Southdown Magnetite Project Prefeasibility Study
Southdown Project, Western Australia
• The Prefeasibility Study identifies a reduced-capital development option for the Southdown
Magnetite Project (anticipated to deliver reductions in capital spend from A$2.9B down to
• It focuses on a production rate of 5 million tonnes per annum of high-quality magnetite
concentrate at 69.5 % Fe, which attracts a significant price premium in the market.
• The concentrator design utilises dry grinding technology to improve efficiency and reduce power
and water demand, while still achieving a high-quality product.
• The reduced water demand can be met with a combination of ground water and recycled water.
• Early works are underway to confirm the potential of power supply via a transmission line to
connect to the Southwest Interconnected System at Muja, in order to access significant
renewable energy through a 3rd party provider.
• Studies indicate Cape size vessels can be loaded in King George Sound using transhipment
• Work is underway to seek revisions to current environmental approvals for the new aspects of
the project, with a new approval required for the transhipping operation.
The material in this ASX release is not and does not constitute an offer, invitation or recommendation to subscribe for, or
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The Prefeasibility Study referred to in this ASX release has been undertaken for the purpose of initial evaluation of a potential
development option for the Southdown Magnetite Project in Western Australia. It is a preliminary technical and economic
study of the potential viability of the Southdown Project, completed to a level of accuracy of +/- 25%. Further work will be
required to improve the accuracy and reduce the technical, financial, environmental and stakeholder risks related to this
development option.
Registered Office: 34a Alexander Street, Burnie, Tasmania 7320 page 2 of 13
Grange Resources Limited (ASX:GRR) (Grange) is pleased to announce that a Prefeasibility Study
(PFS 2022) has been completed to assess capital reduction options for the Southdown
Magnetite Project (Southdown or the Project).
A Definitive Feasibility Study completed in 2012 (DFS 2012, see ASX announcement May 2012)
defined a project to produce 10 million tonnes per annum (mtpa) of high-grade magnetite
concentrate at 69.5% iron, over a potential mine life of 14 years.
PFS 2022, completed in February 2022, has identified a reduced-capital development option.
This involves a smaller 5mtpa concentrate production operation within the constraints of
existing mineral resources and ore reserves; and is anticipated to deliver reductions in capital
spend from A$2.9B down to A$1.39B. This alternative case extends the life of mine from 14
years to 28 years for the western zone, and potentially more than 50 years for the total resource
(see Project Details below). It is planned to be a pit to port operation involving:
• an open cut mine with contract mining
• a concentrator including dry grinding and wet separation techniques
• slurry and return water pipelines from/to the Port at Albany
• a transhipping operation to export concentrate in Cape size vessels
• a transmission line for power supply by a 3rd party to access a significant component of
renewable energy
• a mix of recycled and groundwater to supply reduced water needs.
The 10mtpa DFS 2012 remains the base option, and the decision as to whether the alternative
option is further studied to definitive feasibility will be an issue considered together by the joint
venture partners.
Commenting on the results of PFS 2022, Grange CEO Mr Honglin Zhao stated:
“PFS 2022 considers innovation in the process to enable a reduction in the capital
required to enable the project to proceed.
Southdown is a world-class magnetite deposit that is becoming increasingly relevant as
steel markets continue to demand premium iron ore products. At almost 70% iron
content, Southdown’s concentrate product will be one of the highest-grade seaborne
iron ores in the world.”
Project Summary
• Southdown is an advanced project with excess of A$180m spent to date on drilling,
test work, land acquisition, permitting and engineering studies.
• The project has defined Mineral Resources of more than 1.2 billion tonnes at 33.7%
DTR, and Ore Reserves of 388 million tonnes at 35.6% DTR, prepared in accordance
with JORC 2012 (see ASX announcement February 2014).
Registered Office: 34a Alexander Street, Burnie, Tasmania 7320 page 3 of 13
• DFS 2012 was completed in April 2012 based on a design to produce at a nominal rate
of 10mtpa of concentrate at a premium quality specification of 69.5% Fe, which
attracts a significant price premium in the market.
• PFS 2022 was completed in February 2022 based on a design to produce at a nominal
rate of 5mtpa of concentrate, with a mine life of 28 years within the current permitted
area, with potential to extend to more than 50 years.
• PFS 2022 generates an NPV of A$243 million at a nominal discount rate of 10%, and an
ungeared internal rate of return (IRR) of 12%, based on average price assumptions from
long term forecasts of US$102.52/tonne FOB Albany, at an AUD:USD exchange rate of
$0.71. By comparison, an NPV of A$2,071 would be achieved based on the average
realised 65% index prices over past three years.
• Initial capital expenditure is estimated at A$1.39 billion and sustaining capex at A$203
• C1 operating costs are estimated at A$60.61 per tonne of concentrate delivered at the
ships rail in Albany, with an all-in sustaining cost of A$84.12.
• All primary environmental approvals are in place and being maintained in good stead
for the existing DFS 2012, with a revision of the existing land-side approval in
preparation to include the new aspects, and a new approval required for the marine
transhipment operations.
• All land required for the DFS 2012 project site, slurry and water pipelines has been
secured, with negotiations progressing to secure new areas identified in PFS 2022
• Aboriginal heritage issues have been successfully resolved or in progress for DFS 2012,
with engagement ongoing in relation to new areas and sites identified in PFS 2022.
Detailed Project Information for the 5mtpa Alternative Development Option
Just 90km from Albany in Western Australia's Great Southern region, Southdown is a joint
venture (JV) between Grange (70%) and SRT Australia Pty Ltd (30%). SRT is jointly owned by
the Sojitz Corporation, a Japanese global trading company, and Kobe Steel, the third largest
Japanese steel maker.
The Southdown Magnetite Project is an advanced project with more than 1.2 billion tonnes of
high-quality mineral resources, including ore reserves of 388Mt. A Definitive Feasibility Study
completed in 2012 (DFS 2012, see ASX announcement May 2012) defined a project to produce
10 million tonnes per annum (mtpa) of high-grade magnetite concentrate at 69.5% iron, over
a potential mine life of 14 years.
In February 2022 Grange completed a prefeasibility level study into an alternative
development option based on a reduction of the nominal concentrate production rate to
Registered Office: 34a Alexander Street, Burnie, Tasmania 7320 page 4 of 13
5mtpa. DFS 2012 is the base case option for the JV.
Grange recognises and respect the Traditional Owners of this Country and their connection to
the lands, waters and skies. Grange would like to acknowledge the support and assistance of
the Wagyl Kaip and Southern Noongar Native Title claimants, and the Menang people in the
development to date of the Southdown Project.
Grange would like to thank and acknowledge that the following organisations were engaged
in the Grange’s development of the PFS 2022:
• Wood (principal and process), and its subconsultant GHD (non-process infrastructure),
• Ausenco (pipeline),
• BMT (marine),
• Snowden Optiro (mining)
• and many specialists in individual areas.
The Project is located ~90km northeast of Albany in the southwest corner of Western
Australia. The Southdown deposit extends approximately 12km in length, under Mining
Lease (M70/1309) and Retention Licence (R70/61) covering an area of more than 120 square
kilometres on largely freehold farming property.
Figure 1: Southdown Magnetite Project Location
Registered Office: 34a Alexander Street, Burnie, Tasmania 7320 page 5 of 13
Mineral Resource & Ore Reserve
The Project contains a total resource of 1.25 Bt of magnetite ore grading at Davis Tube Recovery
(DTR) of 33.7%. This resource has been defined using geological boundaries and a cut-off grade
of 10 weight percent Davis Tube Concentrate (DTC) and includes minor internal dilution. A
resource statement prepared in accordance with JORC 2012 has been declared for the Project.
The mineral resource consists of alternating bands of magnetite hosted in clinopyroxene and
primary quartz located within SDJV mining lease, M70/1309 and Exploration Licence R70/61
(see ASX announcement, 28 February 2014).
The metallurgical plant has been designed to achieve 69.5% Fe in the final concentrate (see ASX
announcement, April 2012).
part of a much larger document
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