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Is Global Warming becoming unstoppable?

Behind Duchies link the board is mainly lawyers and marketing would hate to accuse them of cherry picking talking heads making up headlines......but.......

Fred L. Smith, Jr.Smith founded the Competitive Enterprise Institute in 1984 and is Chairman Emeritus. He combines intellectual and strategic analysis of complex policy issues ranging from the environment to corporate governance and leads CEI's Center for Advancing Capitalism"

Another .... fossil fuel front ...

Oil giant ExxonMobil has been one of CEI's top funders, contributing at least $2.1 million since 1997. [60] Donors Trust (DT) has donated over $4 million to CEI as of 2013. DT has been described as the “dark money ATM of the conservative movement” for its ability to take in funds from anonymous donors and distribute them to recipient organizations (Cooler Heads Coalition)
The Cooler Heads Coalition, also known as, is formerly a sub-group of the National Consumer Coalition, but now run as an “informal and ad-hoc group focused on dispelling the myths of global warming by exposing flawed economic, scientific, and risk analysis.” states, “This website is paid for and maintained by the Competitive Enterprise Institute.”

THis is Funny ....


“CEI questions global warming alarmism, makes the case for access to affordable energy, and opposes energy-rationing policies, including the Kyoto Protocol, cap-and-trade legislation, and EPA regulation of greenhouse gas emissions. CEI also opposes all government mandates and subsidies for conventional and alternative energy technologies.” [3]


“Although global warming has been described as the greatest threat facing mankind, the policies designed to address global warming actually pose a greater threat. The Kyoto Protocol and similar domestic schemes to ration carbon-based energy use would do little to slow carbon dioxide emissions, but would have enormous costs.” [2]


“The fuels that produce CO2 have freed us from a world of backbreaking labor, lighting up our lives, allowing us to create and move the things we need; the people we love. [Ominous Music] Now, some politicians want to label carbon dioxide a pollutant. Imagine if they succeed. What would our lives be like then? Carbon dioxide: they call it pollution. We call it life.

Are you serious ?
This is your source ?

Really ?

Carbon dioxide: they call it pollution. We call it life. .... hilarious ... whilst we will unlikely get to 12,000 PPM CO2 .... I suggest they try it for many hours. Will increase their understanding and IQ !!
Is Global Warming becoming unstoppable?

That is the title of this thread, not .... if climate change is real ... or the science real. Please go to the flat earth thread and debate with fellow types on say the Fake news climate change thread.

I think you've unintentionally summed the situation up rather well in a thread on another subject:

Ahhh... Y2K ? Or Bird flu ? Or is it terrorists ?

Fear fear and more fear.

Relevance of this flu ? Or likely ? NOT much.

Have no doubt that many would include climate change on that list as just another scare hence the lack of any real action.

My point there's about human psychology not climate science. Once someone's seen a few big scares they'll tend to dismiss whatever the next one is. You've done exactly the same thing with a virus, assuming it won't be too much of a problem despite having no proper evidence that it is or isn't. Others will be doing the same with with climate change. End result = no action even if the danger is very real.

Note that I've just referenced your post since it illustrates the point, it's not a personal criticism etc.
avoid using common sense, cos, well, that hasnt helped.....

View attachment 99875 View attachment 99876


Somehow , someone has made the last figure on the bottom line of the graph 2020.
And then they show another 8 years of temperature increase.

Just waiting for the usual suspects to proclaim how the BOM just makes up temperature graphs to suit their dark overlords in the Marxist/Socialist UN cabal.

Don't disappoint us
Have no doubt that many would include climate change on that list as just another scare hence the lack of any real action.

As you say .... fear fear fear ...

Well my favorite show is preppers and doomsday ones who give reasons so absurd from Asteroids to Zombies. Whilst I may sound like one, resigned to a 2 C temp rise hit by 2035 and likely 3.5C by 2100 which is more than likely unless the world changes quickly, building a shelter not an option.

I note some of the billionaires like Musk ... want to go to Mars. I note the idiot leading the world just formed the Star Trek force.

The more I think about CC ... that population growth had a mere 20 billion tons of CO2 being released 50 years ago verse a number assured to hit 40 billion tons of CO2 is to be denied, ignored and debated.

With amusement the insurance claims from natural disasters DOUBLED from 2000-2009 .... to the 2010-2019 period in inflation adjusted terms. Yep ... no problems anywhere.

Sorry my alarm went off ... time to dig that bunker and wear a tin foil hat to stop mind control.
Many questions go unanswered, but interesting nevertheless:


It says Rebel News on the vid, now doesn't it? Right wing certainly, but not "far right" (I know you thing everything to the right of Mao is far right )

That doesn't take away the known facts or lingering questions, bruh!
the known facts

You make me laugh ....

I just soiled myself this time.

USA did not turn up for the Madrid climate conference at all.
Australia actually sabotaged deliberately any and all agreements there.

EU and 28 nations now have zero 2050 targets of ZERO CO2 emissions.

Trump turns up at Davos and declares them all mad, EU nations for their climate stance !! All 400 million of them ...

Ex Goldman Sachs treasury secretary ... Second Generation Goldmans I might add Mnuchin and Trump attack a child, NO not Barron that hapless kid who Trump tweeting 142 times spends obviously so much time with ... pick on the child. Mnuchin ... who went to Yale ... then straight to work with daddy... did get a degree ... a 3rd class degree with not even a decent grade tells the child if only she had an economics degree she would understand.

Amusing ... when Yale professor and Economics Nobel prize winning one comes out and defends the 17 year old child and says I actually agree and that's why I won the Nobel prize you idiot.

Every single one of the 28 EU nations .. along with the UK ... are incorrect .... all of them ?

As I said, I laugh ... I did examine and do examine both sides of the coin and argumentsl ... the absurdity of being told the world is flat or CO2 is not a problem is for people without any intelligence or those with CO2 interests. Ignoring ... denying and debating with the illogical or just plain stupidity is what it is.

Do I get into trouble for mentioning a 13 year old ... or a 17 year old being attacked ? both are children and it explains why the older Trump spawn are such worthy people !!

Meanwhile Trophy wife number 16 ... Melania is pushing her anti bullying for kids and be good ... whilst her sugar daddy is attacking women ... children ... people who are not white ... or of a differing religion or sexual orientation ...
Thanks for not disappointing

My predictive powers are 95% with The Force
Thanks for not disappointing

My predictive powers are 95% with The Force
Ahh... and if only your analytical powers were some above 50%, rather than somewhere below it(way below).
And yes that is an ad-hom, though one based on reasoned and rational observation.
I try not to disappoint.

Have you got a 'merch' line??? tee shirts and stickers.."TRUK'n with da IPA" ... "MINERALS Council RULE's OK".."GIM'ee Some o'DAT Dirty Black Stuff"
Get it on some Pyjamas. P.M Schmo will wear'm to bed. And the 'emissions' detectable in the morning wont be CO2...
I am truly sorry that your messiah turned out to be a fraud, orr.

Bas, mate, c'mon's the weather girl ...she's in on the it....


Not always good when we punch above our weight. We have achieved number 1 ranking.
We produce 1.2 per cent of global emissions and have achieved a massive energy saving of 0.8% since 2000. Is it any wonder we are facing scrutiny from other countries?
Assuming those figures are accurate, what is the underlying reason for that level?
We were third, now we are first, therefore lack of action in Australia.
The UK for instance has made massive inroads into emissions over the last 10 years under a Conservative Government.
Best we all switch off our air conditioners, get rid of the second car, drop two fridge sizes and drop 5 T.V sizes.
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