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Is Global Warming becoming unstoppable?

Global Tropical Cyclone Landfalls 2012

umm Hurricane Sandy was not long ago and I remember that, I dont remember any of those other ones, therefore it is getting worse!!!

We'll never know, because the Mayan/basilio calendar predicts the world will come to an end on 21 December. They haven't told us the mechanism, but my guess is that the Earth will be gobbled up by a black hole.

It's time to crack a case of Grange Hermitage 1985. (buy it on credit card at $9597 a dozen.)

ill have a bottle if its end of the world
You can also check out the PM's end of the world message as you quaff your last Grange.

I'm sure it will offer an extra does of surrealism to the picture.

As I mentioned in a previous post, Greenland went through a period of warmer conditions around 1000 AD and then 500 years later it went into a mini ICE AGE. During the 1000AD era pine trees grew and there were some 1200 farms with sheep and goats.

It would appear Greenland is now going into that wamer period again similar to that of the 1000AD era which history proves it was not man made but a normal phenomenal which takes palce every so often. It might take another 500 years to go back to mini ice age again.

So yes, Global warming is unstoppable if in fact it does occur and there has been no sign of it in the past 16 years.

As we all know the distance between the Sun and Earth does very and extreme Sun spots can also have an affect on the Earth's weather conditions.

These are just some of the things the so called scientific alarmist don't want you to know because it would blow them right out of the water.
I can see how the concept of a round world was so hard to promulgate.It still looks flat to me.

Yes the Alarmist are very selective. A good example was last week in Tassie we had bushfires and 35 degrees,and the Climate change gang where out in force saying this is the way of the future.
This week week we had snow down to 900 meters and they were no where to be seen.
The silly part of this is that we expect bushfires and heat it's summer after all , how come they didn't come out during our summer snow storm and say we are due for the next ice age ?
There was an excellent series on the BBC called The Climate Wars. I just had a look at the final episode which examines the evidence for rapid climate change through investigations of ice cores, changes in Arctic sea ice, and the history of climate models.

Its a rewarding and informative hour. It's particularly good value in terms of showing how science comes to understand what has happened and what faces us.
The second episode in the Climate Wars looks at the role of climate change skeptics in challenging the work of cliamte scientists.

Amazingly it finishes with Professor Michaels acknowledging that the world has warmed in the 20th Century and that humans are partially responsible. !!

Again worth a look.

I didn't watch it.

But I don't think you will find it difficult to find a serious skeptic that will will deny a/ climate change or b/ human's role in it, at least on a regional level.

The argument ([SIGH] once again), is whether human's influence will be catastrophic, and once again, the data does not match the oh so fecking shrill rhetoric of the alarmists.....

...which I note they have stepped up in a quantum way lately.

Politics > Science.
Or more exactly .... will human influence make it catastrophic.

What with basilio's and Knobby's dire warnings, followed by Gillard's end of the World broadcast, i have become a nervous wreck. My grandchildren have tried to console me by saying "at least, Grandpop, we will go together."
who cares.

if the world isn't ending then we go on the way we have been.

if not, we degrade the planet to the point where 4-5 billion of us die out and the left overs can eek out a subsistence life.

i'm just glad I don't have to face the second option should it be the path we're heading down as I should have fallen off me perch by then.
It was a killer.
"The tornado has been upgraded to an EF5 - the highest classification for tornadoes." Quite rare.
The statement is not quite true - the US weather bureau has instigated a new cat 6 rating in expectation of larger tornadoes.

Of course, they will be less able to measure them as their funding has just been cut.
See no evil, Hear no evil, Say no evil.

Sarah Palin's comment that it is snowing in Alaska, so much for global warming was quite funny. who would have thought that it might snow in Alaska?

I enjoyed the religious comment too. Summarising , "Its God's will, stop complaining".


Oklahoma's lieutenant-governor Todd Lamb says the children who sought safety in the basement of Plaza Towers Elementary School drowned.

"Quite frankly, I don't mean to be graphic but that's why some of the children drowned. Because they were in the basement area," he said.

Emergency management official Albert Ashwood said the school did not have a safe room.
"With the help of federal emergency agency we funded school saferooms. Unfortunately the two schools that were hit were not funded," he said.

The blog really shows the frustration of the disenfranchised.
The whole global warming issue won't be tackled properly, if at all, because it's been politicised.

Every bludging nut case is claiming it's man made and wants a piece of the action, so we just argue about who's fault it is and that stops anything actually being done.

What can be done ? Well don't try to fix it with a tax for starters, clean up our rivers and environment as that needs to be done anyway, urgently explore safe ways of implementing nuclear power.

Arrest the entire Greens and Labor parties and put them behind bars (that process has started) and just accept that the climate may be changing so lets clean up our act.
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