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Interactive Brokers Troubleshooting

Anyone else having trouble logging in to IB at the moment?
Thanks 4s
I haven't tried to log on on a W/E

Thanks will now log on on W/E if I need to.
Anyone else having problems today, with Market Data Connections dropping out continously.
I first thought the problems is related to my internet, but my internet connection is fine. Every couple of minutes one of the connections to their data farms drops out and re-connects after a short while.

Data feels a bit slow today - question marks sometimes appear where data should stream continuously, esp when I scroll. But no drop outs.
Data feels a bit slow today - question marks sometimes appear where data should stream continuously, esp when I scroll. But no drop outs.

I get the ? usually when one of the farms losing the connection. Just chatted to Tech Support, they seem to think it is my ISP. Just wondering what ISP are you using? I am with Optus (Cable).
I get the ? usually when one of the farms losing the connection. Just chatted to Tech Support, they seem to think it is my ISP. Just wondering what ISP are you using? I am with Optus (Cable).

it's not page full of ???, but individual rows as I scroll up/down. That doesn't usually happen.

I use TPG ADSL2+.

The IB tech guys like to blame ISP a bit...

Is it possible to set an alert in IB based on the ratio of prices.

E.g. If RIO/BHP > 2, alarm goes off.

Currently I have to stream data to a spreadsheet and do a calculation there.

You could do a limit order at a calculated figure set it in the market
Then manually up date it from your calcs until filled.

Think your asking a bit much from Work Station!
You could do a limit order at a calculated figure set it in the market
Then manually up date it from your calcs until filled.

Think your asking a bit much from Work Station!

I just need an alert, not actually placing orders. And manually adjusting the orders would require constant watching which takes up valuable screen display real-estate!

IB actually has an order type that allow trading in ratios (I think) but useless for me since I am calculating ratios for pairs trading and I can't short ASX equities with IB...
Why can we not trade any of the AIM stocks on the FTSE?


Dear Trader,

unfortunately we cannot offer any of these shares for trading as they are trading on the AIM segment of LSE, which we do not support. "

And they are going gangbusters at the moment - most fed up of low interest from banks etc.

I am trading options at ASX through IB. Today (03/03/11) and yesterday (02/03/11) I failed to send a calendar spread order for BHP options. The window "Invalid order" appeared. I made numerous attempts... Did anybody experience the same sort of problem ? It was definitely OK about a week ago.

Due to technical issues the ASX has disabled Tailor Made Combinations, there should be a notice on the ASX website, not sure when TMC's are coming back on.
Due to technical issues the ASX has disabled Tailor Made Combinations, there should be a notice on the ASX website, not sure when TMC's are coming back on.

Thank you very much for the quick reply !
I've looked at the asx site but did not find any such announcement. Do you know the reference ? As soon as I'm trading (usually) option combinations, it is rather disappointing for me. I'll try to clarify as much as possible.

I can't find anything either on the ASX site but found these with a google search:

The ASX issued a statement before the start of trade saying the exchange would open at the usual time, but all "Tailor Made Combinations" would be disabled until further notice.

More here:


Full story: Chi-X rubs it in as ASX recovers from glitch
Sails, thank you very much.

I did not trade on Monday at ASX so I did not notice anything. I completely agree with the unknown trader - "If they haven't fixed it by the option expiry date of March 24 it will be a nightmare." I need to roll over a lot... Good news is that at least it is not only my problem and there will be an extra efforts to fix it. Initially I thought that my IB platform (or a virus or a combination of both) was the reason of unavailability of multi-legs orders.
A little help if I may. When I attached a stop loss or trailing stop loss to my buy order it all looks good except the status shows "Cancel Confirmed" Obviously that the end of it. I am surely doing something wrong. I am using web trader.


I am trading options at ASX. I know that ASX is going to split options by factor of 10. So 1 option will correspond to 100 shares (it used to be usually 1000 shares). According to my IB account, the split was already done (overnight) for ANZ. For instance -2 c24.0 ANZ became -20 c24.0 ANZ. Theoretically nothing should be changed...
HOWEVER my margin requirements has increased by factor of 10 as well (!?). Obviously I have no sufficient funds to cover such idiotic requirements. There is a warning that if I do not make actions to reduce margins then it will be done by IB automatically in 10 minutes. What actions I supposed to make in order to prevent the enforced closure of my positions ? I emphasize that requirements are completely unrealistic because margin requirements per one option did not change in IB's software while the size of options decreased 10 times (and number of options increased by factor of 10 due to the split).
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