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IG no stop losses for ASX?

29 December 2020
Hi all,

Noob trader here. I work a full time job and was trying to teach myself how to swing trade on the side. I did a whole lot of research into which trading platform would be best to trade asx shares. I finally settled on ig as I like their analysis and ui + lowish fees for small account/trades.

Anyway finally tried to buy and find that stop losses are not available? They are in the demo account.. Does anyone know why this would be? Anyway as I am not watching the charts all day they are kind of essential..

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks Ben
Thans for your reply Joules @ Joules MM1,

I remember seeing and playing with the stop losses when i was using the demo acount which is based on there CFD platform. Howeer now i hae a stock trading account with real money in it trying to trade ASX shares I am unable to use stop losses? I hae no idea why they would remove this functionality on a paid Account? Do you use IG? I prefer the interface and charting etc on IG but do not want to trade leveraged or CFDs..

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