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International markets traders banter

Excessive use of ETFS has likely lead to over leverage in that part of the market.
Velocity Shares XIV which is an ETF that inversely tracks the VIX, with leverage. collapsed after hours in the US.
When markets are volatile ETF redemption's get a little more tricky as their balancing acts are larger and easier to identify by traders looking to front run them and hence make their losses excessive.
This seemed evident last night about an hour before the close when when the market selling flew from 900 points on the DOW to 1600 and back again in about the space of 10 minutes -The rush to redeem.
Hilarious to watch!
Finally we see the issue with ETF excesses and a market made by central banks.
It's all up to Bitcoin to save the markets now!
I had a short ready on Tesla at 361 it went to 360 before heading down to 315 where it is now.

Teach me to bet against the Lord our Savior.

I would argue the Australian market is in for more pain or at least some sideways movement however it's not farfetched to suggest the low is in for the USA. Time will tell but key levels + high volume + daily bullishness atleast lends hope to the bulls that the dream ain't over

Yep and this week it went down 1600 points in a single intraday spanking!
And again the Dow dropped 1,032 points Thursday and the average posted its worst point drop in history on Monday, closing 1,175 points lower.
Monday's decline of 4.62 percent was also its worst daily percentage drop since Aug. 10, 2011, when it also fell 4.62 percent.
Before this weeks performance, Trump boasted about the stock market once every 35 hours

Go Donny Little Hands, can't wait to see what happens next.................
I reckon we might trade around and try to fill in some value area between 25253 and 23100 on the Dow....YM that is.... on the ES 2726 to 2531
Probably best to do a sector analysis whether that be America, Europe, Japan, China etc.,
Changing methods of trading to smaller caps is one to look at or even the micro caps if solid enough in assets and cash requirements. Particularly mining, graphene, and the newly arrived gold and silver backed cryptos linked to Bank debit cards and similar.
Of course a micro-cap in the states is around $50m to $200m and a lot less in other domains.
FTSE looking a little sick, dare I say she might puke tonight. I’m positioned appropriately with a tight leash. Show me the money.
Footsy can be a little contrarian, to the rest of Euro because of it's defensive nature weighting kind of stocks.
US holiday and all the desperates are watching the DAX and FTSE. Hmm.
The DAX puked and the FTSE has been sympathetic.

Couldn't resist going long and heavy here. Target 2734 ish going into the open.

Cheers, I am all scaled out of the long into the target. I wonder what "they" are going to do with it now? Can someone say..... Dump
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