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Is Global Warming becoming unstoppable?

Oh, whats the cost for the world to transition over from fossil fuels?
But no one takes advantage of that.

I posted up people making money right now and their links to one another.
The "green" label is the big business.
From the green investment firms that vc a lot of this crap to those lobbying. And I gave links as an example.

Once again butter sandwich you came up with nothing. Same as you always do. Talk about climate funding denial.
The thing is, if we wanted:

"..Fall into line with my religion, because the world is coming to an end.."

we can get that already up on the high street, along with a nice little printed leaflet. Sometimes they even bring it to your door. And they don't require you to pay more for your electricity either.
Mean while reality in Western Australia out look forecast for the rest of the year is low rain you can see below we are already below recent average for run off note the top line is pre 1975 average.

On a happy note the Western Australian wild flowers are still courageous enough to put on a show here is a wattle tree......lovely.

Neither side of the argument here:
Just wondering and curious, what if all fossil fuels were banned today, and all the man made apparent causes of climate change were ceased today, do you think climate would change, if so how would it change, what would the conditions change to?
Would climate continue to change (or not) with ongoing volcanoes erupting, Solar sun spot activity, the earths orbital change etc?
Even if we all stopped tomorrow the climate will get warmer despite the Sun being in a quiet phase. Unfortunately the raised levels of CO2 have a long lag time before removal.

There would still be ongoing global warming as a consequence of the current GG in the atmosphere. With luck things might settle down but another possibility is that tipping points may have already been reached in a number of areas around the environment that would create positive feedback loops to accelerate global warming.
On a sadder note "if", suddenly, all human activity was stopped and the skies became clearer without the smog and smoke we generate -- global warming would accelerate. One of the brakes on hiuman caused Global warming is the smoke we generate which dims the sun.

All the other factors that influence our climate would continue. In this day they are background issues which have small but still significant effects over a longer period of time. They only issue that could cause an immediate change in climate would be a gigantic volcanic eruption which dimmed the sun for a couple of years ie 1815 event.
I posted up people making money right now and their links to one another.
A very, very, very small number of individuals making some money from climate activism is hardly an apt description of "big business".
It's also a novel idea that you think Al Gore = big business. You wrote, "A bit disingenuous that you can't take basic steps to investigate Al gore." Yet Gore made most of his money selling his stake in media interests, plus selling down his options in Apple.
The "green" label is the big business.
From the green investment firms that vc a lot of this crap to those lobbying. And I gave links as an example.
You mentioned these NGOs: "WWF, Stockholm Institute and World Resources Institute." They are neither big nor businesses.
And I was not sure you understood that "green contracts" are quite different to the sense you used the term.
Talk about climate funding denial.
Most money accounted for under climate change initiatives is actually for renewable energy, and is spent in countries of origin to assist them meet Paris Agreement objectives. Renewables is definitely now in the "big business" league. But the gist of your claim was about activism, as per your posts #2490, 2492, 2495 and 2497.
If you really think climate activism is big business, stump up with data that shows it.
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Bas, you forgot the energy accumulating in oceans which, over the past 50 years, has accounted for around 90 percent of warming.

This energy content would continue to affect climate for decades to come even if a miracle occurred and the Paris Agreement was met in 2020.

Rubbish I was handing out at polling booths at 14 years and can tell you I knew exactly what I was doing and understood politics thoroughly. We had Malcolm Fraser in our electorate, my dad interacted with him and my mother interacted with the ALP.

I do not believe i was as educated then as this Lass but many of the expressions of ignorance here just takes my breath away. And anything to draw attention to climate change is essential for overall survival of our current civilization.

Anyway just out of hospital today so I'll try to assist a bit more in a day or two. Excuse errors as my puter is in dock too atm

True.. Can't remember everything off the top of my head!

All a bit sad isn't it. Sort of suggests the train has well and truly left the station has gone into overdrive and is looking for the next cliff torun over.

Ah well we can always bask in De Nile and not worry our pretty heads about stuff that never will happen because.... it just won't ? (Ask The Don)

Wishing you a speedy recovery Explod.
Thats one small part of a very large range. Changing infrastructure, industry, will take trillions of dollars. This is big business with a lot of lobbyists attached. You are absolutely blind if you can't see the amount of money that will be involved.
I didn't mention activism was the only game in town (you did). Only how they exploit opportunities in the example I gave.
(my emphasis in red)
Her mother was an activist and a green pr firm attached quickly.
I think the refusal to see what is in reality a big business machine.
I didn't mention activism was the only game in town (you did). Only how they exploit opportunities in the example I gave.
Not only did you initially use the word "activist," your posted response at #2490 was in relation to this comment from basilio
"THERE IS NO WAY IN THE WORLD GRETA THUNBERG HAS RECEIVED $46 Million dollar by being an activist."
This was the theme you worked from, and it was in the context of being a big business machine.
Classic denial moXJO .
ASF has other threads which deal with renewables/energy transition issues.
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