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International markets traders banter

Who says the ETH levels don't work?


  • aaHSI ON high.png
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You could argue that it was actually testing the high of the regular session made right around 16:00. I'm not making that argument, just saying. :

Oh, good point indeed...i missed that, what with my crappy TWS...:frown:
Sell off in May, I guess being a short on the DAX!

Well we all know that saying SELL IN MAY AND WALK AWAY!

Sometimes it doesnt work, but this year It probably will.

The weeklies are overbought, bonds are very strong, and I think people are starting to get wayyyyy too bullish again, so that could mean something.

Ohhh, DAX, DAX wherefore art thou DAX?

3% down, 2% up, 4% down, then 3% up and 3% down again!

Whom do you think you're kidding, DAX? GrannyGoose isn't fooled for a minute!

C'mon DAX I know you can do better than that! (You're not going to let that wizened waterfowl beat you so easily, are you?)

C'mon DAX, Bring it on!!!
Boy that was a smack down on the DAX!! F me...... 2.5% in 1/2 an hour.

EDIT German credit down grade coming.... OUCH!!
It's nice to see that I've caught your attention DAX, but really, another piddly 2-3% down - hardly worth the effort!

That barely even ruffled Grandma's feathers. (Nought more than water of a Goose's back.)

C'mon DAX! Stop trifling with me!! Show me what you've really got this time!!!
HSI- high vol open and no one has won yet. Both sides are really going at it. She'll pop soon.
all I want for xmas is a hacker to tweet some bad new for us, or a north korea attack...LOL.

This market right here is a BULL Trap!

hourly overbought, and some down is due anyway. They are just keeping this up so the slam down is much harder and faster, you know....that old chestnut, that is the drill these days.
This market right here is a BULL Trap!

hourly overbought, and some down is due anyway. They are just keeping this up so the slam down is much harder and faster, you know....that old chestnut, that is the drill these days.

Can we order a different narrative for our money. This is become a bit same same blah blah..... Where is the great info for our price of entry??

jump on we're nearly half way there
Heh. Last night before bed I rebalanced my FX carry/momentum doublesort model out of SEKJPY and into NZDJPY. Woke up this morning to place some trades on the NYSE, to discover I'd perfectly top ticked my NZDJPY long and in drawdown equal to last months SEKJPY returns.
Trading, I've been doing it wrong;

SWISS FRANC TRADER: can u put 6m swiss libor in low pls?...
SWSISS FRANC TRADER: ive got some sushi rolls from yesterday?...
PRIMARY SUBMITTER: ok low 6m, just for u
SWISS FRANC TRADER: wooooooohooooooo. . . thatd be awesome

So who's a clever little bourse then!

So DAX! Now that you've shown that you've got what it takes to put Grandma under water, have you also got what it's going to take to keep her there?
Well? Have you?

I should warn you that she's a pretty tough ol' bird, dat dere, Granny Goose!
I should warn you that she's a pretty tough ol' bird, dat dere, Granny Goose!

Ha never mind. Its a job of keeping spirits above water (without being deluded i should add). I had a month of philanthropic endeavours.......... enriching my bloody clearer...... thats all..... :frown:

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