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Is Global Warming becoming unstoppable?

No Sir, eucalyptus are part of our ecology.

We should be replacing what was there as fire is a very important part of our landscape which evolved of 10 of thousands of years.
I know you have a snowflake's chance in Hades of getting a fraction of the numbers needed unless there are other incentives available to the unemployed.
Thanks Rob, made me laugh as I know you are correct.
That is the world we live in, asks someone who takes from you (the tax payer) to do something positive for the country and get told to f---k off, and the softies in our society accept this.

Simple, if you can walk, you plant or get a job and stop complaining.
Sir, you need to learn more about the ecology of the Australian landscape, try some of Tim Flannery's writings.

Fires are good, just like sharks, they serve a purpose for this planet. Humans serve no purpose except to destroy.
Sir, you need to learn more about the ecology of the Australian landscape, try some of Tim Flannery's writings.

Fires are good, just like sharks, they serve a purpose for this planet. Humans serve no purpose except to destroy.

Are you saying the current fires and loss of life (human and animals) is good ?
Well after reading the posts, watching many TV clips and scanning the acres of newsprint on our current fire situation it seems to come down to two options.

We can burn it off in the winter when it is cool or mother nature will burn it off when it suits her.

Our choice.......................
Got to love the man (not).
From the above article:
It’s been a major issue for us, I just haven’t had time to campaign on it in between trying to prevent vulnerable young women in NSW having control over their own bodies and advocating for giant tax-dodging multinational companies,” explained embattled MP Barnaby Joyce.

“So we don’t want to play the blame game at this time, but you can point your index ******* finger at the Greens for this issue,”

I must have been in a coma for the last decade, when where the Greens in power, upper or lower house or both.
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