Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

I got really drunk at a work Xmas party, will I be fired?

Cheers. Time to build the beach house and freshen up my fishing techniques.

Congrats on the upcoming retirement, believe you me being retired is great and I don't miss any of the work parties. Sounds like you're going to have a good night out with your partner, good on ya mate, have a good one.:alcohol:
now thanks to the actions of those evil people I'm unlikely to enjoy such an effluent lifestyle ever again!
I seriously hope you mean "affluent" not "effluent" as the two are entirely different......

As for drinking in general, I'm not big on it (never have been) but I'm not against it. That said, it's an undeniably a significant health hazard when done to excess - not a lot different to smoking or eating junk food really apart from the social aspect of it.

The thing I really don't "get" about it though is that when people suffer health problems due to heavy drinking, for example depression is the obvious one, they usually seek to return to a "reasonable" level of drinking as soon as possible. I've seen more than one person do that and social pressure seems to be the reason "everybody drinks, right?".

In contrast, people who have a heart attack tend to quit smoking just like that. They also tend to find no real difficulty in keeping away from unhealthy food etc either. And many heavy drinkers steer well clear of cigarettes and anything fried.

As a society I do think we have massive denial about alcohol. I'm not against it, but I can certainly see how it causes harm.

Back to the Christmas party however, now that it's been mentioned that it was not on company premises and was after hours, I can't see a problem with it at all unless you did something really silly with someone you shouldn't have. :2twocents

Stopped drinking at 26 now 58.
Didn't like the wasted weekends and the headaches.

Never been a problem on a social level.
I always get the driving or responsible position on the night!
And sorting out the idiots as the nights get later fortunately
The older I get the less I have to deal with.

Good to hear. My close friends/known me for years don't care. It's work people & agencies that we work with that ask questions. Most are harmless but it becomes tiresome.

Good on you though and I echo your sentiments on the responsibility aspect!

This says much about your companions and something a lot better about you.

Thanks Julia :eek:. As I wrote to Tech/A - close friends get it - more acquantince types don't.

Some Europeans get it, mainly the ones from the Southern Europe that don't have the drinking culture. But Northern/Eastern/Central Europeans are way bigger drinkers than Australians. The British take binge drinking to a new level. There's a reason places like Norway charge $18-$20 for a beer.

A lot of Europeans don't get loud when they get drunk, but they're still hammered.

I had some Germans here last week, took them out on the Harbour, they were blind drunk by the end of the night but they remained pretty composed.

True I should have clarified. Thanks for pointing that out. I also agree with Euro's compisition - they seem to hold it together a lot better in public (well from my few years of experience anyway...)
Good on you, JTLP, for doing what you want to do and not letting pressure choose your lifestyle.

Agree Smurf, good post.
I seriously hope you mean "affluent" not "effluent" as the two are entirely different......

Yes - there certainly is! Isn't it wonderful how the merest alteration in spelling can result in a reverse alchemical transmutation of gold into faeces?
Many current day professionals (financial advisers, economists, treasurers etc.) are proving to be remarkably adept in the application of this skill.

I often mourn the fact that we live in a society that often fails to differentiate between the two substances, and hence the appropriate direction of transmutation.

However, I am digressing from the topic at hand. So I shall save my further ruminations for a more pertinent thread.