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International markets traders banter

Anyhow... shorting the SPI as a positional play for the next few weeks.

Feels like something's brewing in China.. not sure it'd amount to anything but the iron ore companies have been shot first.

Still Short?
Still Short?

Stopped out about 140 ticks ago... it went 2 ticks above my stop

And I took money out of IB as I need to settle on a property in a couple of weeks... so I don't even have enough cash in there to re-open

P.S. Had one of my busiest days trading pairs... a new record in terms of open exposure. But today's P&L was 0.00000016% of that exposure. Now you can't get more delta neutral than that!

That's a real bugger.
I really thought you still had that!
I was lambasting myself for not doing the
Same thing.

yep of course, always the way . I too have had a record day.... of red!!!.... (only for the year though )

Go ask the boss for some futs limits......
That's a real bugger.
I really thought you still had that!
I was lambasting myself for not doing the
Same thing.

Hopefully there'd be a bounce in the next day or two. I'd take another shot at it if I can sell some stock to free up the capital, albeit with less favourable RR.

Go ask the boss for some futs limits......

Nah. I trade so small and so infrequently there's barely enough to pay for the data/platform fees. It is most rare that I don't have enough cash in my IB account to trade even 1 contract. Plus my pairs limit just got doubled so I am going to have my hands full just trying to fill that.

yep of course, always the way . I too have had a record day.... of red!!!.... (only for the year though )

Record day in red... Those days really help build your character! I had 3 of those in December alone... but that came after 15 days of straight green so I knew I had it coming.

What do you reckon the maximum spread would need to be to be able to profitably trade the Seng actively/intraday through a CFD assuming no commission (if it would be possible at all)?

What do you reckon the maximum spread would need to be to be able to profitably trade the Seng actively/intraday through a CFD assuming no commission (if it would be possible at all)?

HA funny you should ask.. Was talking about the HSI CFD with a friend on the weekend. Once upon a time back when there used to be Unicorns in the fields and $100 bills laying in the gutters the spreads were 2 points. Someone managed to turn $1000 into 50g in a week.

but alas.... the world is much nastier now and I think its 12 points. Pretty much removes any chance of anything but position trading. But you could always trade the Mini HSI fut (MHI) which is only $1000 AUD margin or even mini HHI which is only $500 AUD.
Hopefully there'd be a bounce in the next day or two. I'd take another shot at it if I can sell some stock to free up the capital, albeit with less favourable RR.

Well... we are now back to the level 2 days ago. But taking a short here would be quite aggressive. High so far today printed at 5264... may be I will wait for a lower high.
craziness across the aussie curve today!. yesterday everything went bid on the sh*thouse u/e figure. today we've continued to go bid but there's big orders flying everwhere. I just pulled my bid as they lifted an offer I have no idea whats going on??!!

big boys are back in town!

They will be doing something and the good thing is they cannot hide it. Jump there is a ride to be had somewhere!

Setting longs.
Id be surprised if the west or the
world doesn't resume long tonight
at best.
Range around again at worst.
They will be doing something and the good thing is they cannot hide it. Jump there is a ride to be had somewhere!

Lately I've had a really good 'feel' (market context!!!!) as to what's going on but today its just been completely out the door.

I'm pretty sure there's either a couple of big boys repositioning after the number yesterday (shorts covering?) and there's a few guys taking profits in there as well.

Feels likes on the back end of our curve they are TRYING to sell it and they hold it down hold it down then something like yesterday happens and they scramble, cover and then try to build again. It's like they are thinking 'well rates are low and can't get much lower so the bonds have to be a sell' but then you get the random triggers + data points which keep hurting them. I think I agree with them in that long term rates are on the up but trying to time it in the market is next to impossible.

remind's me of the aussie, Stevens was jawboning that thing for months and couldn't push it down, you just couldn't sell it, then finally it cracks and now im sitting here going man why did I sell the aussie 9 months ago it was soooo obvious..

Yeah looks like a game changer to me. Break-outs but Curve - yeah holding so far.
Maybe that fella over in Singapore is just back from holidays and is squeezing everyone out

I don't care how big K and his mates are he can't control the back end of the curve, the bill spreads maybe but out in XT land there's plenty of guys having a say.
Did we just get some news? The Kospi just broke out of a two day balance and a six day uptrend...
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