Prawn, I don't mind what you do. Neither is it any of my business what friends of other members do.
But after many years of obligatory socialising I've seen more good business done in an atmosphere of a couple of glasses of a good wine with an excellent meal than in all the heavy boozing put together.
Just maybe remember that alcohol is very much a disinhibitor (as Magoo is now worrying) and any factor that reduces your control can put you at a disadvantage.
Try an experiment. Go to your usual outings where you usually drink. Elect to have something other than alcohol.
Depending, of course, on the maturity of your companions, I doubt any of them will consider you unacceptable company.
This is very interesting actually.
I don't drink - haven't for about 6 years (I'm mid 20s mind you). But it is the worst. The absolute worst.
I'll go out with friends from work or friends of friends. They'll drink. I'll get a soda. They'll say "why don't you drink"...I'll say "oh I just don't"...this breaks down in 3 ways
- They think it's religious and try and delve deeper
- They think it's a 'my body is a temple' and rib me
- They think it's because I'm self righteous and anti drinking
It's actually none of the above. I just don't. Have nothing against people that do (until they get too loud/obnoxious/touchy) but on the whole I'll go out and still have a good time all night. But people don't get it - to Australians (well young Australians) it's incomprehensible to think that another young person doesn't like to get 'sloshed'. Europeans get it - they're a lot more reserved...