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International markets traders banter

Nice trend on the 2:1 chart too for pretty much the entirety of this expiry.....interesting, playing around with it in esignal.

Nice trend on the 2:1 chart too for pretty much the entirety of this expiry.....interesting, playing around with it in esignal.

View attachment 56494

Cool, how did you input the ratio? When you put multiple contracts in IB it doesn't chart the spread any different...from what i've seen so far anyway. I've only tried 5:2 on the FESX_Dax.

Did you delete my post just now?? Seems to have vanished

EDIT: ooops never mind! It just appeared again haha, ASF having a fit.

Thanks for the link.

In esignal just do whatever number * whatever contract. So for a 1 HSI - 2 HHI spread I do "HSI F4-HKF - 2 * HHI F4-HKF". Spaces seem to be very important. Got a couple DOM's up now and playing away, could get used to this

Ahh, right in the 'spread expression' itself, of course that makes perfect

The perfect way to have a spread trade, the amount of times I've seen the awesome spread traders have both legs in profit, pity it doesn't last long with a honkers spread haha, pretty crazy

I must say I much prefer playing around with spreads than outrights, the way you can juggle the positions, job in and out and play with it to better your position as it moves about is great

I must say I much prefer playing around with spreads than outrights, the way you can juggle the positions, job in and out and play with it to better your position as it moves about is great

Yeah, i'm guessing thats why most Pros are spreaders....
Not a bad first day on that 2:1 spread, I think I got 40-50 points on it, kinda tricky to work out in NT. HHI playing a bit of catch up just now, good to see the relationship between the two at different times throughout the day, HHI underperforms the HSI then from about 4:40 onwards it outperforms it, good opportunities at the open and close of the sessions, as with all markets I suppose

EDIT: Just comparing the two spreads, 1:1 and 2:1 together, looks as though maybe there is something in going long the 1:1 when it goes the opposite way from the 2:1, seems to play catch up a bit, interesting nonetheless, see what happens from here on in

Hello Groovers

Wondering if anyone can do me a fav and send me todays and next Mondays tick data in NT format if anyone has it. (clearly at the end of trade Monday )

That would be cool. Happy Aussie weekend

lata mate.

Pardon my ignorance. I'm assuming this is simply a banter thread? Is there one to actually discuss the international markets in a more analytical way?

Surprised after last night that no one seems to be getting interested!!!!!
It is going to be very interesting next week. What a week was for global stock markets. Friday was not a good day for many markets exceptions are markets such as Tanzania, Sri-Lanka, Vietnam and UAE which had uptrend. Markets such as Bulgaria, Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Saudi Arabia, China, Mongolia, Philippines and Taiwan were resilient on Friday. In the meantime South American markets were in downtrend.

If we analyse global markets we could see few frontier bull markets in 2014 and 2015. Globally current situation could create another opportunity for intelligent investors. There could be valuable sectors and stocks in countries such as USA, Germany, UK, India, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, New Zealand and Australia. Some of the top gainers in the global markets on Friday were:


I am slightly bullish on undervalued global commodities stocks now. Some commodities could have strong uptrend and some commodities could go down further. In the currency market Aussie dropped below 87cents. Some Asians currencies such as Won, Malaysian ringgit, Indian rupee and Indonesian rupiahs fell. The Turkish lira plunged and South Africa’s rand tumbled. USD number one bull currency in the world could advance further. Both NZD and AUD could go down further.

Let markets to fall or go up. Mr Market will decide where to go. It is time to identify coming bull markets, sectors, stocks, commodities and currencies.

My ideas are not a recommendation to either buy or sell any security, commodity or currency. Please do your own research prior to making any investment decisions.
Pardon my ignorance. I'm assuming this is simply a banter thread? Is there one to actually discuss the international markets in a more analytical way?

Surprised after last night that no one seems to be getting interested!!!!!

Analysis is sssoooooo overrated!!!

This thread is well suited to those whom want to vent after the market, despite all their cunning analysis, tears them a new one!

Having said that, I am sure that many will welcome analytical discussion alongside the usual banter.
There's no "Dribble BS and rave on about all sorts after you've done trades" thread, so here it is :

Haha I guess it all has its place.

I'm just annoyed at the lack of serious analysis and enthusiasm in here but this obviously isn't the thread anyway!

But this is a good, relaxed, fun thread. I do enjoy it!
Interesting times ahead...

China halting domestic transfers for 3 days before their biggest holiday

Now that is interesting, how to piss of the people. Sorry your money is our money until we deem it fit to allow you some access to it.

HSBC has withdrawn it's own withdraw limits on savings accounts after consumer backlash. More like everyone running to the bank asking for their money, Cyprus must still be in peoples minds and when a banks limits the amount of cash you can withdraw, I to would be concerned if my money/savings were safe.

US debt ceiling coming to town again in the next week.

All very interesting, can feel a chill coming over the global markets again.

Now that is interesting, how to piss of the people. Sorry your money is our money until we deem it fit to allow you some access to it.

The entire global banking system relies on people not wanting their money at the same time. Google "run on the bank"....

I don't think a crisis will be as bad here as the last GFC...there are no derivatives to systematize the risk...its just good ole fashion bad loans that will never be paid back.

A run on the banks can be thwarted easier here than overseas, the people would almost expect it. A daily withdrawel allowance for food etc....

My wife is going to the bank today actually....nothing wrong with keeping a little extra cash handy...

IT will be interesting to see if a panic starts, how it shows up in the indices.
Well that's a nice gap down 2% for both the HHI and the HSI ....

Good to get your insight on it, had tried to ask you actually but wouldn't let me edit the post, said something about suspicious content coming from my network
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