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Interactive Brokers Troubleshooting

I don't know if it was because I had removed a column or upgraded to a newer version of TWS but I missing the quantity field in the portfolio window when ordering.
Is there a way to get it back?
I asked an IB rep and there is an order config tab in the customise layout and there you need to add Quantity. I don't know how I missed it.

right-click any column header
select Customize Layout
click the Order Columns tab
then click 'Sort' in the lower right-hand corner
that will put the Available Columns in alpha order
double-click Quantity
it should now appear in Shown Columns
Is anyone else having trouble logging in to the IB website this afternoon. After I type in my login info, I just get a screen with the IB Banner and Main menu (Home, Trade etc.) at the top, My Account Name and Number underneath that, above a big rectangular white (empty) box with a spinning wheel in the centre. It just stays like that and doesn't go any further. I have tried several times in the last hour with the same results.

When creating an order ticket I noticed a couple of options:

1. Allow this order to be filled outside of regular trading hours.
2. Allow order to be routed and executed during pre-open session.

I am trading stocks on the NYSE/NASDAQ, do I need to tick both of these to participate in the opening auctions?

So I have been buying some stocks for franking credits and I now see on my IB statement item called "Payment in Lieu of Dividend"
Does this mean IB has been lending some of the stock I bought for short selling and this is the dividend they owe?
Will that effect the amount of franking credits I can claim?
So think I worked it out its because i bought on margin they can use the loan amount for short selling and I wont be able to claim the franking credits if they do.
Thankfully looks like there is only 113 shortable ASX stocks on IB so if i keep away from them then I assume I won't have a problem with IB lending the stock out.
only one question remains. If I short sell a stock with IB do I have to pay any franking credits?

No thats not right. I think you should just call IB. There is no way you lose the right to the franking credit. I also don't think they can short sell your holding without your permission. Of course you may have already given it in the fine print of the margin agreement.

If I short sell a stock with IB do I have to pay any franking credits?

Well opened a ticket with them but not confident you can treat these payments like a dividend. google has revealed other people overseas using IB cant claim reduced tax dividend income if they get these payments instead of a regular dividend.
Won't be buying for dividend on margin in future.

also the shortable stock list means nothing as some stock they lend out wasn't even on it.
IB didnt give an answer regarding the franking credits and payments in lieu. they did confirm they lend out stock tho but only if you're using margin

Please note that if your account has only long, fully paid for stock (i.e., is not borrowing funds and does not hold any short options positions), then the shares will not be lent out.
I'm getting desperately slow load times for TWS on a mac the last few times I have tried it. I have a fast internet connection, but when I start TWS now (9:38pm WST, or 9:38 am New York time, just after the US markets open) it is taking about 1 second to download 0.1% of the application. So 100% in 1000 seconds, or nearly 17 minutes.

This is completely unacceptable.

It's just completed the download. Total time: about 28 minutes
It's just completed the download. Total time: about 28 minutes

Why do you need to download the application every time? Is that the web version as opposed to Standalone? Is there no standalone version for Mac?
Why do you need to download the application every time? Is that the web version as opposed to Standalone? Is there no standalone version for Mac?

I'm not sure how it all hangs together. It is called Trader Workstation (TWS) and you can launch it from the new IB Website or from an icon that your can place on your desktop. If launched from the IB Website, it just initially puts a small Java file in your Mac Downloads folder (the java file is called TWS.MAC.JNLP and is just 876 Bytes) which it then starts. This acts just the same as the icon that you can put permanently on your desktop. Which ever way you start it, it asks for your login information and then proceeds the slow process of downloading the TWS application, which recently is taking ages to download.

It is elsewhere called the browser based version of TWS and is the preferred way to use it as IB says it is always up to date (I guess that is why it is downloaded each time). There is also a standalone version of TWS that is recommended for users with slow connections, which I assume downloads TWS permanently on to your system and will only get update when you chose to download it again. I had difficulty installing that when I initially joined IB, so I opted for the browser version. It wasn't a problem until a few weeks ago when the download time jumped from a few minutes to 20+ minutes.

An alternative to TWS is WebTrader, which I haven't tried before but may look at now if TWS continues to be slow.
I reported the problem and they gave me some things to try. The problem seems to be related to my Java cache. When I cleared it, it started loading in under 30 seconds.
I reported the problem and they gave me some things to try. The problem seems to be related to my Java cache. When I cleared it, it started loading in under 30 seconds.

It's good to here that their support fixed the problem.

You may have had these problems as you are using a mac
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