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Investment implications of Climate Change

Ahhhhhh.. I selected the article from a green brainwashing media to ensure the basilio of the world do not go in a rant about Trump or evil capitalism
Our own solar farms in qld are built in our own hail and storm (fertile) areas..
It is not a matter of if this happens here but when...
Our panels on the roof have had at least five good hail storm events without damage.
below is one of them.
Those USA panels must have been made in the USA.
Our panels on the roof have had at least five good hail storm events without damage.
below is one of them.
Those USA panels must have been made in the USA.
View attachment 173547
Good news, same here but the panels in widgee.. from memory..are in a heavy storm zone.
As you increase the panel covered areas especially in places you would not always put a house, you increase the risk.
Just remind this post in the next decade...
Good news, same here but the panels in widgee.. from memory..are in a heavy storm zone.
As you increase the panel covered areas especially in places you would not always put a house, you increase the risk.
Just remind this post in the next decade...
Ps: I am actually considering installing hail nets on our place as I am fully off the grid and panel dependent
It's really a tricky balance to strike between utilizing solar energy and managing the risks in areas prone to severe weather. Hope they can improve the resilience of these solar farms, as its pretty evident that climate change is real and it isn't pretty
The world has done famously well because we’ve had cheap energy. Once you get rid of coal, gas and petroleum products, are the likes of lithium, cobalt and nickel going to generate the trade surpluses that we are living through now? Because without those, the country is already broke. We’re in la-la land here.
- Robert Millner, Chairman, Washington H Soul Pattinson
Especially as not everyone is following the same hare brain plans.
I do believe something like 3 trillion usd have been spent on "climate change fighting" so far which is nearly only CO2 reduction schemes/ scams.
And only in the west, and only the taxpayers
While climate change preparation would be useful and probably justify ROI:dams, levy, reinforcing transport networks and climate has and will change, even the unicorn believers have to admit , or will have ..blaming me and real scientists, that these 3 trillions have not changed a thing nor will they.
This money is not wasted for everyone, plenty of filled pockets.
A fraction of this amount would have avoided immunisable deaths for kids, alleviate poverty, homelessness in the first world and generally made us wealthier, not some fund managers trading carbon credits but the west population..ahhh welll
And we will forget about the environment..
What a disaster....
Our own pm has just pushed 1billion on solar, snowy 2 is how much?
And yet we can not put a roof on the head of australians
Wake up voters
a roof with solar panels would be a good start ( for every Australian household ) , or maybe just a solar hot water system ( think of the kilometers of copper wire saved with that initiative )
Carbon credit :
An interesting sbs show on a major scam:
During the GFC, carbon credit trading started on France.
In a typical socialist greedy manner, the government decided to put GST on these carbon credits ...
O/S credits were purchased GST free, resold with GST in France .
And by the time the GST was due to be paid, companies were gone
Within a few weeks, crooks not especially high level ones btw managed to steal 1.8 billions Euro..Even as a native, I had never heard of this...
Hush hush
They arrested less than 40 people most of them strawmen, the biggest sentencing was 8 y 4 y behind bars ..and being non violent crime, might not even have been in a "jail"
So 4y worth for hundreds of millions euros
The show is "of blood and money" on SBS for the first half now.
This CC scam is creating and building humongous fortunes as oil did in the last century.
The show is "of blood and money" on SBS for the first half now.
I watched it over the last weekend. Interesting.
More a typical VAT/GST style scam, but the new carbon credit system at the time provided a new unchecked vessel.
19.6% VAT provides a profitable scam in itself, and then they compounded it.
I watched it over the last weekend. Interesting.
More a typical VAT/GST style scam, but the new carbon credit system at the time provided a new unchecked vessel.
19.6% VAT provides a profitable scam in itself, and then they compounded it.
And you could see how the typical french PS elite in their ego and narrow mind let it snowball, more interested in covering their back.
As well the root of it in this endless taxation, taxing the crap out of everything, anything. Carbon credit, a pool, a solar panel, a garden shed, owning a computer monitor, rain,air .
If it has a name, tax it
The 'green steel' story is getting shaky, maybe some more Govt help needed.
It's a bit like the coal power stations, everything gets old and why pour money into aging plant that isn't politically acceptable.
Could be an indicator of where our steel industry, or what's left of it, is going.

Sanjeev Gupta’s stricken Whyalla steelworks has brought in rival BlueScope to try to speed up a fix-it plan for the ageing plant as some customers turn to imports from Asia to fill a production shortfall.

A blast furnace problem has meant the Whyalla plant in South Australia has been unable to make steel for seven weeks, and some of its large customers have put in extra orders with steelmakers in Vietnam, South Korea and Taiwan.
Meteorologists are predicting an extreme hurricance season as a result of very high ocean heat levels and the effects of La Nina.

This article highlights stocks to dump before the season gets into full swing.


more worlds ending propaganda
the west must stop using electricity and lower omissions while the non western countries

fun fact China has omitted more co2 omissions in the past decade than the UK has since the English and French revolution
they now account for nearly 1/3 of the worlds total omissions, where is there climate policy or statements on there plans or procedure to change this?
they do not exist
its communism for the west 101
hmmm my QBE is in unusually high profit ( for QBE ) i keep a small exposure there by reducing at a reasonable profit whenever it arrives

am not keen to dump completely , would need to drop more than 50% to entice me to add , .. so would i trim a little more ... decisions decisions

i have already abandoned airlines , don't currently have much exposure to the travel industry ( trivial and indirect now i have off-loaded GTK )

contagion hitting IAG ( i hold ) , maybe a tiny chance of adding there
Meteorologists are predicting an extreme hurricance season as a result of very high ocean heat levels and the effects of La Nina.

Wake up and learn something new Investor 13. Hurricanes are bog normal climatic events. They happened last year, last decade, last century, last millenium

This year the ocean temperatures which provide the energy of hurricances are at record high levels. (Yes that is caused by global warming ) La Nina will also have an impact on the rainfall coming from these hurricanes. Sprouting your anti science nonsense won't change the reality of the risks facing investors this summer in the Northern Hemisphere.

The 2 minute video in URL below is an excellent summary of the developing situation.
but billionaires and multi-millionaires continue to own properties on beach-fronts , islands , and several have moved in the last two years to Texas , well known for hurricane and tornado events

are you saying 'the smartest people in the room ' are really as dumb as dirt ?

weather is both cyclic and seasonal , i have forgotten how many 'once in a hundred year floods ' i have lived through in Brisbane ( is it 4 or 5 ? ) and i am 30 years short of being 100 years old ( so maybe i should have only experienced one or two , if 'the science ' was accurate )

all i care about is having the insurance up to date , and if there are buying/selling opportunities created ( now that i reside more than 300 metres above sea level )

BTW i prefer global warming to global freezing , the grass grows better in the warmth and i have 50 cattle to feed ( 25% of them an African breed and 10% of them Drought-masters )

now tornadoes/hurricanes around the Gulf of Mexico that might lift oil prices , but probably not enough for me to cash in on that trend ( i suspect )
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