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Is Global Warming becoming unstoppable?

With the overall percentage in the atmosphere being reasonably low (compared to the dominant substances like nitrogen) it can be a little misleading. Consider having a bucket of water in a white bucket. It takes a relatively small (as a percentage) to have a noticeable effect.

Provide evidence noco.
Give me a link.

Nature is the premier scientific journal in the world. Publisher of practically all the major scientific discoveries. Hardly propaganda.

True, it only takes a small amount of ammonia to make it undrinkable.

Of course, the number of cars since then has increased 400% and world population has doubled since 2000.

As for the United Nations, the US have a veto over it, (motions to be carried require more than an 85% vote as the US excercise 16%) so you can be sure that even those figures will be on the conservative side.

We are going to need solar powered air conditioned caves.

Opps, as most of you seem to live in caves anyway.

Just so everyone is on the same page, perhaps plod can throw up a chart showing the doubling of the population since 2000? And the unstoppable temp with the actual evidence that co2 drives temps and not the reverse.?

And exactly how much reduction of co2 the so called "green" folks here have been able to avert? And the temp arrested by such actions?

We're all ready to follow the chicken little like knobby and basilio, of course first, some basic answers and once the hard evidence is in and how my reduction will stop the world from the unstoppable temperatures. I wonder what chicken little was saying in the 1970s - the accuracy must have been impeccable then too.
how can you be wrong when we are in the crucial decade and at a tipping point into perpetuity..

its quite alarming seeing the emotive diatribe being sent out over the media... desperation seems to be kicking in, better wheel out the expert mammologist from his waterfront hideaway

Nah white. There is no "crucial decade " or "tipping point": Everyone who actually reads and understands the evidence for what is happening privately agrees we are past the point of no return. It is now a question of how bad it gets and how quickly that happens.

Of course it is not a good look to express such views publicly. We all have to keep up a brave face and pretend that there is some rough chance this can all be turned around somehow, someway.

Looking for miracles I suppose - but basically just ignoring it.

But keep your head in the sand mate. Deliberate ignorance is just as valid a way of handing the situation as anything else.

Or you can come up with a range of stupid, illogical comments that are meaningless but throw some pixie dust into the air.

so the article you quoted last week as proof for the coming armageddon is wrong?

"THE world is on the cusp of a "tipping point" into dangerous climate change"

I wont insult your intelligence by suggesting that you believe what you just said.

Wasn't that clear enough ? When you go through the details of how quickly CO2 levels are rising and what is required in terms of mammoth reductions of CO2 levels to have even a reasonable chance of stopping the process one understands why the game is almost certainly over. The article in todays Age points this out quite clearly.

Isn't this just evolution? As our population increases the climate must eventually change more rapidly than if there were no inhabitants or flat growth, yeah?

If it means the extinction of our species, is that not part of that evolution?

Do we really think we are that sophisticated to actually alter the course of this evolution of the climate?


oh no what a disaster, but if people like you are doomed where am I going to get my coffee from in the morning?
Provide evidence noco.
Give me a link.

Nature is the premier scientific journal in the world. Publisher of practically all the major scientific discoveries. Hardly propaganda.

I have given you the link through Andrew Bolt. What more do you want?

Do your own research to prove it right or wrong.

If Ban-Ki-Mon backs it, it will be proapganda because that is how the Greenies work and it is always far from the truth.
If the first scare campaign doesn't work, just wind it up into an even bigger scare. The effrontery is breathtaking, but this is how they work.

Quick, start shutting down industries and paying more tax immediately. It's the only way.
It's not the only way.
But pretending it isn't happening is not a solution.
It's not the only way.
But pretending it isn't happening is not a solution.

Global warming certainly is unstoppable.

Global cooling is also unstoppable.

Cataclysmic warnings of the end of civilisation as we know it, are unstoppable.

As King Cnut illustrated, it is futile for rulers to pretend that they can circumvent the laws of nature.

As King Cnut illustrated, it is futile for rulers to pretend that they can circumvent the laws of nature.

Don't go much with your analogy ... a better one would be to hold a brick over high your foot then let go and allow the laws of nature to take their course. So that leaves us now with the intellectual calibre of the metaphorical foot owner. I've moved my foot... but it Looks like your off to Hospital Cal.

The metaphorical movement of my foot is by imagining a future rather than being sold one by the industrial state, and you tilt at that windmill every time you fix something or buy quality or grow food to eat and attempt a greater understanding. It's fun but It's not an aspiration that's heavily sold, like say a shopping trip to Hong Kong or what ever other way you wish to paint up your self aggrandisement; as so deftly dictated to you.

??? :screwy:
Everyone who actually reads and understands the evidence for what is happening privately agrees we are past the point of no return. It is now a question of how bad it gets and how quickly that happens.

Time to close your own thread then?
It's not the only way.
But pretending it isn't happening is not a solution.

Pretending? That's a new one. How about answering the basic questions many have posted only to see non-responses from the AGW lap dogs here?

Start with answering this - Where is observed evidence that shows man's 3% of CO2 is driving "calamity" supported by ALL climate scientists? Or is that stretching your propaganda beliefs a little too far?

Good post Orr
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