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Is Global Warming becoming unstoppable?

THERE IS NO WAY IN THE WORLD GRETA THUNBERG HAS RECEIVED $46 Million dollar by being an activist.
End of story. Full stop. Quoting a fictional piece of rubbish from a notorious lying Twatter isn't worth the pixels we wasted watching it.

For entertainment purposes only.

What clues could there be about the authenticity of this claim ?
I had a look into it.
It appears Greta is a fembot working for Dr Evil.
We have got Austin Powers on the case.
While we are going down the rabbit holes of Gretas fembot warriors

Lets not forget Australia is the greatest country in the world. .

Australia voted Best Country in the World

The Australians can be proud of their country as it has been voted Best Country in the World last night (Tuesday September, 24) during the annual WCA ceremony. The Australian people were also voted Nicest people on the planet.

More than a hundred prizes have been awarded during the 2019 World Countries Awards, the most prestigious international award ceremony in the world. A night to remember for the people of Australia as they swept nearly all the awards available.

THERE IS NO WAY IN THE WORLD GRETA THUNBERG HAS RECEIVED $46 Million dollar by being an activist.
End of story. Full stop. Quoting a fictional piece of rubbish from a notorious lying Twatter isn't worth the pixels we wasted watching it.
Doesn't she work with a fund?
She was a manufactured PR exercise.
Doesn't she work with a fund?
She was a manufactured PR exercise.

Really ? You have anything close to proof ? Do you know how she started this process? She decided to sit outside the Swedish parliament as a sole Climate Change protester every Friday afternoon. Does that sound like manufactured exercise ?
Really ? You have anything close to proof ? Do you know how she started this process? She decided to sit outside the Swedish parliament as a sole Climate Change protester every Friday afternoon. Does that sound like manufactured exercise ?
Her mother was an activist and a green pr firm attached quickly. I can tear her crafted image apart if you like. Theres nothing wrong with pr frontmen/women.
Just close this thread, it's a drain on ASF, a soapbox to clear fanatics
Trying to shut down discussion wont have an impact upon the issue, this is entirely relevant and given this is a "general discussion" sub, i don't see why it should be in any capacity. Discussion needs to happen because even if one person is more educated because of this, or have their opinion changed as a result, the effort would have been well worth it.
Her mother was an activist and a green pr firm attached quickly. I can tear her crafted image apart if you like. Theres nothing wrong with pr frontmen/women.
Albeit shes from quite a wealthy family, and whether or not shes part of, or simply being manipulated by a movement doesn't matter. I'm sure for her to stand her ground against an onslaught of climate change deniers, she must be inherently quite passionate about the environment. It is difficult for just the average kid to speak in front of their peers during a presentation, just imagine the same scenario but in front of some the most powerful figures in the world. If in the case Greta is just a result of her mothers influence or whatever, she's served to inspire a vast group of the youth and population, and even in my own area, the girl who set up our local protest started receiving death threats, but didn't back down from her position. Its quite saddening to see such a great collection of wisdom and intelligence in a single site, but yet also see such a refusal to consider other sides of the argument, or just putting it down to fanaticism.
It is very impressive for a 15/16 old girl to have the courage to take the stand that she has on the refusal of current leaders to realistically tackle global warming.

Lets understand she is saying nothing different to all the climate scientists who have been researching, measuring, writing reports and giving more and more urgent calls for actions.

And these calls have been ignored. So one young person watching her future evaporate before her eyes decides to make a stand. Her stand is recognized. Her message distills a hundred reports to a few paragraphs. She challenges the deniers, the liars, the timid, the ostriches. Pretty impressive for an introverted Year 9/10 student.

As far as her family goes? Fact is she worked on them to bring them round. Like almost everyone else her family just wanted a quiet life and couldn't believe a little introverted mouse of school girl could/should start solo climate strikes outside the Swedish parliament.
Its quite saddening to see such a great collection of wisdom and intelligence in a single site, but yet also see such a refusal to consider other sides of the argument, or just putting it down to fanaticism.
I think the refusal to see what is in reality a big business machine. I'm actually surprised people here believe this is a "grassroots" effort.
I think the refusal to see what is in reality a big business machine. I'm actually surprised people here believe this is a "grassroots" effort.
There is certainly a divide here.
It's between those who offer evidence, and those who cannot, do not, or think that if you post it here, then that's evidence enough.
So, please show us where this "big business machine" is because I reckon I might be able to make some money there.
Really? Surely you're not drinking the kool-aid.
WWF, Stockholm Institute and World Resources Institute are key instruments in the creation of the financialization of nature.
Then we have the absolute boon in green contracts by government. Billions of dollars are up for grabs.

And good old Al Gore heres his site:

Take a spin of the green goodness.

Ingmar Rentzhog is a fan.
I reckon with your knowledge and my ability to exploit your knowledge. We could turn a few bucks in the green space. We might have to spruce it up by you transitioning to a woman for the "woke" factor. Guaranteed millions though.
Congratulations MoXjo & Redrob on along and happy union.

Your first job as Masters of the Green Universe is spin the latest research to the IPCC which is essentially the long version of Greta Thonbergs 30 second quickie address to the UN. (Reverse Now or we are all xxxxed )

Oceans and ice are absorbing the brunt of climate change
The latest report from the IPCC highlights the dramatic toll warming has taken on the world's water.

Climate change is here, heating the oceans and crumbling the planet’s ice sheets, a new report from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) lays out.

On Wednesday, the IPCC released a major report on the state of the planet's oceans and ice. The 900-page report, which compiles the findings from thousands of scientific studies, outlines the damage climate change has already done to the planet’s vast oceans and fragile ice sheets and forecasts the future for these crucial parts of the climate system.

Climate change’s impacts, the report says, are already readily visible from the top of the highest mountain to the very bottom of the ocean—and tangible for every human on the planet.

The problems aren’t theoretical, the report stresses: Science shows that they are here, now. And the oceans, polar ice caps, and high mountain glaciers have already absorbed so much extra heat from human-caused global warming that the very systems human existence depends on are already at stake.
I reckon with your knowledge and my ability to exploit your knowledge. We could turn a few bucks in the green space. We might have to spruce it up by you transitioning to a woman for the "woke" factor. Guaranteed millions though.
Am still looking for your so called "big business machine."
Where are you hiding it/them?
Not for profits are hardly big business, while "green contracts" are funded policy initiatives from those elected to make such decisions.
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