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*IRAN* War already started: Scott Ritter

Next thing you will tell me Gillard will bring down un-employment.
Your edit is better than mine...give me 20 minutes and i could clean it up enough to convince at least 1 nutter in 100 nuts. :)


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Crypto breakthrough shows Flame was designed by world-class scientists

Crypto breakthrough shows Flame was designed by world-class scientists


The Flame espionage malware that infected computers in Iran achieved mathematic breakthroughs that could only have been accomplished by world-class cryptographers, two of the world's foremost cryptography experts said.

"We have confirmed that Flame uses a yet unknown MD5 chosen-prefix collision attack," Marc Stevens and B.M.M. de Weger wrote in an e-mail posted to a cryptography discussion group earlier this week. "The collision attack itself is very interesting from a scientific viewpoint, and there are already some practical implications."

"Collision" attacks, in which two different sources of plaintext generate identical cryptographic hashes, have long been theorized. But it wasn't until late 2008 that a team of researchers made one truly practical. By using a bank of 200 PlayStation 3 consoles to find collisions in the MD5 algorithm””and exploiting weaknesses in the way secure sockets layer certificates were issued””they constructed a rogue certificate authority that was trusted by all major browsers and operating systems. Stevens, from the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica in Amsterdam, and de Weger, of the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven were two of the driving forces behind the research that made it possible.


I have also spoken to a PLC Programming Specialist about this.

It appears that the previous 'Stuxnet' worm was intended to change the 'rpm' of the centrifuges for 'approximately' a 10minute, per day. This 10 minute disruption would have huge repercussions in trying to refine U-235 as you literally need a constant rpm for months to separate the U-235-238. Any disruption in RPM would render the whole process back to zero. By doing this, Israel/USA was able to keep Iran at bay.
So, this points to very, very specialist programming with double agents involved (to get the worm into the plant as the plant is isolated from the outside world) . Israel and USA (NSA/CIA) at their finest.

Wiki - Isotope separation