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International markets traders banter

Usdeur is a slam dunk long here. Months of usd sell off ending in a climax over war. Great area long term as well.
Isn't it usually expressed EUR/USD?

If so does that mean its a slam dunk short?
Which mind set are you trading?

Was last nights Wall Street sell off really because people are genuinely worried about China's stooge leader in North Korea - Fat Ugly Toadman (translated into English)? or was it more about this -

from people who do ...stuff

$SPX #sentiment


  • EWI overconfidence 191017 spx UniMich.png
    289.3 KB · Views: 169
and this bit of stuff too


  • EWI overconfidence ii 191017 spx UniMich.png
    503.2 KB · Views: 170
Was watching some pale old c^nt on CNBC, telling us that we were only half way through the secular bull market and we were just starting out on the biggest leg. Well f^ck me!
Think I'll tun my screen upside down to make me feel like buy en something
The reality of BREXIT begins to take hold.
'Well, we managed our way through avoiding telling the British electorate, who voted for this, that they have set Britain back about a century. Now, how to frame a catastrophe and try to look like a pig can fly.'

DOW leaping ahead in 1000 point blocks in this perma (excluding Aust.) bull market. 24000 points next target when the fat cats get their tax break and employ more people for the masses to pay off the national debt. There isn't any giving without some taking elsewhere.
Is this the next move in the markets, a hint of a stock that has already done so
focus on the stock that may be the one that shows us what will happen next….and this stock is AXP – American express - just look and tell me what you see
above is the DOW JONES and below is AMERICAN EXPRESS so far so good right
Well, why am I showing you those charts - because if we will take the trends in AXP we can see in 2015 the fast collapse from 96$ +_ price area to almost 50$
my guess is that the same move will appear on the DOW JONES when the decline will come, but first, we need to wait for some clues or evidence before start making shorts, for my opinion Right now I think in terms of risk and chance of investing long in the markets The potency is limited
Heads up on the dax, could be an open drive play brewing. The es is up 3.5 points since this am and the dax has been could gap open and either test then resume, or range then continue after the cash opens....I'll be knee deep in kids most likely
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