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Is Global Warming becoming unstoppable?

Rio Tinto to join Fortescue mining and put in solar/storage for a renewable hub in the Pilbarra.
From the article:
Mining giant Rio Tinto has become the latest major iron ore miner in West Australia’s Pilbara region to turn to renewables to lowest costs and cut emissions, announcing that a new solar farm and a lithium ion battery will supply all the daytime electricity needs and two thirds of the annual requirements of its new $2.6 billion Koodaideri project.

Rio Tinto says it will spend $98 million on a new 34MW solar farm at the Koodaideri mine in the Pilbara, as well as a 45MW/12MWh lithium-ion battery energy storage system that will help power its entire Pilbara power network

Rio Tinto joins other iron ore majors in the Pilbara also shifting to solar and battery storage because of the lower costs. Andrew “Twiggy Forrest’s Fortescue Mines announced last month that it will build an extra 150MW of solar, and a big battery, as it links up all its iron ore resources in the Pilbara into a single network for the first time.

This solar and battery will be additional to the 60MW solar farm being built by energy provider Alinta near the Chichester mine owned by Fortescue, as well as the 30MW/12MWh big battery at its Newman gas generator which has dramatically lowered costs and lifted reliability for mines including Gina Rinehart’s Roy Hill mines, which is also looking at solar and other renewable options.
Stockland to access a $75 million senior debt facility from the federal government’s Clean Energy Finance Corporation. It is aiming to achieve net zero emissions across its logistics centres, retirement living operations and corporate head offices by 2030.
From the article:
Australian property group Stockland is set to roll out another 11MW of commercial solar, this time across its logistics business, with the help of a $75 million senior debt facility from the federal government’s Clean Energy Finance Corporation.

Stockland, which has been busy installing upwards of 12MW of commercial solar arrays across its shopping centres nationally, is aiming to achieve net zero emissions across its logistics centres, retirement living operations and corporate head offices by 2030
Can enough money save the earth ?

Jeff Bezos commits $10 billion to fight climate change

The Bezos Earth Fund will begin issuing grants this summer

Today, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos announced that he would be committing $10 billion to fight climate change through a new fund called the Bezos Earth Fund.

He announced new fund in a post on Instagram. Amazon confirmed the existence of the fund to The Verge:
Doesn't he realise he will join the right wing conspiracy evil list?
Meanwhile the obvious consequences of CC roll on. Makes the point about Australia in the story.

Risks aren't worth it': QBE says parts of planet becoming uninsurable due to climate concerns
Charlotte Grieve
Updated February 17, 2020 — 10.01amfirst published at 6.15am

Global insurance giant QBE has warned climate change poses a material threat to its business and the entire economy as its chief executive Pat Regan said premiums were at risk of becoming too high in areas exposed to repeated, extreme weather.

Sounds like a great excuse for collusion to increase premiums and profit margins.

If they use the fires in Oz as an example then they are lying, they should be saying "enforce the recommendations of the enquiries or we will increase premiums"

We need to work together to reinstate the proven methods of safety from fire.

We need to stop councils approving housing estates in flood plains, by filling in a low area we simply move the flood further down the river and flood areas that were previously dry because the water used to come down slower.

I really find the present compulsion to blame Everything on CC to be very irritating.
Perhaps you could consider learning why everyone is blaming CC for intensifying extreme weather conditions ?

As has been shown on this forum, if we want to go cherry picking data we can find stuff to say whatever we want.

All stats can be manipulated quite easily as has been proven many times.

I have seen the effort that you and others put in on this forum to preach your gospel, I trust you are well compensated for your efforts.
We don't believe in climate warming. We just accept the science.

You can believe what you like Macca but stop acting like a religious zealot, all belief and no evidence.

You've got to stop being so gullible and maybe widen your news sources.
Macca spent 30 years in process control (chemical manufacturing) most days were a lesson in science, my background was instrumentation sorting out the control systems and instruments (around 8000) that measured stuff.

I know something about data and measuring stuff real time and historical, I know something about putting it together and avoiding the very things you mention to resolve where people blamed the systems and instruments for there own mistakes or why the stuff coming out the end was the wrong colour.

We used the same instruments that measure gases around distant stars / planets etc as an example of the tech used.

Science has been the base of my working life as Knobby says I accept the science nothing more.
This is really bad news for the Eastern States not to mention surfers

New research shows increase in extreme IOD events

Regular readers of Swellnet would be familiar with all types of acronyms for weather phenomena. From LWT to SAM, AAO, and IOD, but it's this last one - the Indian Ocean Dipole - which has had a significant impact on the late winter through to early summer 'wet' season across Indonesia, and also affected Australia through our winter and spring.
Oh, the arrogance of mankind, "it has happened for 200 years therefore it will never happen"

As has been clearly demonstrated in history the climate changes all the time to points far worse or better than current times and the hysterical brainwashing is all one sided I am afraid.

The incessant hysteria of CC is wasteful and our coming generations are having their lives ruined by vicious, cruel virtue signalling wankers.

If we spent half as much energy stopping pollution in Asia, cleaning up what has already been damaged and then sought ways to cope with the changing climate our children and grandchildren could be positive and happy.

An example of the cruelty inflict on our children................

In an area near Newcastle there is a sign erected by the local council which reads " help our kids keep the creek clean, don't litter"

Any teenager who reads that sign would understand from it that it is their responsibility to clean the creek ! Surely it should be the Councils responsibility to clean the creek ?

See how the brainwashing is done, blame the kids if the creek gets dirty, no wonder they feel so depressed, no wonder the slightest further pressure puts them over the edge.

That's a hell of a way to describe the British Tory Party

They accept the science
What happened to the wind turbines blowback?
They were having problems with zoning and opposition at one stage. There was a growing backlash against the turbines and I think they zoned it 1km away from built up areas.
What happened to the wind turbines blowback?
They were having problems with zoning and opposition at one stage. There was a growing backlash against the turbines and I think they zoned it 1km away from built up areas.

So what ? Whatever you are saying has absolutely no relevance to the story on how all parties in Germany have come together to plan the orderly closure of all coal fired power stations and the redeployment of capital and labour to other more sustainable ventures.

How about some references to where and when it has been clearly demonstrated that it has happened to the current/recent extent such as this before.

Have you read "The Sixth Extinction" by Richard Leakey" published about 15 years back, an eye opener.

Since then we see the waters from the north of Europe and north Asia stop flowing with millions of people and farmers driven from their lands. Now if it had all happened suddenly before these places would not have been settled by humans in the first place. The Pacific islands have been settled happily for over 100,000 years but now are being washed away by rising waters and unprecedented storms.
Why all Germans agree on stopping the coal industry. (Why isn't this story in the Murdoch Press ?)

Why Germans all agree on shutting down the coal industry
Because they are connected to the European grid and the Russian Natural gas pipe, pretty simple really.
South Australia expects to be 0% carbon, by 2030, why isn't that in the Fairfax press?
Western Australia will have shut down 50% of its coal by 2025, why isn't that in the Fairfax press?
Probably because it doesn't fit in with the agenda, that we aren't doing anything and the kids would see we are actually doing a lot.
But hey, if they were told that, they might stop running around screaming and get on with their school work. You never know their results might improve, that would be novel.

At least Albo has thrown it out there, now we should start and get some action, on the realities and how to overcome them.
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