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Is Global Warming becoming unstoppable?

In 1961, the company introduced the polar bear as its unusual choice of mascot, to imply that the rum could ward off the coldest chill. In 2000, the Bundaberg Rum company and distillery were sold to British company Diageo.
There isn't just one solution to global heating.

Greta Thunberg: ‘We are ignoring natural climate solutions’
Film by Swedish activist and Guardian journalist George Monbiot says nature must be used to repair broken climate

I saw some guy work out seaweed farms as the best way to have a meaningful effect on carbon. Apparently it locks away a lot more carbon and was at a scale that was realistic.
If been in large scale indoor farms in the US where carbon dioxide levels were over 1200ppm. Better yields, faster growing plants that can also grow at higher temps.
Carbon dioxide in itself won't be dangerous at higher levels. But we are burning excess through coal, oil, gas. These are millions of years of extra carbon dioxide being pumped out at one time. That then has an effect as it filters through.
Personally I think its too late. China, India, Indonesia, Africa, Middle East, Pakistan will all pollute as they all pull themselves out of poverty.
I'm also not seeing the tech advancing a great deal either.
The CO2 thing is just basic physics but anyway fossil fuels rule, as for the kids good on them haven't seen real activism for a long time the more old people and conservatives howl at the moon in despair the higher the hope for human kind with out such there is no progress to higher conscious.
Could you explain these basic physics please.
An insight into who is joining Extinction Rebellion and why it is spreading like wildfire.
When our planet is under attack we have to stand up and fight back
Luke Buckmaster
What is crazier: dancing on a bridge to build political will for action on climate change, or continuing as if nothing is wrong?

Until a few months ago I never imagined blocking a bridge and watching grandparents being carried off by police.

Yet last weekend I was one of hundreds of Extinction Rebellion (XR for short) protesters who danced, sang and chanted on Princes bridge in Melbourne for several hours to draw attention to the climate crisis. The people who chose to be arrested (the police gave protesters plenty of warning and time to move on) included an assistant school principal, a clinical psychologist, a permaculturalist and a 73-year-old grandmother.

These are not the sort of activities I envisioned doing at this point in my life. In the words of that Powderfinger song, these days turned out nothing like I had planned. Then again, few people predicted the world would end up the way it has – other than climate scientists, of course, whose warnings have been ignored for decades.
explain please.

Aussie Edition Sun Oven We are taking orders for the 3rd Edition of the Aussie Sun Oven

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This solar cooker is suitable for daily use as a family cooking appliance, so has all the features vital to getting great results while cooking in the sun. Yes this is the same as the All American Oven.
So there is a giant foil box engulfing earth?

Physics please, not phantasy (sic)
Could you explain these basic physics please.

Top video, aimed at high school students. Only 3 minutes long.
I like the bit when he gets two girlfriends.

You can watch the ones before and after also which deal with the carbon cycle etc.
And Bas thanks for the deeper background on the origins of the word Idiot. And Who comes to mind???
It hasn't gone un-noticed that the right Honorable Member for Hughes has escaped the Asylum, again, and remains unmedicated. Catch him tonight 'On SKY' as he has explained to him, again, the importance of removing the trousers for the waist before using to toilet...
Interesting that they point to deforestation, yet don't mention the global greening phenomenon that's going on. Shows bias, which then leads you to question their other graphs.
The established science of Greenhouse Gases

No question that increased greenhouse gases mean higher temperatures.

The question is to what degree. The topic is far more nuanced than either side of politics is willing to admit. And the IPCC modelling is far from accurate and riddled with bias.

There's also no certainty on how increased CO2 is treated by the earth. Is there a self reinforcing loop as some suggest (CO2 from ice is released, compounding the problem), or does the increased greenery offset and in fact make it harder for ever increasing amounts of CO2?
Regrowth and planting reduces the loss of forest . But the causes of the original loss remain to repeat the cutting. The remnant gets smaller while population doesn't . Supply and demand are converging, buy palm oil.
The question is to what degree. The topic is far more nuanced than either side of politics is willing to admit. And the IPCC modelling is far from accurate and riddled with bias.
Please offer your evidence for those claims.
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