The thing we want:
"..Fall into line with my religion,
Greta is a money maker and the front of a large PR machine. Whats your point?(my emphasis in red)
Not only did you initially use the word "activist," your posted response at #2490 was in relation to this comment from basilio
"THERE IS NO WAY IN THE WORLD GRETA THUNBERG HAS RECEIVED $46 Million dollar by being an activist."
This was the theme you worked from, and it was in the context of being a big business machine.
Classic denial moXJO.
ASF has other threads which deal with renewables/energy transition issues.
Its an investment opportunity. Its trillions of dollars of change. Everyone thinks its the end of capitalism- its more like the renewal .MoxJo says Climate Change is "Big Business".
No, you have a warped sense of reality and no real idea of what "big business" actually entails. All you did was reference kindergarten stuff .Greta is a money maker and the front of a large PR machine. Whats your point?
I posted up the name of the guy who pushed her as well. Another al gore trainee.
Do you need me to run down another breakdown of her. Or do you think you can get the gist from the first example I used. Its the same basic bloody systems.
Sure thing butters.No, you have a warped sense of reality and no real idea of what "big business" actually entails. All you did was reference kindergarten stuff .
You are free to believe what you want.
Logoke good to see you back here; How's that George Pell apologising protectionist/ AGW Climate Denialist MirandA 'DING BAT' Devine going these day's.. Friends of mine have told me she's good dinner party conversation... can't imagine it myself..
From "If you're to stupid for science. There's always religion"... goes to prove there's a place for Miranda...
Judgement is a useful capacity...
*Please note; The above comments are ones I ask my children to actively critique and question...
It's all from the denialism copybook, derived from big tobacco.It used to be those that were religious denied science and that God made the earth in 7 those that believe science are called religious
Its an investment opportunity. Its trillions of dollars of change. Everyone thinks its the end of capitalism- its more like the renewal .
Why on earth you guys get butthurt over business jumping on board is beyond me. I didn't doubt the science. But I don't swallow the marketing bs and neither do a lot of others. Theres just as many sharks the same as any other industry.
Theres a massive sum of money involved and plenty of VCs dropping money on good ideas.
More nothing.It's all from the denialism copybook, derived from big tobacco.
Just as moXJO has beaten up the earlier post from wayneL claiming Thunberg has made millions, and there's now a "big business machine" backing her activism.
It's such twaddle.
As I repeat often, what denialists do not do is use any actual science in support of their ideas.
Lies, diversions, and misinformation are the stock in trade of denialists and it's apparent in their many hundreds of posts in this thread alone.
Why on earth do you think its going to stop?The renewal of capitalism ? The focus on growth at any cost ? On chasing the highest profit regardless of consequences ? The willingness to invest in some of the most damaging products and lie through your teeth to keep making them when their failings are obvious ?
In the conversation about climate change the biggest blockers to talking action have been the fossil fuel companies. As pure capitalists they were (and still are) determined to extract every dollar they could from their rich investments and on the way undermine the reality of what their business was doing to the world.
And this industry knew from their own research the effect of CO2 emissions on global warming.
When scientists, including those in the energy industry, understood the dangers of excess CO2 production to our climate capitalism had its chance to re calibrate. That was the time to recognise we had a problem and set up the research, development and infrastructure into carbon free renewable energy over a 30 year transition period. That could have happened from 1990 to 2020. The same industries could have been world leaders in clean renewable energy.
By now we could be living a world with far less pollution, limited impacts of global warming and the trauma of what we are facing would be a relatively small blip.
But it hasn't happened that way has it ? Instead the fossil fuel industry chose to set up a campaign of lies and misinformation about the science behind global warming. Their lies were peddled to the credulous and on the way have manged to undermine the credibility of our scientific community. We now have the situation where millions of people including many on this forum swear climate scientists are just making up stories to get grants, that global warming is a scam to run one world governments, that the Arctic/Antarctic isn't melting (much) , that huge forest fires in the Arctic Circle are "meh", that sea levels aren't rising ect. ect.
This is our current capitalist system in full flower moXJo.
It's a flourishing parasite that has now destroyed its host.
The problem is that it was not as you claimed it to be.More nothing.
Everything I posted is verified. You posted a lot of emotional dribble. Can't disprove it with facts so label it a "denier". True to form when you get caught out.
You have shown zero...The problem is that it was not as you claimed it to be.
A few individuals, a number of NGOs, and other tenuous references that were supposed to be part of some "big business machine."
All your work is based on joining dots that lead to a junk yard.
You also suggested that it was me introducing "activism," whereas I showed it was clearly you.
So what fact would you like addressed now, because yours are as fanciful as the denialists always present.
(Remembering of course that you keep dodging the issue of quantifying how much of a business "activism" is.)
You posted this:You have shown zero...
Thats a small part of a larger objective. Lobbying both people and government is how you enact change that is favourable to what outcome you want. The easiest way is get enough people on board. And that is through activism in this case.
Now I posted up part of what happens. Only you seem to be dull enough not to get the gist but you did jump to the usual standard of "denier". The only thing "eco-sheep" can bring to the table.
You are trying to argue an irrelevant point in a larger argument. Yet have zero credible sources or arguments apart from nitpicking.
Its big business that is also unified in its objectives.
And I asked you to show us this "big business machine" which we apparently are refusing to see - all your words.I think the refusal to see what is in reality a big business machine.
So the post that I made with numbers involved, from the O.G of activists for CC, with the collusion of all activism advocate investors wasn't enough. That now I have to throw up another one for your dumb ass on how lobbying government and activism goes hand in hand. Or the trillions of dollars that are about to open up in projects in areas these same guys are VCing targeted businesses.You posted this:
And I asked you to show us this "big business machine" which we apparently are refusing to see - all your words.
So the onus was squarely on you to come up with something credible. And we get Al Gore, some small NGOs, and other trifles from you as evidence.
Apparently questioning how your referenced folk can be big business is "nit picking."
Anyhow, you have again claimed in your latest post that it is big business.
So stump up some numbers to show how this activism is such big business.
But Im not stupid enough to believe we are all going to be sitting around holding hands in greenie paradise because investment shifts.
What you offered was so far removed from “big business” it was laughable.So the post that I made with numbers involved, from the O.G of activists for CC, with the collusion of all activism advocate investors wasn't enough. That now I have to throw up another one for your dumb ass on how lobbying government and activism goes hand in hand. Or the trillions of dollars that are about to open up in projects in areas these same guys are VCing targeted businesses.
Yeah sure I'll jam one up.
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