating effects on the Earth’s biodiversity.

Not only has Earth reached the milestone of 400 consecutive months of heating up, but last April happened to be the third-warmest April ever recorded globally, according to the NOAA report released Thursday. Carbon dioxide levels also hit another milestone by reaching the “highest level in recorded history at 410 parts per million” last month."

1 Environment
Earth’s Climate To Increase By 4 Degrees By 2084
May 24, 2018 Eurasia Review 0 Comments
By Eurasia Review

A collaborative research team from China has published a new analysis that shows the Earth’s climate would increase by 4 °C, compared to pre-industrial levels, before the end of 21st century.

To understand the severity of this, consider the Paris Agreement of the United Nations. It’s a global effort to prevent an increase of 2°C. Nearly every country on the planet–the United States is the only country to withdraw–has agreed to work to prevent the catastrophic effects of two degrees of warming.

The researchers published their analysis projecting a doubling of that increase in Advances in Atmospheric Sciences on May 18, 2018.

“A great many record-breaking heat events, heavy floods, and extreme droughts would occur if global warming crosses the 4 °C level, with respect to the preindustrial period,” said Dabang Jiang, a senior researcher at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. “The temperature increase would cause severe threats to ecosystems, human systems, and associated societies and economies.”

In the analysis, Jiang and his team used the parameters of scenario in which there was no mitigation of rising greenhouse gas emissions. They compared 39 coordinated climate model experiments from the fifth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, which develops and reviews climate models to ensure the most accurate climate simulations possible.

They found that most of the models projected an increase of 4°C as early as 2064 and as late as 2095 in the 21st century, with 2084 appearing as the median year.

This increase translates to more annual and seasonal warming over land than over the ocean, with significant warming in the Arctic. The variability of temperature throughout one year would be lower in the tropics and higher in polar regions, while precipitation would most likely increase in the Arctic and in the Pacific. These are the same effects that would occur under 1.5°C or 2°C increases, but more severe.

“Such comparisons between the three levels of global warming imply that global and regional climate will undergo greater changes if higher levels of global warming are crossed in the 21st century,” wrote Jiang.

The researchers continue to investigate the changes associated with 4°C of global warming in extreme climates.

“Our ultimate goal is to provide a comprehensive picture of the mean and extreme climate changes associated with higher levels of global warming based on state-of-the art climate models, which is of high interest to the decision-makers and the public,” said Jiang"

I still feel this article is conservative, particularly when we had days 40 celsius above average last winter of the arctic and the now the obvious rate at which underlying ice is melting in Antarctica. Anyfknolehow, watching the Donns doing well again this week so keep partying.
buy gold hoard beans and ...erm, chocolate....yes, lots of chocolate...and some of them fluffy melty things..not straight away day......someday

buy gold hoard beans and ...erm, chocolate....yes, lots of chocolate...and some of them fluffy melty things..not straight away day......someday

I thought the ultra violet rise in solar irradiance added about 34% of global temp rise since the 1970's ?
Check this out. Certainly makes sense.
Why^ (some) people don't believe in Climate Science.
Good one Bas, and..

On the news today, more cars being washed away. Seems once a week now somewhere. Used to be a few times a decade 20 or 30 years back. Remember the Thomson River at Longreach about 1977 the first big one I saw.

Anyolefknhow, just keep partying.
Check this out. Certainly makes sense.
Why^ (some) people don't believe in Climate Science.
Articles of this nature may make sense to ardent believers such as yourself, however, skeptics will likely tune out upon espying fabrications being misreported as facts (e.g. the mythical 97% consensus).
Articles of this nature may make sense to ardent believers such as yourself, however, skeptics will likely tune out upon espying fabrications being misreported as facts (e.g. the mythical 97% consensus).

Yeah no surprise here hey Cynic?

Couple of points
1) The facts are that the overwhelming majority of climate scientists (97 plus,plus %) understand and acknowledge the reality of human caused climate change. End of story. Full stop.
2) That video had nothing to do with fact one. It was articulating the processes by which all of us (including the 97 plus% Climate scientists) somehow push the reality of climate change off the page.

That is why it is well worth checking out.

You would think that members on this forum in particular would be skilled in reading a trend graph.

"They say this is a once every 1,000-year flood and we've had two of them in two years," Governor Mr Hogan said.

The flooding swept away parked cars in Ellicott City, set along the west bank of Maryland's Patapsco River and about 20 kilometres west of Baltimore.

It was actually worse than the flood two years ago.
If it happens again soon, I think people will just leave the town. I am sure insurance will be possible to get after this.

Also from FOX NEWS (Getting hard to be a denier -even Fox news are reporting it as global warming.)

Researchers in Germany say greater flood defenses are particularly needed in the United States, parts of India and Africa, Indonesia and Central Europe.

River floods are already one of the most widespread and damaging forms of natural disasters around the world.

Using computer simulations, scientists at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research say the number of people affected by the worst 10 percent of river flooding will increase by up to 156 million in Asia alone by 2040.

The study published Thursday in the journal Science Advances concludes that flood risks will rise regardless of efforts to curb climate change because of greenhouse gases already emitted in past decades.
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On the contrary! That is why the integrity, and/or impartiality, of its content, is in serious doubt!
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