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Is Global Warming becoming unstoppable?

I think this will eventually be implemented. Not because of the environmental need but more to reinvigorate economies of the world. A lot of the old jobs are gone. This is a transition that will give capitalism a shot in the arm.

The Green New Deal is business and worker friendly. But because it is so late in the day and effective transition will be have to be immediate rather than staggered. That means there will be a number of stranded industries.
Latest Fire Drill Friday speeches.
147 people arrested at this regular protest...

"We are not the criminals! The criminals are the people who are letting this world burn for money," began Naomi Klein as she delivered a feisty speech promising to clear away the debris of the "climate change deniers, distractors, doomers and dividers".
It's both, as you say.
It is both. But the politicization of the topic by both Murdoch and CC zealots leaves the whole thing at a stalemate.

If Australia reduced emissions by 200% would we still have had the bushfires?

There are a huge amount of people who think if we had reduced emissions here then somehow the bushfires would not have happened.

The truth is all it will give us is bragging rights on the world stage.
The Green New Deal is business and worker friendly. But because it is so late in the day and effective transition will be have to be immediate rather than staggered. That means there will be a number of stranded industries.
That will simply not happen. We have a lot of Asian countries expanding their middle-class. I don't see carbon reduction until tech catches up.
I honestly think the problem will be a lot worse then they think it is.
Every study ...
Every single scientific study ... all 57 peer reviewed ones !!

In light of the Australian fires, scientists from the University of East Anglia (UEA), Met Office Hadley Centre, University of Exeter and Imperial College London have conducted a Rapid Response Review of 57 peer-reviewed papers published since the IPCC's Fifth Assessment Report in 2013.

All the studies show links between climate change and increased frequency or severity of fire weather -- periods with a high fire risk due to a combination of high temperatures, low humidity, low rainfall and often high winds -- though some note anomalies in a few regions.
Shame you didn't think it important enough to go to the newsagent and buy the paper, it is less than $5.
Not a lot of money, to inform yourself, on something you are so passionate about?
Shame you didn't think it important enough to go to the newsagent and buy the paper, it is less than $5.
Not a lot of money, to inform yourself, on something you are so passionate about?

Really ? After seeing the story I researched and found a dozen stories on Saul Griffith from across the globe. The You Tube video was outstanding.
What did you make of the analysis anyway ?
Really ? After seeing the story I researched and found a dozen stories on Saul Griffith from across the globe. The You Tube video was outstanding.
What did you make of the analysis anyway ?
I was away for the weekend with the grandkids, so only had the phone and with my Aldi $99/year plan watching youtube doesn't happen.
Now I'm home I will have a look.
I only saw the article in the AFR, because it was sitting on a table at a cafe, so i sat down and read it.
I was thinking, we could reduce our emissions, by not bringing coal fired generation on after the weekend and have rolling blackouts through the suburbs during the week, then everyone is helping out.
Last paragraph:

Professor Iain Colin Prentice, Chair of Biosphere and Climate Impacts and Director of the Leverhulme Centre for Wildfires, Environment and Society, Imperial College London, added: "Wildfires can't be prevented, and the risks are increasing because of climate change. This makes it urgent to consider ways of reducing the risks to people. Land planning should take the increasing risk in fire weather into account."
There are a huge amount of people who think if we had reduced emissions here then somehow the bushfires would not have happened.

I am not one ...
They occur ...
will occur ...
Scientists believe they will get worse ...
this year will likely in 50 years be a normal year ...

the link between CC.... is there ... clearly so in 57 peer reviewed papers.

I do wish this denial of it, CC, being any factor ... by the smoking lobby which is now the liberal right wing climate denial faction would just .... GET LOST.

I would prefer lining up Murdoch ... Koch and Morrison with Abbot ...John Howard ,,, Barnaby .. and a long list of others and placing them in front of a fire tornado and see how they fare.

I dont refute any CO2 we remove alone if the rest of the world does not act is somewhat futile.

I doubt it matters and instead of the greenies being alarmed about a 2C rise at 2100 .... at 400PPM scientifically we hit 3C rise as the world catches up ... to the new CO2 levels over the next 200 years.

I find the protest somewhat idiotic and tame to be frank, they are reacting to the IPCC 2018 report ... emergency ... and it debated the difference of a 1.5C rise and a 2C rise and the diabolical impact that tiny difference would make.,

CO2 even if say EU and all developed nations went neutral by 2050 will hit 1000 PPM for one simple reason ....

The ARCTIC is melting and will release 1.6 trillion tons of CO2 and hopefully less than 20 billion tons of CH4 ....

Even if you wish to deny this .... that its melting, by 2050 we hit around 500 PPM CO2 and by the time China and India are in, and we globally are net neutral ... in 2070 which is a dream, we are 600 PPM CO2 even without the sad fact the ARCTIC is bloody melting let alone issues with the AMAZON and the PH level of the sea.

Scientists are well aware of this ... at Madrid where our goverment ... led the denial of all science and agreement .... USA did not even bother going .... we led ... of PM Scott Morrison led the denial of it all.

EU have gone all CO2 neutral by 2050 ... so too UK ... they will be 50% down in 2030 ... NOT as we may be 26% down in 2030 and playing denial about the issue.

It will cost NOTHING ... other than making non green power via tax unattractive and easily done via non approval of new coal mines such as Gina Rhineharts mine along with that imbecile fathead ex senator .

Greta ... god bless her ... but ... well dear if you only examined what was NOT contained in the IPCC climate models out to 2100 .... removed by USA and Canada and Saudi Arabia along with Australia , well Greta ... you would actually become a terrorist I suspect.
This one

Note the massive CO2 spike post 2100 ... where the Arctic is melting and the Amazon is having wildfires .. causing feedback ...

then have a look at the Arctic in 2020 is it already melting ? The Amazon still being burnt down ... and get back to me.

IPCC removed any of these impacts claiming they would not occur till post 2100 ...

THis is the IPCC dream the BLUE line .... impossible unless we remove 1 trillion tons of CO2 post 2050 ..

the red line and that being 4C plus verses the 2C rise that had them in a panic is reality ... REAL and virtually impossible to avoid.

We soon hit CO2 emissions of 40 billion tons ... planting trees ... remove 4 tons of CO2 per hectare each year .... ignore that in 100 years the cycle stops.

so we need to plant say 10 billion hectares of tress every year.

That's 100 million Sq KM of land.

This planet has a mere 500 million sq km of land. So if we need to plant 100 million sq km of land each year and every year to negate the CO2 we release how likely or possible is it with trees ?

Coal and Oil is concentrated captured CO2 over the course of hundreds of thousands of years in some cases. It is what stopped the last extinction events.

Capture of CO2 which is not good for large creatures ....

It took over 40,000 years and an asteroid to release the amount of CO2 we are going to likely release by 2200 .... so that's 450 years ... we released what a disaster took 40,000 to release and mother nature took close to a million years to capture it again. We release 1 million years of mother nature capturing CO2 in the form of Oil and Gas and Coal and do so in 500 years so the Koch brothers and idiots like America first and second can do as they wish along with Saudi Arabia ...

We sadly I suspect have little hope of stopping the eventual release of all easily extracted oil so that sadly means .....

Kiss those kids and grand-kids and say sorry. Look at the chart and what is the top end of it ... about half the planet at those levels will be too HOT literally to survive outside Air Conditioning.

MAGA ... Trump is the best ever president who denies CC as Fake science along with Scott Morrison who takes COAL ... F&cking coal into parliament in 2017 and says dont be afraid ... Abott His PM whom he stabbed in the back worse ... Howard that dotting old fool speaks to Morrison every day.

I am not sure ... we Australians are not far worse than Trump delusional followers who we think are stupid, I do, but an examination close to home has left me deeply ashamed and astounded the links openly between Climate denial and our leadership.

As for Murdoch press they are in overdrive ... denial overdrive. USA is distracted as always with a maniac in charge ,, but here ... any time I flick on Sky news ,,, denial ... lets refute and deny some more.

DO THE MATH .... its simple you imbeciles. Planing 4 billion hectares of trees even over 20 years is impossible let alone panting 4 billion hectares each and every year .... EVERY YEAR
I am not one ...
They occur ...
will occur ...
Scientists believe they will get worse ...
this year will likely in 50 years be a normal year ...

the link between CC.... is there ... clearly so in 57 peer reviewed papers.
It's more the social media types.
There is a link as you say. And the timeframes between events seems to be shortening.
But there is a lot of misunderstanding on both sides. The false statements of: reducing carbon emissions in Australia would have stopped fires is b.s. As is the statement that: CC had nothing to do with the fires.

There is ignorance on both sides and it's mainly along political ideologies.

Its what it is.

A coal deposit is a forest deposited and captured, squished down and a 40 metre intersection of coal took in reality close to 500,000 years to accumulate.

We dig it up and burn it.

We do understand this. Same for Algae that is now oil deposits ...

Releasing something built over millions of years in various locations and releasing it all ... ALL of it we can easily get to in the space of 500 years in a nutshell will be something that a person in say 2300 will look back and go ... what were they thinking ?
Re the Bush fires ...

Well done highly impartial scientific view by non political UK guy with great credentials who links every single source. ...

worth the 14 mins

Not about to debate science of the experts ....

Watch ... possibly it may change your views, opinions or even reality. Unlikely but in the Utube there are around 50 links to source data and studies.
Last edited:
This one .... On bush-fires but also total BS via media, social media, talking heads and non experts ...

The cause of Australia’s bushfires – what the SCIENCE says

Longer ... but amusing ... well researched, links given to source data .... and well if your going to believe anything INFORMATION not opinion is essential.

Not another bloody royal commission.

Its 36 minutes but ... well you may learn something without too much effort.

Very very well done, both of the above ...

Watch ... possibly it may change your views, opinions or even reality. Unlikely but in the Utube there are around 50 links to source data and studies.
Some really good stuff on the vid. I'd question the current carbon levels having a significant effect on growth though. Farmers generally pump 800-900 ppm of carbon dioxide to increase yields. But there would be some level of extra growth.
Everyone should read George Orwells' "1984" and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyns' "The Gulag Archipelago" before they sprout about climate change.
The hysteria of CC is being used by the UN and the elites to control the world and create a "1984" system.
Everyone should read George Orwells' "1984" and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyns' "The Gulag Archipelago" before they sprout about climate change.
The hysteria of CC is being used by the UN and the elites to control the world and create a "1984" system.
If one cannot accept the need for action on CC,surely they can see the need to act on pollution.
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