Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum


If you aren't building productive industries and only increasing popultion to maintain a working age population, that is building non productive infrastructure, where is the net gain? Other than increasing population for population sake?

As I posted earlier, we are actually running a negative GDP per capita economy and I don't see many capital raisings or IPO's flying.
Nickel is on the nose, coal is a nono, iron ore is having it's day in the sun, but let's be honest things aren't rosy.
If a Woolies shelf Stacker retires, we need a new one, it’s not always about new industries, and if that retired shelf stacker needs some one to change his nappies we then we have to create that job Too.

Most of the exisitng jobs boomers are leaving still need to be done by someone, plus we need people to change the boomers nappies and replace their hips etc etc.
immigration without adequate infrastructure will create slum conditions

which is more racist , importing people we can't accommodate in a humane manner ( creating a desperate peasant class ) or restricting migration to those we can accommodate with dignity and equal opportunity

Continued immigration is unsustainable, it benefits billionaires and dumb lazy politicians over the average person.

As you mention, infrastructure is very important. That infrastructure also includes industrial farming, which is inhumane and poor quality food.

I wonder how many people have been to a an industrial pig farm or chicken farm. And now fish farms have taken off, have a think about where all the faeces ends up.

Large populations need lots of food, but we want it cheap, which means 90% of our protein comes from industrial farms. Want to see the consequences of that, have a look at the health issues in the countries that are chasing continual population growth.

We need smarter economists and politicians, ones that are able to think outside the box rather than the easy way of just increasing population.
The ship won’t right itself, in a country that has a birth rate of less than 2 per woman and where the life expectancy keeps rising, the population imbalance between young and old/ workers and retired will permanently be out of balance.
but a ( slightly) shrinking population will take the pressure off the crumbling infrastructure , remember the education system distracts a large amount of the younger work-force there are folks spending 6 to 8 years in university that could have been well on their way to earning their first million ( but accumulated education debt instead )

one could reduce the areas of university education fields available and get some extra workers into the work-force

low birth-rates aren't set in stone ( yet ) they can recover over time ( when couples feel they can support/raise thee-four children adequately ) and maybe the infrastructure bottle-necks can be resolved one the way
I wonder how many people have been to a an industrial pig farm or chicken farm. And now fish farms have taken off, have a think about where all the faeces ends up.
pig farm , no , chicken farms yes which is why i try to allow the farm chickens to range as much as is safe ( for them ) but then i am happy with eggs daily

the biological waste ?? in the sea or back into the recycled water in the city/town water system ( which is another reason i have moved to where i am )
We need smarter economists and politicians, ones that are able to think outside the box rather than the easy way of just increasing population.
smart usually means having confronting and unsettling ideas , thinking 'out of the box ' is routinely suppressed as it may create new leaders (in opposition to the status quo )
but a ( slightly) shrinking population will take the pressure off the crumbling infrastructure , remember the education system distracts a large amount of the younger work-force there are folks spending 6 to 8 years in university that could have been well on their way to earning their first million ( but accumulated education debt instead )

one could reduce the areas of university education fields available and get some extra workers into the work-force

low birth-rates aren't set in stone ( yet ) they can recover over time ( when couples feel they can support/raise thee-four children adequately ) and maybe the infrastructure bottle-necks can be resolved one the way
I think crumbling infrastructure is a bit of a fallacy, we are building more than we ever have.

low birth rates seem to be a global phenomenon, that come about as we educate women, it becomes rarer that women want to have more than two, and some of them only want one or none, and that’s all you need to get a birth rate below 2.
but a ( slightly) shrinking population will take the pressure off the crumbling infrastructure , remember the education system distracts a large amount of the younger work-force there are folks spending 6 to 8 years in university that could have been well on their way to earning their first million ( but accumulated education debt instead )

one could reduce the areas of university education fields available and get some extra workers into the work-force

low birth-rates aren't set in stone ( yet ) they can recover over time ( when couples feel they can support/raise thee-four children adequately ) and maybe the infrastructure bottle-necks can be resolved one the way
And the more migration in. The more horrendous the country, the more people who can leave .aka the valuable ones either rich or educated/entrepreneurs.
A hellish self perpetuating circle
And the people left behind struggle to have anything like their parents lifestyle and do not want to inflict that to a next generation.
And then add the perpetual we are doomed, stop living/enjoying life scheme of global warming
Reproduction is left to the hords on welfare..and I do not even mention religions
But obviously, why would Australia learn from UK, France, Italy or now German and Swedish experiences..
So let's be a good socialist and bring in more migrants
I am sure we are different and it will end up well lol
And the more migration in. The more horrendous the country, the more people who can leave .aka the valuable ones either rich or educated/entrepreneurs.
A hellish self perpetuating circle
yes i have watched that all my adult life ( so is not a new trend )

but that is the mentality of our leaders choose to embrace

worse still is the other trend as exampled in the SBS ' tales from a suitcase ' where migrants with skills have their skills 'down-rated ' and those people move to a different career ( wasting the skills they were imported for )

like the Polish civil engineer that became an interior decorator ( internal building painter to you ) of a biochemist , who went into the childcare business and then on the a news-agency , and finally running a health-food shop , and i have encountered many more stories like that
And the more migration in. The more horrendous the country, the more people who can leave .aka the valuable ones either rich or educated/entrepreneurs.
A hellish self perpetuating circle
And the people left behind struggle to have anything like their parents lifestyle and do not want to inflict that to a next generation.
And then add the perpetual we are doomed, stop living/enjoying life scheme of global warming
Reproduction is left to the hords on welfare..and I do not even mention religions
But obviously, why would Australia learn from UK, France, Italy or now German and Swedish experiences..
So let's be a good socialist and bring in more migrants
I am sure we are different and it will end up well lol
But how do you match that opinion up with the fact that Australia has had constant immigration for 200 years, especially after WW2. Living standards has increased a lot over that time.
And the more migration in. The more horrendous the country, the more people who can leave .aka the valuable ones either rich or educated/entrepreneurs.
A hellish self perpetuating circle
And the people left behind struggle to have anything like their parents lifestyle and do not want to inflict that to a next generation.
And then add the perpetual we are doomed, stop living/enjoying life scheme of global warming
Reproduction is left to the hords on welfare..and I do not even mention religions
But obviously, why would Australia learn from UK, France, Italy or now German and Swedish experiences..
So let's be a good socialist and bring in more migrants
I am sure we are different and it will end up well lol

True. Everything has a tipping point, we may be at that point now due to lazy politicians and greedy individuals getting richer from excessive immigration.

We don't need to keep ramping up immigration numbers to increase a workforce, we should first look at all measures of productivity improvements.

The lazy politicians can't be bothered doing the hard yards to improve productivity, it's not a vote winner.

Immigration should be a tool to improve country and society, and it once was. Now it is being used as a tool to increase demand, demand for products and real estate. Who benefits from that - large corporations that purchase and manufacture cheap products from cheap countries to sell here, they want more turnover, flooding the market and sending our little enterprises out.

I'm all for some immigration, my grandparents and parents came here between 1953 and 1960 from different countries, they had to pay their way and come in legally with skills to offer. Immigration was controlled to benefit the country and all who lived in it.

Now we have all sort of loopholes and guilt trips drip fed to us from social media and self interest gorups.

I hope that the next election will be about control immigration.
But how do you match that opinion up with the fact that Australia has had constant immigration for 200 years, especially after WW2. Living standards has increased a lot over that time.
so has France , albeit some of those migrants came heavily armed ( had a steady stream of migrants )

some other nations have done nicely by restricting migrants like the United Arab Emirates.

but probably a better comparison with us might be Canada ( and possibly a better guide to our future , unless something radical happens )
I hope that the next election will be about control immigration.

more likely talking about it rather than improving the outcomes

too many politicians are captured by donor's interests

the problems have been generated internally , but only external solutions are being offered (taping up broken pipes )
True. Everything has a tipping point, we may be at that point now due to lazy politicians and greedy individuals getting richer from excessive immigration.

We don't need to keep ramping up immigration numbers to increase a workforce, we should first look at all measures of productivity improvements.

The lazy politicians can't be bothered doing the hard yards to improve productivity, it's not a vote winner.

Immigration should be a tool to improve country and society, and it once was. Now it is being used as a tool to increase demand, demand for products and real estate. Who benefits from that - large corporations that purchase and manufacture cheap products from cheap countries to sell here, they want more turnover, flooding the market and sending our little enterprises out.

I'm all for some immigration, my grandparents and parents came here between 1953 and 1960 from different countries, they had to pay their way and come in legally with skills to offer. Immigration was controlled to benefit the country and all who lived in it.

Now we have all sort of loopholes and guilt trips drip fed to us from social media and self interest gorups.

I hope that the next election will be about control immigration.
And I am so obviously an immigrant myself, residency provided after country quotas, minimal requirement in term of skills, age, language, police records, limited selected jobs at the time in demand etc etc and no access to welfare during the first year.
Yeap, needed to bring in + before being able to move in.
Do that, apply settlement location obligations etc etc and migration is good for the country, but as you clearly stated, now it is just a number game favoured by the idiotic left on bleeding heart ignorant reasons and more perversely by some big business interests to undermine salaries and increase demands: RE, consumption.
This is definitively not required now, but yes the status quo has to change, as do the education , taxation and workplace/regulatory framework ..
So we can push the can with migration and all die poor, slaughtered..even the 1% behind their gated communities ..or bite the bullet and transform our society for a non population growth model.
Time to move from teenagehood to maturity.
Low chances
But how do you match that opinion up with the fact that Australia has had constant immigration for 200 years, especially after WW2. Living standards has increased a lot over that time.
Do not play silly, you are more intelligent than that VC.
I do not doubt that
You know very well the differences and why it matters
like the Polish civil engineer that became an interior decorator ( internal building painter to you ) of a biochemist , who went into the childcare business and then on the a news-agency , and finally running a health-food shop , and i have encountered many more stories like that
Last time I used a taxi, an actual taxi not Uber, in casual conversation with the driver it turned out he is, wait for it……..

A doctor.

As in a GP. Driving taxis yes.

Says it all.
Last time I used a taxi, an actual taxi not Uber, in casual conversation with the driver it turned out he is, wait for it……..

A doctor.

As in a GP. Driving taxis yes.

Says it all.
have come across some ( qualified ) automotive engineers driving taxis , the majority of Indian origin

now i can kind of understand that since we killed the car manufacturing industry , but if we ever start making our own cheap EV run-abouts ( and mobility scooters/golf carts ) maybe we will be ahead of the curve for once

but that is not unique , back in the early '70s a cousin went from NZ to study civil engineering at Sydney University , graduated , returned to NZ , and quickly discovered working in the family fish shop-diner was way more profitable ( and that was splitting the profits between the 3 family groups , dad and wife , son and daughter with a husband )

interesting times ahead
Last time I used a taxi, an actual taxi not Uber, in casual conversation with the driver it turned out he is, wait for it……..

A doctor.

As in a GP. Driving taxis yes.

Says it all.
were his Qualifications recognised here yet?

because there is huge shortages of doctors in Australia, it’s one of the job descriptions that is being put at the front of the line for immigration. It’s even making news in the USA, Bloomberg did a story about Australia causing a “Brain Drain” In the UK, as we take their doctors.

apparently there is delays in having their qualifications recognised though.
The ship won’t right itself, in a country that has a birth rate of less than 2 per woman and where the life expectancy keeps rising, the population imbalance between young and old/ workers and retired will permanently be out of balance.
I think you aren't thinking about the fact that societies and civilizations change over time. Just because birth rates are declining now it doesn't mean they cannot or will not ever reverse gear and start increasing in the future. Often times history moves in long cycles.