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International markets traders banter

..he, he... very good TH. Another way to crush morale in Honkers i guess. Business elite seem to be supporting him as expected. What a mess.
Hey? They were bids. Being supported not sold.

My bad, by 'stuffing' i assumed phantom bids which translates into cumulative volume on bids much higher than ask and vice versa. In my experience price tends to gravitate towards higher cumulative volume. The bids get crushed like in a bowling alley. Quite contrary to intuitive expectation. You would think higher number of bids we are going up but end up going in opposite direction. There was a bloke in Europe that built his entire trading career on that observation called The Flipper.

Got a polish up on my jargon if i want to engage with you hot shot traders :

Oh no I find that as well. Volume in the ladders will attract action rather than repel. But what I reckon I was seeing was an accumulation algo running. They gents were giving their all to sell it down and in spite of some decent volume thrown onto the bids it held up pretty well.

Then again I did read zerohedge yesterday so i would be thinking conspiracy! :hide::vader:
I see, thanks. Mind you, it is sitting on fairly strong support atm... hence the buying algos perhaps. It seems to be shaping up for a volatile period. Looks like you are in for a good times after a few flat days you had....

Forgot it is a two day holiday in Honkers...

Does someone have any details about the nature of restrictions for loans to property developers and property itself via the banking system in China? Further, to the extent that the total funding needs which are not available via the official banking system moves into shadow banking as essentially mezz debt, in the even of inability to roll the mezz, what happens - in reality?
But what I reckon I was seeing was an accumulation algo running. The gents were giving their all to sell it down and in spite of some decent volume thrown onto the bids it held up pretty well.

Don't stuff with the Global Macro gents hey? They always get what they want...........

Holidays are supposed to leave one feeling refreshed!

However, given that this NFP night coincides with a holiday closure of the DAX, my currently open DAX positions might be feeling somewhat less than sprightly when trading resumes next monday!
UK trading and the rest of Europe excluding Spain:

On Monday 6th October 2014, most European exchanges including those in the UK will change from a 3 day standard settlement to 2 days.

The European Commission has published regulations aimed at harmonising the rules for Central Securities Depositaries operating in Member States. These industry-wide changes are designed to improve efficiency within the settlement process and provide a sounder financial system across Europe.

European exchanges with the exception of Spain will be moving to a two day standard settlement period from 6th October 2014. Standard settlement for Spanish equities will remain T+3.

Limit orders placed on the impacted exchanges before 6th October 2014 will be amended on your behalf, from T+3 to T+2 settlement.

From 6th October 2014, the standard settlement period for trades on the impacted exchanges will change from T+3 to T+2. This means that both purchases and sales will settle one day faster than they do today. Extended settlement such as T+10 is not impacted by these industry-wide changes to standard settlement.
Anyone have colour on the FTSE 'flash' dumping at Japan open (11am ESDT)?
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