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I got really drunk at a work Xmas party, will I be fired?

This is very interesting actually.

I don't drink - haven't for about 6 years (I'm mid 20s mind you). But it is the worst. The absolute worst.

I'll go out with friends from work or friends of friends. They'll drink. I'll get a soda. They'll say "why don't you drink"...I'll say "oh I just don't"...this breaks down in 3 ways
- They think it's religious and try and delve deeper
- They think it's a 'my body is a temple' and rib me
- They think it's because I'm self righteous and anti drinking

It's actually none of the above. I just don't. Have nothing against people that do (until they get too loud/obnoxious/touchy) but on the whole I'll go out and still have a good time all night. But people don't get it - to Australians (well young Australians) it's incomprehensible to think that another young person doesn't like to get 'sloshed'. Europeans get it - they're a lot more reserved...
We have great work party's, the girls get all dolled up we all get sloshed and the boss pays for everything, we flirt, we drink, we fall over and talk nights.

Right, I'm giving up retirement! How do I get a job like this? I'm in!
Great post JTLP, though I wouldnt say its the worst. I never cared, not then or now.

I think the company you keep would play a role in it as well, as none of my friends were drinkers either, one or two drinks if that.
We knew how to have fun without being intoxicated.
Just my opinion.
We have great work party's, the girls get all dolled up we all get sloshed and the boss pays for everything, we flirt, we drink, we fall over and talk nights.
Have one of those evenings one before election day and you'll find the day itself much less painful.

I think the drinkers and the non drinkers tend to polarize anyway.

I always hung out at the bar at our Australian was always where the best jokes and lies were being told!

To each their own....we need more designated drivers these days!

Well our parties had drinking too but we danced.

Listening to someone dribbling while they are drunk is not fun - yes, each to their own.
Its only been one day. I could get fired tomorrow. Though in he insight it was only mostly young people around and the only boss was under 35 and we were at a pub after hours so I'm probably just stressing.
It amazes me how employees will take advantage of a business like this. Theft incenses me...why do people take advantage of their situation in employment to steal from the business?


Not hard to tell you're all rich people.

I can here wanting to learn to invest in shares. Learned nothing, got trolled instead.

Actually the stock I wanted to invest in ... ......... woulda made a motza by now.

The secret is : be happy with you got. And : Never try.

Stopped drinking at 26 now 58.
Didn't like the wasted weekends and the headaches.

Never been a problem on a social level.
I always get the driving or responsible position on the night!
And sorting out the idiots as the nights get later fortunately
The older I get the less I have to deal with.

If you want to be taken seriously, it probably wouldn't hurt if you put a little effort into trying to improve your literacy levels.
The secret is : be happy with you got. And : Never try.

“You tried your best and failed miserably. The lesson is: never try.”
Homer Simpson quotes (Fictional character from the animated television series created by Matt Groening, The Simpsons.)
“You tried your best and failed miserably. The lesson is: never try.”
Homer Simpson quotes (Fictional character from the animated television series created by Matt Groening, The Simpsons.)

I read it differently. By "never try" I thought he meant "don't be a try-hard", which is great advice. The harder you try, the more useless bits of info you cram into your head and onto your screen, the more your account shrinks!
This says much about your companions and something a lot better about you.
But people don't get it - to Australians (well young Australians) it's incomprehensible to think that another young person doesn't like to get 'sloshed'. Europeans get it - they're a lot more reserved...

Some Europeans get it, mainly the ones from the Southern Europe that don't have the drinking culture. But Northern/Eastern/Central Europeans are way bigger drinkers than Australians. The British take binge drinking to a new level. There's a reason places like Norway charge $18-$20 for a beer.

A lot of Europeans don't get loud when they get drunk, but they're still hammered.

I had some Germans here last week, took them out on the Harbour, they were blind drunk by the end of the night but they remained pretty composed.
I have nothing against people who drink ...

But don't come looking for sympathy if you suffer from Depression and you drink!!
That is pretty evil. I guess employers are just bad people...

Spot on Magoo! Employers are horrible people whom recklessly expose themselves to risk of financial ruin just so that they can pay decent people like you and I a taxable income thereby depriving us of our rightful places on the dole queue!!

I do so miss my cardboard box on the roadside near the soup kitchen, now thanks to the actions of those evil people I'm unlikely to enjoy such an effluent lifestyle ever again!
... thereby depriving us of our rightful places on the dole queue!! ... !

This Christmas the Gov'mint has promised to shorten the dole queue!
You will be asked to stand closer together.
If companies sacked the people who got drunk and mouthed off a bit a Christmas parties they's hardly have any employees left. I can't remember a Christmas party where this didn't happen. I think your job is safe Mrmagoo.
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