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International markets traders banter

Trade balance numbers come in significantly better than forecast and previous. I am long. AUDUSD moves only 10 pts.
Trade balance numbers come in significantly better than forecast and previous. I am long. AUDUSD moves only 10 pts.

I'm interested to see how the AUD moves this week as the nonsense with N.Korea plays out. Will tell a lot as to how far away the Skippy has moved from a risk trade to the new world currency!

D and I'm only half joking!)
I'm interested to see how the AUD moves this week as the nonsense with N.Korea plays out. Well tell a lot as to how far away the Skippy has moved from a risk trade to the new world currency!

D and I'm only half joking!)

It's getting full retard out there, with ACBs stepping in on any low they can spot as a buying opp for Aus govvies and the RBA sitting on all the highs trying to "smooth" them out.

I don't think the AUD is designed for this sort of action without commensurate increases in export flows. Somethings gotta give.
JPY got nuked too last night by the BoJ it seems. I haven't placed any discretionary trades today but my FX EOD model has me unlevered long SEKJPY this month. TBH I was expecting the short JPY trade to get killed after March performance, pleased to see it's still got some legs.

The Jap market has gone into a QExtreme frenzy. I have never seen a day where the Jap goes up 3% while HK is donw 2.5%. The whole region is feeling the Jap earthquake it seems.
The Jap market has gone into a QExtreme frenzy. I have never seen a day where the Jap goes up 3% while HK is down 2.5%. The whole region is feeling the Jap earthquake it seems.

Yeah and add the 3% move up yesterday from lows to close on the NK. Kospi opens down a tad and does a pretty good impression of a lead balloon too. Have a look at the vol on the Seng.... morning sess has done a full days biz. Gee someone is doing some work.........! ....... my head hurts

lol @ the JGB!

cant post a pic but 10 year jap bonds traded limit down twice (almost 3 times) then ran 200 ticks the other way, finally settling down now.
After it went to stratosphere this morning, it eventually fell and just awhile ago filled the
overnight high gap.
The day candle looks like a shooting star.

best clueless quote of the day "hangseng goes down on birdflu fears" cnbc

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Can someone explain the potential short term consequences of BoJ's QE-to-the-extreme actions?

I know it will drop the Yen, raise Japanese equities and reduce Jap bond yields. But what about other markets? From what geographies and asset classes will the funds flow to / from?

For instance, I'd expect the $A / yen or $NZ / yen carry trade to dial back up by the millions of Mrs Watanabes.
I also thought that local institutions might shift weight into Japanese equities to chase the gain. While non-Japan institutions might want to withdraw their Yen exposures before the currency plunges even more...

But these are just my uninformed guesses.

Anyone like to explain better or seen a good article?

"Bird flu." Lmao.

Actually read that somewhere else so it's not just CNBC... although I doubt that's the reason for today's fall. SARS may be. H7N9? Not likely.
Can someone explain the potential short term consequences of BoJ's QE-to-the-extreme actions?

I have a lot to say on JPY, but will just say in relation to other assets:

So long as JPY remains a risk off currency, declines in JPY will work their way through to most asset classes as a decline in volatility == "BoJ put" sort of action. The big risk arb models will continue to push other assets to where the new JPY price implies they "should be".
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