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Imminent and severe market correction

S&P downgrades on Ford and GM, rumours that Morgan Stanley wouldn"t get the 9 BLN investment from UFJ and rumours that there are 360 BLN worth of Credit Default Swaps maturing tomorrow. All of this on a day when the short- selling ban was lifted .

Thought you only poured scorn on opportunists, now you are one?

Call me an opportunistic INVESTOR, prepared to stay in a troubled market by investing in companies that are sold down past their fundamental value. I am scornfull of those that withdraw support from companies that are serving their shareholders well and producing the wealth that makes this a great country.

For goodness sake this isn't an inspirational Disney movie this is business, they dont make money for any other reason but to make money and neither should you.
From my noob analysis of such things, it looks like both Ford and GM are being priced in for bankruptcy.

I think we all knew it was going to happen sometime, but perhaps not this quickly?

The FT is reporting this morning that the US Treasury might be forced to rush out a bank recapitalization plan after the dramatic fall on Wall Street in the last two hours of trading. US officials were hoping to have some time to finish the plan but analysts said they could be forced to act immediately. The idea is to put capital not just into financial institutions that are on the brink of bankruptcy, but a much wider range of entities that have been weakened by the credit crisis and are responding by pulling back from risk across the board.

doesn't sound like auto-manufacturers... yet ...

The more they try to fix it the worse it gets.
The more they try to fix it the worse it gets.

That's because the more they try to fix *it*, the more people realise HOW FREAKIN' BAD the situation REALLY is...

The more polliticians spruik "I Will Fix This" or "We Are Doing Great", the worse the people's confidence in the system becomes.

IMO it is a crisis of confidence in the current Instamatic Electronic Trading system, where fortunes can be wiped out in a millisecond, with the press of someone's grubby finger...

So, the banks have packed up their bats and gone to skulk in the respective corners.

Game over for now... wonder how long the riot in the spectator stands will go on for?

(See in bold)

Can you put this guarantee on a legal document for me? If so, where do I sign for 1M x BHP
For goodness sake this isn't an inspirational Disney movie this is business, they dont make money for any other reason but to make money and neither should you.

USA were worried about weapons of mass destruction when they are perfectly capable of doing it themselves. I think Nioka is on to something here , Donald Duck should run as an independent candidate for president to replace this Mickey mouse that is running it at present.
I think the US lead international effort of a co-ordinated rate cut has instilled a co-ordinated panic in the markets!

They are actually Guinness, they thought that if they take the world down with them then it won't be bad, they will still be the leader. But if the world somehow sustained itself, they will be wholly screwed. The effect is that USD is still strong, Gold is still under $1000, and Euro which people were hinting as an alternate to USD is stuffed.

I think, if the things get much worse, the big plan of a centralized bank for the world, can become a reality in the next decade. I, for one, am ready for one world currency (whatever that maybe Not GOLD though).
Obviously there are some serious problems with the global economic system. But does anyone else think that the Media are in no way helping, and in many ways amplifying the hysteria and fear. I know bad news sells - but they are like a pack of sharks jumping on anything that is bad and beating down anyone who has anything positive to say.
anyone who wants to start a rumour just has to send an email to News Media or post it on UTube (where most of our news comes from these days!). Now is the time for some positive spin for a change - it might have been fun to sell down the market at the beginning - but its not hurting the fat cats that started this whole mess - just my family and yours, cousins, parents, and friends.
Like my Mum always says - if you don't have anything nice to say - then don't say anything! Media and Mr Bernaki please take note!

My media exposure is limited to Bloomberg, and to be honest i thought that they seemed to be a bit in denial about the whole thing. If you are seeing doom and gloom in the media now then maybe its another sign that the market is near capitualtion? Food for thought?


CNBC has been like that for weeks now.

Cynical as all hell, and for once, actually pretty accurate about the general situation and market climate IMO.

So want more lies, more fairy tales. The financial system which was built on unprecedented credit expansion, false reporting, and advertising spin is collapsing like the ponzi scheme is it. Don't blame the media now that they are finally reporting some semblance of what the true situation is. I feel for anyone who has lost money out of this. It's terrible. The media are more to blame for keeping people in the dark. No trace of true investigative journalism, just shallow profit and loss reporting while they take easy advertising dollars from the financial industry. I spent the best part of a year urging other people to get out of the market, set up private super, and only one person took the advice. Everyone else was plugged into the mass media Bullsh*t machine. The blue pill or the red pill folks? Which one do you want?
I took a screen shot to save a memento of this occasion. I honestly did not think i would see the index's at these levels so quickly. History in the making.



  • could this be the bottom.PNG
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if the S+P is going to bounce... via another gov. initiative or three... this might be as good a place as any??



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  • pic35.gif
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if the S+P is going to bounce... via another gov. initiative or three... this might be as good a place as any??


Indeed... but I think they are afraid to get too involved in 'Secret Mens Business' in 'Sacred Wall Street'.
I completely agree. I also feel there must be many commentators/financial planners who are running for cover now. For many months they ridiculed anyone suggesting it would be wise to sell and protect capital. Easy enough to buy back in when confidence returns. "Just locking in losses", they said as far back as the beginning of this year. Kept on saying it.

I did a rough calculation on the stocks I sold at the beginning of January, comparing their sale value then with what they were worth today.
Even if that resulting differential capital amount earned no interest, it would sustain my annual cost of living for about ten years!
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