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GTP - Great Southern Plantations

Re: Great Southern Plantations

Who said anything about being short term orientated? Some stocks trend upward for years on end and I'm happy to stick with them as long as they continue doing so, if I'm fortunate enough to be aboard them.

I'm not trying to give lessons any more than you are. Like you, I'm simply expressing my views, which are that buying downtrending stocks is a recipe for disaster for many investors.
If you've managed to defy the odds by making this strategy work for you, then good on you. But that doesn't alter the fact that uptrending stocks are a better choice than downtrending stocks for most investors.
For every person I've spoken to who claims to have done well by buying downtrending stocks, I've spoken to probably five or six others who readily admit they came unstuck by using this strategy.

You don't see any point in continuing to post here? Good, because I don't see any point in you continuing to post either if the best you can do is get on your high horse and start big noting yourself just because you happen to disagree with someones opinions.
If that's what you offer this forum then we're probably better off without you.

Jackob said:
Well said, Bunyip. I highly appreciate your comments.

I also would like to know what good reading materials you would recommend for learning how to recognise uptrending stocks.

Many thanks.


Most of the reading material I'd recommend has already been mentioned on this forum at one time or another.
Rather than repeat it here, I'll PM you.


Thank you for the book list for reading.

The present GTP situation looks really bad. Breaking through the $2.66 support does imply a continuation of the downward trends in the medium term. The huge turnover of 6.5 million shares last Friday indicates possible involvement by institutions... Let's wait and see what would happen tomorrow and next week.

Look luck to every one!

GTP is still tumbling and no sign says it will stop soon.

For those still holding GTP shares, I would like to recommend the following post by bunyip 4 days ago.

Cheers. Good luck!

Those GTP shorts of yours must be showing some fairly decent gains by now eh Jackob?
Lucky you. Well no...not lucky - shorting a downtrending stock like GTP is good management, not good luck.

Hi Bunyip,

I sensed the GTP's MIS business was unsustainable 2 years ago. Regrettably no one believed me. I shorted GTP twice before, one won and the other lost. This time is a third time lucky.

I still regard the whole MIS business is very fragile and GTP is the most vulnerable due to its business model. The unsustainable nature is slowly unfolding.

Happy trading!
3 veiws of a secret said:
GTPGB also under the hammer, boy am I glad I sold out!!!


GTP has put in a bit of a rally in the last two days. But in a downtrending stock, rallies tend to be short lived because they're met with increased selling pressure from holders of the stock who are hurting and wishing they bailed out some time ago. They see the rally as an opportunity to sell out for a better price, and it's this selling pressure that causes the rally to end and the downtrend to resume.
I suspect that this is what's about to happen with GTP....further downside to come. No guarantees of course, but that's the most likely probability.
Todays Doji adds some weight to this probablility.

eddievanhalen said:
does exist as a convertible note. Generally a "G" after the share code indicates a convertible note.



Righto, thanks Ed.....I've learnt something new.

Sorry If I sound smart ,but I'm still glad I'm OUT!,its a case of take your money and run!,my profit somebodies gain? :remybussi

3 veiws of a secret said:
Sorry If I sound smart ,but I'm still glad I'm OUT!,its a case of take your money and run!,my profit somebodies gain? :remybussi




The MIS industry is fragile but GTP's valuation is moving now very close to NTA which therefore assumes no value in the MIS business going forward.

Timbercorp has a better management than GTP but GTP's strong point is its sales force and its ability to sell product.
An opporuntity exists with GTP as it produced a GAP down. Gaps always get filled so you could expect it to hit 3.05 in the near future. It will be interesting to see.
Sorry I can't cut and paste my charts as i use Power Etrade. The two gaps i speak of occured on the 19/06 (only a small gap), and then again on the 17/07. Any OHLC or candle chart will show you this.

Can anyone else show this chart?
Check out my new Thread on Gaps. Got an reply and good link, it explains it very well. Still wondering if anybody trades this way though. Seems you have to be careful in identifying the type of GAP before entering a position which makes good sense.
CanOz said:
An opporuntity exists with GTP as it produced a GAP down. Gaps always get filled so you could expect it to hit 3.05 in the near future. It will be interesting to see.

Ok, here is a chart for anybody interested.

Firstly gaps do not always get filled, and there are various types of gaps, I have just started trying to trade these after my daily scan brings up an opportunity.

I would be looking for a selling opportunity after this rally ends


  • GTP.png
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