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International markets traders banter

Thought about putting in a bid in the open but decided against it
I was under the impression it was well known already since the first article came out at 3am!

F&*%ing hard day today in the bonds and I finally do something right for a change and my system crashes and I still don't make any money asfjkasdhlfkjashdfljkasd
F&*%ing hard day today in the bonds and I finally do something right for a change and my system crashes and I still don't make any money asfjkasdhlfkjashdfljkasd

What do you actually do with the bonds? Trade the curve or outright on the 10s? You hold more than one day? Surprised you can stay awake long enough to see them move that much, I do like the idea of trading them though, just got SFA about how to go about it.

Bit of everything but mainly just (try) to job around the curve.
Bit of everything but mainly just (try) to job around the curve.

Which means what? Position yourself for a trade that lasts a week based on a curve view, or just day trade when things may get out of whack on the opens or something? Having much success? With how little they move I'm surprised the bond guys don't go back to the SPI and "job" around on that?

the XT can get going at times.

Mate to be honest I don't even know what the f&*% I do. Generally I just look at the curve market then look at the 3's and 10's and see if I can somehow make money.
Can anyone tell me why markets often do this on the open? Like the seng just now, opens, pushes lower to some random no support area then just goes beserk and shoots up to close the gap, anyone got any theories to why and how it does that, and why turn at THAT point? Makes it a bitch to try and pick the bottom, was expecting this to happen but just turned lower than I thought, or later should I say, chop chop chop nom nom mince screaming puke....then turns


Yeah its the magic Bol Band man!

Yeah it's T/A, nah it's not T/A, yeah it's T/A. Whatever suits, maybe I should use fibs, then at least there'll be a line that could be the reason it bounced furiously from that point lol

Actually it bounced cuz I went long and strong at that point.

I have the Magic
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