Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

I got really drunk at a work Xmas party, will I be fired?

It's alright. If I get fired it just means I'll be unemployable. So I'll just have to become a teacher.
Hmm...this is my last christmas party before I retire in Jan. Wonder how pissed i'll get. As my christmas parties are employees only, no spouses, and are over at 6:30pm sharp, I normally have her meet in town after and we use that as a good excuse to go to the casino and have a good night out.

Congrats on the upcoming retirement, believe you me being retired is great and I don't miss any of the work parties. Sounds like you're going to have a good night out with your partner, good on ya mate, have a good one.:alcohol:
In my job we pretty much have to drink :p:
Prawn, as I understand it, you're in your first job. Always seems important at such an early stage in your career to be 'one of the bunch'.
Hopefully, in a few years time, you might discover that having a principle of not getting drunk or necessarily drinking alcohol at work functions can be a source of admiration for your independence.

On the thread topic, having fun is good. But making an idiot of onself is just stupid imo.
Nothing sillier than a drunk.
Hopefully, in a few years time, you might discover that having a principle of not getting drunk or necessarily drinking alcohol at work functions can be a source of admiration for your independence.

I have a mate whose job is pretty much to take out clients and get them drunk. His "lunches" start around 12 and sometimes don't wrap up until 7-8pm. This is pretty much every day. Not surprisingly, he's not in the best shape.

His entertainment allowance is big. $80-90k/year.
I have a mate whose job is pretty much to take out clients and get them drunk. His "lunches" start around 12 and sometimes don't wrap up until 7-8pm. This is pretty much every day. Not surprisingly, he's not in the best shape.

His entertainment allowance is big. $80-90k/year.

Yeah, in Asia its pretty much a given that your budget has an element of entertainment in it that is much bigger then most Western business. Dinner, lots of Chinese spirits followed by KTV and more spirits. The sales guys take a beating from it too.

Surely they must get sick of it.

Here though, its the Chinese New Year parties where they get carried away....literally most of the time.

Prawn, as I understand it, you're in your first job. Always seems important at such an early stage in your career to be 'one of the bunch'.
Hopefully, in a few years time, you might discover that having a principle of not getting drunk or necessarily drinking alcohol at work functions can be a source of admiration for your independence.

Check out McLovin and CanOz's responses. When you are out with clients (which thankfully isnt a weekly thing for me) then you generally do what they want, which usually involes drinking.

Cant say my entertainment budget is anywhere near 90k though :eek:
Prawn, I don't mind what you do. Neither is it any of my business what friends of other members do.
But after many years of obligatory socialising I've seen more good business done in an atmosphere of a couple of glasses of a good wine with an excellent meal than in all the heavy boozing put together.

Just maybe remember that alcohol is very much a disinhibitor (as Magoo is now worrying) and any factor that reduces your control can put you at a disadvantage.

Try an experiment. Go to your usual outings where you usually drink. Elect to have something other than alcohol.
Depending, of course, on the maturity of your companions, I doubt any of them will consider you unacceptable company.
Prawn, I don't mind what you do. Neither is it any of my business what friends of other members do.
But after many years of obligatory socialising I've seen more good business done in an atmosphere of a couple of glasses of a good wine with an excellent meal than in all the heavy boozing put together.

Just maybe remember that alcohol is very much a disinhibitor (as Magoo is now worrying) and any factor that reduces your control can put you at a disadvantage.

Try an experiment. Go to your usual outings where you usually drink. Elect to have something other than alcohol.
Depending, of course, on the maturity of your companions, I doubt any of them will consider you unacceptable company.

Julia is correct.
I am very wary of drinking too much especially with clients as can be prone to loosening of tongue.
I like one or two only. You will find many will not drink at all. You are among work collegues and maybe clients, not friends.
I've been at many a staff Christmas Party where the main interest of management is in observing the behaviour of their employees.
This can make or break a candidate's chances of promotion.
Loose lips sink ships.

I and my P/A are all ears and eyes.
I learn more at and after Xmas parties than at any other time.
My P/A has excellent results in identifying loyal and trusted

As a result after cutting the place in half with staff
over 50% that remain have been with me for 5 + Years.

Some of the strories I hear!
Loose lips sink ships.

I and my P/A are all ears and eyes.
I learn more at and after Xmas parties than at any other time.
My P/A has excellent results in identifying loyal and trusted

As a result after cutting the place in half with staff
over 50% that remain have been with me for 5 + Years.

Some of the strories I hear!

That is pretty evil. I guess employers are just bad people.

PS. I didn't get fired. No one seemed to notice or care about me.
That is pretty evil. I guess employers are just bad people.

PS. I didn't get fired. No one seemed to notice or care about me.

Why is that evil.

The inside ring of theft exposed 2 yrs ago was evil
The use of fuel cards for cigarettes and morning teas was evil.
The use of company cars/trucks and machines without permission is evil.
The back dooring of projects is evil.

All found through loose lips!

I guess " every employee is an angel "

Your situation is harmless in my view provided it was kept in-house.
Why is that evil.

The inside ring of theft exposed 2 yrs ago was evil
The use of fuel cards for cigarettes and morning teas was evil.
The use of company cars/trucks and machines without permission is evil.
The back dooring of projects is evil.

All found through loose lips!

I guess " every employee is an angel "

Your situation is harmless in my view provided it was kept in-house.

It amazes me how employees will take advantage of a business like this. Theft incenses me:banghead:...why do people take advantage of their situation in employment to steal from the business:confused:?

The boss ---- he can afford it ----- right?
After all without us he'd be nothing ----- right?
Hell Ive earned it ---- right?
What he doesn't know wont hurt him ------ right?
I got a family to support ------ right?
We gotta look after each other ----- right?
I'm worth way more than I'm paid ---- right?
That is pretty evil. I guess employers are just bad people.
There are two sides to every story.

I don't doubt that there are nasty employers out there but there are some nasty workers too. Work in any large organisation for a while and you'll start "pigeon holing" staff.

1. Those who do only what they have to in order to remain employed.

2. Those who do their jobs as they are supposed to without much fuss.

3. Those who go out of their way to make things happen.

There are good workers and there are duds. :2twocents
I've been at many a staff Christmas Party where the main interest of management is in observing the behaviour of their employees.
This can make or break a candidate's chances of promotion.

Knowing the mentality of management and the culture of your employer/industry is crucial. Where I work, you’re better off being the first to party and last to leave rather than sitting in the corner. It’s a little like high school – much better off being one of the cool kids than sitting quietly in the corner.

If you’re one of ‘us’ you get more exposure to senior management and better promotion opportunities. You should drink and you should talk about football.

If you’re out with clients, you should drink with them (at least until their too drunk to notice you’ve slowed down) and whatever they drink… whether it’s beer or shots of vodka.
Knowing the mentality of management and the culture of your employer/industry is crucial. Where I work, you’re better off being the first to party and last to leave rather than sitting in the corner. It’s a little like high school – much better off being one of the cool kids than sitting quietly in the corner.

If you’re one of ‘us’ you get more exposure to senior management and better promotion opportunities. You should drink and you should talk about football.

If you’re out with clients, you should drink with them (at least until their too drunk to notice you’ve slowed down) and whatever they drink… whether it’s beer or shots of vodka.

I second everything you have said. In certain industries management are usually the ones who end up the most wasted ;)
We have great work party's, the girls get all dolled up we all get sloshed and the boss pays for everything, we flirt, we drink, we fall over and talk nights.