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Imminent and severe market correction

He's not cheap

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Is it any good ?

No, my quote came directly from and lifted from J S Minesite. So would take it with a grain of sault. The bombardment of conflict both here and on the newswires would indicate huge uncertainty in the minds of most. Maybe the sky is not falling in but just maybe something big is afoot in the financials. The green shoots seem to me to built only on hope and euphoria.

But just my
And the louder you guys protest the higher the Market goes.

It is a thing of beauty :jump:
And the louder you guys protest the higher the Market goes.

It is a thing of beauty

Yep, unbelievable isn't it - could someone pinch me, I'm having a dream but I get the feeling its going to turn into a friggin nightmare

Terry Laundry reckons we're in a strong bull market until August 2010.

The next correction of any significance won't occur until mid October.

Even Mc Hugh (the mega bear) sees only sideways action until the next leg up.

Nice one Uncle!!

It's been hard sitting on the sidelines Calculating how much I could have made by simply holding and not even trading for the past couple of months.

It may be all just a bunch of noise and I may just miss (or already have) out on the chance of a lifetime but in my heart of hearts I just don't buy it!

I am one of the ones one the sidelines with zero debt and enough to buy a house in cash but that is where it will stay until the time is right.

When it all comes crashing down I will be smiling ear to ear baby!

If it keeps going to the moon well than that ****ing sucks and I will have learned a valuable lesson.

Either way I'll still have enough for a house!



Well said Gek - although I have jumped just a little on shares, I'm also holding back and gritting my teeth because of the lost opportunities.

I'm waiting till after October to see what eventuates - if its still hunky dory by November then I might relax & jump in feet first



I have jumped just a little on shares, I'm also holding back and gritting my teeth because of the lost opportunities.

And to think im pissed off because i haven't taken full advantage of the turn around and didn't take enough risks if i had sat on the side lines like u guys id be going for the razorblades about now.
And to think im pissed off because i haven't taken full advantage of the turn around and didn't take enough risks if i had sat on the side lines like u guys id be going for the razorblades about now.

I agree Cynical. Its like a club of mutual support and destruction.

I have taken pretty good advantage and am now almost totally invested.
Some of these guys let politics get in front of their decision making.

The stimulus package has worked, and whether you like Labor or not is besides the question, and as a result the national debt will not be as big as the Libs want us to believe. Yet when I pop my head up I get shot down.

Even if you disagree as traders and investors you should have bought. If
there is a downturn now then those who have will sell for a big profit and buy back lower.

Some good news for you guys, I in my opinion we are getting overbought and there will be small correction soon but not back to where we were.
The stimulus package has worked, and whether you like Labor or not is besides the question, and as a result the national debt will not be as big as the Libs want us to believe.

Yep, just like a bottle of tequila works on the DTs. It remains to be seen what happens in the proverbial morning. It's a bit early to say "it worked".

Agree with the rest of your points, but hindsight is a wonderful thing, isn't it.
Yep, just like a bottle of tequila works on the DTs. It remains to be seen what happens in the proverbial morning. It's a bit early to say "it worked".

Agree with the rest of your points, but hindsight is a wonderful thing, isn't it.

hahahahahahaha. That and the seagul comment were classics!!!!

Soon we can all go home and enjoy some efficient German sex with the wives with all the machine traders around here lately!
Aw come on!

Put me out of my misery.

Where is the seagull comment?
Nothing repeats like history and this is the biggest rally since 1930 and the depression didn't really start until 32 so watch the USD as soon as it goes down hold on for the ride but in the mean time there will be a few highs and lowes
And to think im pissed off because i haven't taken full advantage of the turn around and didn't take enough risks if i had sat on the side lines like u guys id be going for the razorblades about now.

Ok, have your day in the sun lads, but we may still have the last laugh yet. You may yet have to buy those razor blades for yourselves and use them just prior to jumping out of a 20 story building.

And its far too early to tell if KRudd has done anything positive for the economy apart from sh*tn in his own nest.

im a nun , i have contact with the main man

we will hit new lows before this is through and i will be messagin Mrc for details on these german wives whilst i trade whats in front of me in the meantime
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