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House prices to keep falling for years

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great work Gfresh, its a very interesting situation and relies on the savings being made,

after Yr1 for renter things also slowly change as rent increases, sure not a heap but it does creep,

in both techniques, buying or renting the discipline is crucial and those on the rent should be killing it at the moment with rents so low,

over a 20-30yr period both are on the stash and thats what i look for because its really only around the corner


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I find it amusing that the one thing that people are saying is saving our house prices from the fate shared by other countries is a lack of supply when compared to demand...which might be true, fair enough.

Except now the Government prop of $24,000 for the next 150,000 new first home owners simply = a $3.6bn bailout to the property developers. You gotta be kidding me. They say the only thing that saving us is lack of supply so you wanna prop up the supply?!
Cant see much of a shortage

The number of new listings advertised across the market nationally during the last week has again increased, cementing the fact that vendor confidence has well and truly improved following six consecutive weeks of new listings increases. Over the last week, 15,610 new properties were advertised for sale which sees new listings now sit well above the 12 month average.



gotta spread the love sinner, cant just have the car industry, farmers and other manufacturers always getting the handout

Actually robots, in my opinion, those are the only people that should be getting handouts.

Keeping manufacturing and commodities skills (i.e. productivity) in the country is essential to stop us from ending up in the same situation as the US (although we are obviously well on our way) where now almost everyone is a consumer and the whole economy revolves around the consumer.

Obviously it's not so clear cut but you can't deny the trend.

There is already the Howard govs perpetual home owners grant (aka bailout) of $10k, Rudds finite package is just a cash injection into a market that needs to fall.

The building industry and all the industrys that supply the products to them is absolutely huge
The building industry and all the industrys that supply the products to them is absolutely huge

I really don't want to appear like I'm harping on, just wanted to link an article really.

But despite the truth in what you say, you also have to consider that we can't exactly export a glut of houses to developing nations like we can with extra grain or other commods.

Even if we all believe in robots view that there is still a housing boom (or at least not a bust) going on then why oh why would you want to push the last of our industries which is in said good shape into oversupply territory?
Robots, rent does not always go up, have a look at past recessions etc and you will see decreases in rent or sideways for a long time.

Not too sure where robots gets his/her data from but this is some infor from RP data which uses, I understand, Vic Gov sales data.
Median Sales Price

St Kilda

median price

Sep-08 $328,750
Aug-08 $360,000
Jul-08 $396,000
Jun-08 $350,000
May-08 $354,000
Apr-08 $405,500
Mar-08 $423,000
Feb-08 $365,000
Jan-08 $463,000
Dec-07 $420,000
Nov-07 $380,000
Oct-07 $380,750

So where is the 14%+ increase in St Kilda which robots espouses? Evidence and clarification please
An article from Bloomberg
Dont think this is positive
George Soros is predicting a drop of house prices by 90% in USa ( same here) he did not realise how bad this could get and has admitted it is much bigger than he ever thought it could get to.
Try this:
GM share are worth $0 are here we are trying to support the cars industry.
This is moving so quickly it is like some one has a sore throat, gets worse, goes to bed, goes to Hospital at 3AM and is dead the next night
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