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Is Global Warming becoming unstoppable?

Bob Carter kept it quiet till now.
I'd like someone to ask him who else is giving him money?

We know for instance he wrotes a column for News Limited.
What does News get out of it?

News doesn't give any of the climate change scientists, the vast majority of scientists, a column.


You believe it is ok for "scientists" with a pro-AGW hypothesis to get funding, but not those with a sceptical hypothesis?
By the way, the leaked documents seem to have been faked.

You believe it is ok for "scientists" with a pro-AGW hypothesis to get funding, but not those with a sceptical hypothesis?

Scientists should get funded for doing science, not spouting propaganda.
If a newspaper wants someone spouting propaganda, then they have a duty of care to be fair about it and give an alternate view.
By the way, the leaked documents seem to have been faked.
Still got those uncontrollable eyes Wayne? Even Heartland only claims that one of the documents is a fake; they just say the others may have been altered.

I think their paragraph about the allegedly fake document is interesting:

So, whoever wrote the document, if it accurately describes the Heartland Institute's actual goals, plans or tactics, I guess they've just disowned themselves. Enough to make anyone's eyes roll.

BTW, does anyone know who funds JoNova?

Scientists should get funded for doing science, not spouting propaganda.

Well that counts out about 90% of pro warmist funding then doesn't it.

Look, AGW is a reasonable hypothesis, it should be studied. But funding should be geared towards arriving at a reasonable position. We know that government funding is only available for pro-warmist hypotheses.

That is not science. Sans funding for reasonable counterpoint or proper scientific process, it is propaganda masquerading as science.

Libertarians recognize the imbalance their and have devised alternative means of funding balancing study and in addition to scientific exploration of data are forced into a position of counter-propaganda.

If a newspaper wants someone spouting propaganda, then they have a duty of care to be fair about it and give an alternate view.

Indeed and hoist by your own petard.

As I pointed out before, only your cabal of alarmists can help me with my eye control.

Ms Fish, who funds who is a question that could go on ad infinitum on both sides of the divide. But it is a red herring, a distraction from the true debate... unless of course you feel you are losing the intellectual battle and must resort to smear, innuendo and mock to take the debate off on an entirely different tack.

Increasingly, this seems to be the default tactic of the the warmist cabal... eg rolly eye quips.

I will await to see what comes out of the wash re fake/altered docs.
You've hit the nail on the head there.

Personally, I suspect there probably is some truth in the argument that CO2 would alter the climate if we emit enough of it. But we need to do proper unbiased research into the subject in order to arrive at meaningful conclusions as a basis for action (or otherwise if no problem is found to exist).
Libertarians recognize the imbalance their and have devised alternative means of funding balancing study and in addition to scientific exploration of data are forced into a position of counter-propaganda.

Didn't realise Exxon and the other big businesses were libertarians acting for the good of us all
Didn't realise Exxon and the other big businesses were libertarians acting for the good of us all

Libertarians are individualists not collectivists. Libertarians seeks to create an environment where the individual is free to create their own niche in the world and be self responsible, rather than forcing some "for the good of all" totalitarian ideal on every person.

If climate realists are accepting money from Exxon et al, is it any worse than alarmists accepting money from purportedly "green" energy companies and government agencies? Funding has to come from somewhere.

Knobby you are trying to run with the hares and hunt with the hounds in a monumental hypocrisy. By attempting to smear realists with the funding nonsense, you in fact condemn yourselves 100 fold, such is the disproportion of funding.

I wonder why Ms Fish only attacks my use of rolleye emoticons and not your's or basilio's. I guess when you get used to selective use of data it pervades everything.
Age horrified! Sceptic paid 10 per cent of Flannery’s salary
ENVIRONMENTAL activist Tim Flannery has pledged to take the climate change message to the regions after being appointed to head Julia Gillard’s Climate Commission in a three-day-a-week role that will pay $180,000 a year.

Care factor at the warmist Age? Zero.

Warmist Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg asked by Greenpeace to research:
Greenpeace commissioned one of the world’s leading reef biologists to find out what caused the dramatic coral decay. The report ...predicts many of the world’s reefs won’t survive the next century if current trends in global warming continue.

Care factor at the warmist Age? Zero.

Warmist Professor James Hansen compensated handsomely:
NASA records released to resolve litigation filed by the American Tradition Institute reveal that Dr. James E. Hansen, an astronomer, received approximately $1.6 million in outside, direct cash income in the past five years for work related to ”” and, according to his benefactors, often expressly for ”” his public service as a global warming activist within NASA. This does not include six-figure income over that period in travel expenses to fly around the world to receive money from outside interests.

Care factor at the warmist Age? Zero.

Sceptic Professor Bob Carter paid peanuts. Care factor at the warmist Age? Extreme:

A PROMINENT Australian scientist has rejected as offensive any suggestion he is doing the bidding of a US climate sceptic think tank that is paying him a monthly fee.
Confidential documents leaked from inside The Heartland Institute, a wealthy think tank based in Chicago and Washington, detail strategy and funding for an array of activities designed to spread doubt about climate change science… Professor Bob Carter of James Cook University, ... receives a ‘’monthly payment’’ of $US1667 ($A1550), as part of a program to pay ‘’high-profile individuals who regularly and publicly counter the alarmist message’’.
Interesting to see the latest research on the effects of permafrost meltdown in the Arctic regions.

The video attached to the story is compelling as is the remainder of the article

Read more:
What the New Scientist is reporting on the latest resaerch on Perma frost meltadon.

It will be interesting to see what the data contains next week.
"Emissions are growing in line with the most extreme scenario".

"We cannot be that stupid as a species"

Some of the memorable quotes for the UN climate negotiations in Doha yesterday when "Nature" the foremost scientific journal published the Global Carbon project report which found that emmissions had increased 54 per cent since 1990.

Even if humans are to blame, and I doubt it, it's too late now what will be will be.
There is too much evidence on both sides for and against humans being responsible. lots of vested interest "experts" out there.
Thats why we cant really say we know the truth about it all.

But according 125 scientists, emmissions have only increased by 9% over 16 years and represents only 0.039% of the atmosphere.

It is a matter of who is right, who is wrong and which one do you want to beleive.

The UN is full of GREEN LIES and what their agenda is I am not sure. One thing I am sure of is they leading the world in the wrong direction with their unfounded propaganda.
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