Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Internet Advertising... advice needed


Wow ,The responses in this thread have really helped us with our advertising.

We thoroughly investigated Google adwords and signed up. After using it for several months we have found that it is possible to start and stop our campaign anytime. When our shop is busy - we simply pause the campaign, and restart it when enquiry drops off a bit. No other type of advertising allows this degree of control. We now know exactly how much to bid at different times to be at the top of the page in the paid advertising area.
It works very well and is very cost effective.

A professional is currently building a new website for our main business and is working with a Search Engine Optimisation specialist to ensure top results in a generic search.

We are about to open an additional business as a side line. For the new business we want to keep costs down to an absolute minimum. All advertising will be on the internet -and we will use google adwords to promote it. I found a DIY Website Design Program called SiteSpinner Pro
and am building my own website - Total cost of program $100 It may not be as good as a professional could design - but it will do the job for us. They even have a user forum.

So a big thankyou to the people on this thread that opened our eyes to these methods.


Yeh adwords is very customisable, however just as a note, you dont really need to have your cost per click as high as what they reccommend to still get traffic.

Can i ask what type of business you are in Rocket? Feel free to PM if you dont want it public knowledge