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Is Global Warming becoming unstoppable?

Nah not worth it.
Honestly there is far more value in hunting down and removing some of the current biggest contributors to global warming. That would make far more difference than my meager output..

Just working my list out at the moment .
Nah not worth it.
Honestly there is far more value in hunting down and removing some of the current biggest contributors to global warming. That would make far more difference than my meager output..

Just working my list out at the moment .
I would start with the most vocal climate alarmists.

Gore, DiCaprio, Prince Charles, Prince Harry, most of f****** Hollywood, and 99% of the hypocritical turds in The Greens.

The science shows that we moderates are the most carbon frugal.
I would start with the most vocal climate alarmists.

Gore, DiCaprio, Prince Charles, Prince Harry, most of f****** Hollywood, and 99% of the hypocritical turds in The Greens.

The science shows that we moderates are the most carbon frugal.

There is a fundamental logical problem there isn't there Wayne ol boy....

You have spent the last umpteen years trashing the science on global warming, damning the evidence, decrying the scientists and saying, as everything melts around us, that any global warming will be mild and acceptable.

So really what rationale do you have for wanting to set up a hit list beyond ... just setting up a hit list ? If you don't believe global warming is that bad then why bother making any effort to reduce it ?

My comments are a dark bad joke. Not sure where you're coming from.
@basilio this only shows that you have never sought to understand me, only to lump me in among be so called deniers

Read and understand my posts, bro.

TBH, I I'm totally f****** offended by anyone onsuming beyond their value to society whether they are left or right alarmist or moderate.

But the harsh truths for you my friend, is that it is you and your ilk who are consuming beyond your value to society, and there is irrevocable science on that, on that, the science **is settled.

I don't think any of us can assume the "value to society" of anyone else here.

For all we know people could be volunteer firefighters or charity workers or simply have professions that contribute to society in general while being investors on the side, so let's not jump to conclusions shall we ?

Oh F*** off Horace!

That is not in anyway whatsoever my point. Try reading for comprehension, bro.
@basilio this only shows that you have never sought to understand me, only to lump me in among be so called deniers

Read and understand my posts, bro.

Few can, I cannot and in my view that is your ploy. Your endeavour to appear intellectual and above others is a ploy in my view to keep those uncertain away from the solid truth. My narcistic Mother used the same ploy to control us (8 of us) as we grew up so I'm well versed in the method.

Global warming caused by recent industrial humankind is absolutely certain and it's time to move on and party.

Some would be better to move on and stop making fools of themselves.
Oh F*** off Horace!

That is not in anyway whatsoever my point. Try reading for comprehension, bro.

Naughty wayne. I think I can comprehend the phrase "consuming beyond your value to society". If I have it wrong, what did you actually mean ?
Plus 1
I would start with the most vocal climate alarmists.

Gore, DiCaprio, Prince Charles, Prince Harry, most of f****** Hollywood, and 99% of the hypocritical turds in The Greens.

The science shows that we moderates are the most carbon frugal.

I'll certainly make the observation that actions speak far louder than words and that many of these people are all talk and no go.

Surest way to undermine any message is hypocrisy.
Thank you for your statement of religious faith. Consider yourself fortunate for not having to endure the humiliation of yet another set of alarmist forecasts failing in 20 or 30 years. You will not suffer the anger of the current youth for having been deceived by such an obvious ruse, having wasted so many years wallowing in nihilism and hopelessness.

Believe me they will be angry.
The so described alarmist forecasts are here now and happening.

If the recent events of climate disaster in so many places almost every day had happened over the last 3 million years such places would never have been settled.

You'd be better off going back to sleep ole Pal.
An alarmist is what a denialist calls a realist.

A denialist is what an alarmist calls a skeptic.

Don't you love English.
I'm so sorry you won't live to see your folly.
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